>When an anime shows you that you want to be an Inuyashiki, but that you would most likely be a Shishigami
How do you cope with having your own humanity be put into perspective by this masterpiece?
>When an anime shows you that you want to be an Inuyashiki, but that you would most likely be a Shishigami
How do you cope with having your own humanity be put into perspective by this masterpiece?
quickest show i ever dropped desu
Too long, didn't watch:
>Inuyashiki and Shishigami get superpowers, the exact same superpowers.
>Inuyashiki uses his near God-like powers to help people. From literally fighting the yakuza to going to hospitals to instantly heal cancer patients and cripples
>Shishigami uses his powers to amuse himself, constantly killing and torturing people to see what reactions he can get out of people. In one scene literally tracking and killing every poster in a 2chan thread. But sometimes also saves people and heals cancer patients and cripples.
>In the end, both characters clash because Inuyashiki can't let Shishigami keep killing people whenever he wants (and he killed a shit ton of people). Inuyashiki wins, but it was pretty much luck.
>For the climax, both characters sacrifice themselves to save humanity.
I think 99.9% of people would end up like Shishigami. Even though I think it is heavily implied he is autistic and maybe has other mental disorders, he did a mix of shitty things and great things. We can't deny how many lives he saved and how much he cared for his mom and his friends. But his character failures were enhanced because he had too much power. On the other side of this is Inuyashiki, who is supremely nice. That is why Ando keeps repeating over and over "You are so cool, Inuyashiki": It is true. He is so cool. But only because he is so above humanity. No human would be able to become a hero if given God powers. Everyone would be a mix of good and bad like Shishigami. But I think most people would be deluded enough to believe they would be like Inuyashiki and this show destroys that simplistic view.
I would kill people that society has deemed bad but won’t kill. People who murder innocents, rape, ruin lives by perpetuating the drug problems. By doing that I’d save the world.
Yeah, that is an interesting point actually. When I started watching the show I thought the same thing. That is what I wanted to do, and therefore I wanted the show to go in that direction. To show Inuyashiki doing that. But then as the show drifted away from that I first became slightly disappointed until I realized: That would just be Death Note. If this anime went in that direction it would just be a second Death Note. Why the fuck do I want that? And then I started properly enjoying the points the author wanted to make here.
What I don't understand is why anyone would be a villain. You want people to love and affirm you? Be a hero! Fly around doing heroic shit! You'll have people on their knees worshipping you like the God you are.
I mean, you have ACTUAL SUPER POWERS. You would be bigger than Jesus. Imagine if - let's use an example - you had Superman's abilities. The moment you showed up, newspapers everywhere would treat you like the second coming.
You just need to do some simple heroic actions, and then you'll have crowds cheering your name. I'd just save people from fires and natural disasters, clear up ecological damage, then party all night.
Oh, I'll add that most of your problems go away when you have powers. Physically intimidated by people? You're invincible, you can bench-press tanks. Mike Tyson in his prime ain't got nothing on you.
Can't get a girlfriend? Clean up the Fukushima radiation spill, and you'll be hip-deep in Japanese schoolgirls. They can be dressed up as your waifu too, if you're into that.
Fat and ugly? Who cares? The dictator of North Korea looks like fried shit, and he regularly threatens to start a World War. Ain't no-one gonna fuck with you. The only thing that would be really stupid would be to take your incredible powers, then go out and randomly kill people so you can be a supervillain.
Think about this: You are doing heroic shit and then your gf cheats on you and you find out. What would you do? Odds are you would kill the guy and maybe even your gf. Or even better: Imagine some trolls from Sup Forums get your mom you kill herself. Would you heroically let it slide because it would not be fair to kill people weaker than you? Or would you do what Shishigami did and commit 2chan holocaust?
You should not think you are so perfect that you would not do shitty things. We are all probably assholes and we get pissed off we do bad shit to the people who hurt us. Now imagine you had rocket launchers inside your body. It would not end well. Also, let's not forget that after you make your superpowers public, the government would not allow you to just freely be a vigilante. They would want to hunt you down because someone as powerful as you could shut down their entire nation, just like Shishigami tried to do with Japan.
You wouldn't need to lift a finger. If someone killed your Mom, your cult would FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO KILL THEM.
Girlfriend cheats on you? Fuck the hottest woman alive, never write back.
Also, do you think it would be moral to be with a woman? There is such a huge imbalance of power. The girls would be forced to sleep with you, fearing your power. That is not moral.
How about "Hi, I'm literally the most famous and powerful man in all of human history. Want to go out with me? I can fly us to the Bahamas right now, where I have a private villa." as a pickup line?
So the Harvey Weinstein pickup line? I guess it could work... but I wonder how is Harvey doing nowadays... Hmm...
Most people would actually not end up like Shishigami, that's why Inuyashiki is the protagonist and why we relate with him more. That's not the point of the manga.
It's commentary on the fact that "teenagers with superpowers" is a frequent plot point, so what if that happened and you ended up with an overpowered mentally unstable adolescent boy? It's almost a direct statement to some people telling them it's a good thing they don't have power, since they'd just be an assholes.
It's a mocking statement, a young teeager probably wouldn't be a hero, meanwhile the old people that the rebellious youth rile against would be the ones clearing up the mess, and are the only ones with experience and a developed sense of morals.
Basically it's saying "fuck young people, you don't know shit" which is fun because it's the opposite to the settings of most other similar manga.
I agree with that and there is certainly truth in what you say but I think that is too simplistic a view. If that was the case, why would the anime go out of its way to also show the softer side of Shishigami? Why would it show his insecurities (bullying, the divorce of his parents) and his passions (manga, caring his mom and friends)?
If the point was "Look at what would happen if a deranged teen got superpowers" then it would not make sense to make Shishigami such a nice character. That is why I think the point it is trying to make is that even though we would all do nice things, we all would have reasons to flip out and then use our powers to commit atrocities.
That is why I love and keep referencing the 2chan scene. Just try to remember the moment in your life in which you had been the angriest at a person. Like those moments where you think "I wish they would die". Now imagine that happened again but you could throw fucking nukes. Get the picture?
I wonder if you could still jerk off, or if your dick just turns into some kind of laser canon
Inuyashiki was one of the best shows of this year, If not the best but it was really rushed. The manga has 10 volumes, which was adapted to only 11 episodes. In comparison, Death Note has 12 volumes and 37 episodes of anime. So yeah, there's that.
The story in Inuyashiki may seem like a shallow battle of evil of good. We've seen a lot of stories like that. But that's Hiroya Oku who wrote this. The one man behind Gantz. It's much more than that. I'm too lazy to write it all down and nobody cares, really. So I'll just get straight to your question.
I don't believe that "99.9% of people would end up like Shishigami". People are not that bad. We just childishly believe that we are. And that's even one of the things Hiroya is trying to tell us by his work. I'm being positive, though. I believe I would end up more like Inuyashiki and many people would. The crave for power and money is just a facade we believe since we are not strong eneugh to get and maintain happiness.
Okay, so that's all from me. Now go on, call me a moral fag.
You know, I think you're looking at this the wrong way. Fame, fortune and power all have genuine appeal with no coercion involved. Let's use the Superman example. You call up the most expensive restaurant in Europe and go:
> "Hey, Restaurant Le Meurice? It's me. I'm the flying man. You know, the guy who singlehandedly disarmed North Korea and reversed global warming? Yeah, I'm sorry for the short notice, but I need to book a table. It's for a very special lady."
Then when the girl asks "So what do you do?" and your answer is "Oh, I took down a terrorist cell with no fatalities. Then I saved like, three hundred people from a shipwreck" you'll be lucky if she doesn't try to claw your pants down right there.
That's a slippery slope user.
I'd just destroy all abortion clinics desu.
Well, perhaps I exaggerate by saying "like Shishigami". What I mean is that almost everyone would eventually do something bad. No one would be as good as Inuyashiki. Inuyashiki literally never did a bad thing even though he had the ultimate power to get back at anyone who wronged him. This was ultimately because of a mix of luck and Inuyashiki's almost ridiculously strong sense of morality.
That is why I give the examples. If your gf cheated on you, you would probably kill her. If the government tried to raid your house because they fear your powers, you'd probably commit Jap holocaust. Etc. No one would be perfect. Everyone would be a mix of trying to do the right thing while battling their own humanity and sometimes making shitty things.
What about people who think abortion clinics are a good thing? To them, you'd be a bad person.
It's all subjective. Like, if Muslims think you're a bad person, you're clearly doing something right.
Well, that's a slippery slope too. You are saying you would use your superpowers to enforce your own morality like it was the law.
I am not saying you are wrong. All I'm saying is that you would be Shishigami. (Not in the sense that Shishigami did what you want to do, but in the sense that you would be the villain).
Only psychopaths would go shishigami. Humans are inherently good and cooperative, it's an evolutionary trait, and even executioners don't want to look at their victim's face when they kill them.
I get what you're trying to say, and it's true. To some extent, at least, imho. Morality is really subjective I give you that. But these examples are bad man.
If my gf cheated on me I would not kill her. Sure, I'd try to hate her. I'd even think about doing really bad things, that she deserves them. But such hatred is temporary. I wouldn't do it. And not because of the law, because I physically can't. It's because it's just wrong. What right do I have to kill? Life hurts you. You don't try to get revenge, it'll just lead to more void, you get over it. And because of that I don't think I would do something else if I were a demigod, like Shishigami. It's not the law or anything like that that stops me. It's the kindness of living beings. And the example with killing a whole nation cause goverments wants me? Heck no, like never ever. But, of course, what I would truly do is really even out of my imagination, all these emotions and power would definitely change my perspective.
But yeah, pointing that morality is subjective is very important.
>Humans are inherently good
I disagree with you.