This is Bocchi, she has many friends

This is Bocchi, she has many friends.
Please be her friend

No way.

Is this Sento man or whatever the manga about the single father and his daughter?


I'm a terrible friend, she wouldn't want me.
Just like everyone else.

Sure, let's be friends.

Does she actually have friends?

Don't worry, just get in her class, and she won't have a choice.

You're thinking of Sekiya Asami who does lewd lolis. Would you like to see Bocchi in sexual situations?

Lolis are not for lewd, unless they're lewd lolis who do the lewding themselves.

She looks dumb, so no.

Loli JC are for being your girlfriends.

Lolis don't make for good operator waifus, they don't have muscles and they can't even smoke. Not good girlfriend material.

But they don't look anything alike

Remembering the face of irrelevant lolis is impossible.



Would bochi be friends with the evil bocchi from the mitsuboshi colors?

Bocchi will be friends with everyone. She will make evil Bocchi good.

I thought evil Bocchi killed loser Bocchi?

Ok Bocchi, I'll be your friend

Tond of them!

only if she suck my dick

Wanna be friend

Loser make the best friend

Best girl

I need to save more images of her

They're like Tomoko and Yoshida if Tomoko wasn't such a cunt and Yoshida wasn't autistic.

I wish I were as cool as her.




I'll be her friend once her anime becomes better than the superior Colors.

lolibitch, millennial sons are trash.


I won't be bocchi's friend until she gets an anime!

JS Bocchi > JC Bocchi

JS > JC in general

JC have sexier hips and cute little buds.

Evil Bocchi is garbage.

I love JC's attributes too, but JS has the edge with their perfect DFC and tummies.

You're garbage, user.

>Bocchi and Evil Bocchi
Bocchi was the Evil Bocchi all along.

Nako is the best. She seems like the type i would be great friends with.

Nako is a cunt.
Luckily she's out of shape, so she'd be easy to beat up.

Shut up loser, you're not fooling anyone.

What is Bocchi thinking about?

my dick

Is that why she's so depressed?

He flashed his dick but it's so small that Bocchi didn't even faint.

He faints instead cause Bocchi's dick is actually bigger than him

>He faints instead cause Bocchi's dick is actually bigger than him
>Than him
So her dick is bigger than an entire person? Nice typo loser.

He's a tiny man

The strongest loser.

For her.

I couldn't survive the "do your best beam".

Idol debut when?
I'm sure "Don't lose Aru. Shine on, Aru" song will be big hit

I want to be Bocchi

Doujin where she shows off her loserness in all the important places when?

Why is "Do your best beam" pointing at her knee?


Let's all bow our heads in a moment of silence for the anons lost in this thread's terrible do your best tragedy.

You killed him, user.


An unholy monster.

I saw the best minds of my generation, destroyed by the do your best beam.

Cute cake

Aru will make a nice christmas cake.