Shingeki no Bahamut

Have you forgiven it yet?

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Nah it was pretty shit through and through.


Is that from the post-credits scene?

kek, people were left wondering if his mind was there so they had to make it clear in the BD.

Dead people both sides of old MC on the center.


Favaro was all that kept me watching the series.

Yes, despite the lack of focus in the second half, it was still cinematicly excellent with superb directing in the first arc. Of course, it was doomed to fail on Sup Forums as the the airing coincided with weeb-bait like eromanga-sensei and dragonmaid causing an influx of tumblr and redditards who hated the fact that literally-Hitler was beating "muh oppressed" demons.

The idea of his mind being left trapped somewhere under that plastic thousand-yard stare is even more horrifying. Don't know what they were trying to convey with it

Cheerio's GBF episode apparently whitewashes him by saying that demons(??) were hiding Dromos and he tried to talk to them many times about Bahamut's revival before taking its secrets by force. Hard to confirm because nobody has him.

Poor Favaro

I was never mad.

In the end it doesn't matter, Bahamut will always come back.

Was there even anyone to buy that BD?


Damage control.

Interesting. There will probably be more backstory in the OVAs.
But regardless of the morality of the method, his conquests helped elevate the standing of his kingdom. That's the duty of a king, and there doesn't really need to be further justification than that.

This is fake right?

I feel so bitter whenever I see this image. The BD could never undo this shit.

My fucking sides, this can’t be real

Same. But they still managed to ruin the one moment I was looking forward to which was his reunion with Amira. Then they had the nerve to make Favaro and Amira one of the covers for the Blu-ray box. No wonder even Satou hated it.

I love BD/TV differences and changes threads.

Is this legit? If so, my fucking sides.

>did you really buy the BD? seriously? what are you, retarded?


This makes me even madder than the original.
They knew exactly what they were going for with that first shot. They should own it.

They probably got a fuck ton of backlash since Kaisar was a fan favorite among the normal fans and the fujos, which is why they went and fixed it for the BD. Having him appear at the end as a zombie who looked like he was suffering 24/7 was a pretty retarded decision. Then again, Virgin Soul as a whole was a pretty retarded decision.

Why the fuck did he just die like that. What happened to all the Jesus symbolism and the time he took up if it only amounted to nothing. Inb4 he united Jeanne and Azazel, that could have happened a million better ways.

This is a decent explanation but utterly retarded how it wasn't in the show in the first place.

It was like a "fuck you", now they've calmed down a little, probably. Onda says he wanted to draw him normally already for the airing.

When I thought Kaisar couldn't get any more JUSTed

Did they remove nina and her shit story?

Why is Kaisar so fucking handsome even as a zombie? And now Rita has him all to herself. She was the true winner of this series.

He truly died for our sins

The Azazel and Lucifer drama track was super fujobait.

Still hate the second season

Holy shit. How dare they do that?

Dunno why, but the "fixed" face looks worse to me. It looks more "just kill me" than the original one.


Well, it's pretty much a metaphor for the series. A beautiful core buried under a thick, impenetrable layer of pure SHIT.

Only reason I watched the show. I hated how the show shit all over Kaisar and Favaro. And that qt demon girl. Y'know, the one that got squashed.

I stopped caring halfway into season 1.
Rita was cute though.

At least Jeanne and Sofiel can still /u/ it up in heaven.

How can a seemingly endearing main girl totally ruin a story with her stupidity 3/4 the way through? Yet that happened, something wonderful was turned to garbage....


I was just contemplating what the biggest disappointment was for the shows that aired in 2017. Funny thing this thread came up.

You really live in a fantasy world, mate.


It's already ended user. It's time to stop.


I'm glad it's over.



Not. And never will.

Man, they're demons. Who cares about demons? You would not mind demons now that you are not starving and living a nice life in the capital

Sofiel got blacked by Bacchus

>Jeanne, Kaisar and Mugaro are demons
Cheerios pls go.

FUCK THAT. i'm genuinely mad. they changed the context of his zombification. now we won't get braindead zombie kaiser in the sequel. instead we'll get smug, pale skin kaiser instead.

Save Mugaro and we'll talk.

At least Amira in S1 sealed Bahamut for a bit.

>me at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018

You can't unsalt me now. It's too late.

Kaisar literally screamed "Favaro!" before they shown him as a zombie, he was never meant to be braindead.

in my head canon all he could say was favarro and his default twitch was a hip thrusting motion

I hope that in the eventual s3 they either forget that s2 existed or go with Death Knight Kaisar.
So that he can summon rare summer skeletons that will listen to his ramblings and pat his back when he fucks up with Rita again.
Also because Favaro at least learned some magics and got some new gadgets while Kaisars only power up was sword to the gut.


To add on to this, Kaisar's VA said that Kaisar is indeed sentient way before the BD change. Whoever decided to give him that JUST appearance in the TV version needs to get fired.

user please, there's no indication of that at all.

>just face
IMHO that was the perfect way to end this shitpile of a series.

Did they fix the entirety of the jail break scene? Having the one prison guard be a butch turbo lesbian was one thing, but then to have hundreds of them that look exactly the fucking same just start flooding all the tunnels of the jail was just so stupid. That's the exact point I started thinking about dropping the series and probably only lasted an episode or two after that. This show was not made by competent people.