What in the FUCK did I just watch?

What in the FUCK did I just watch?

the epitome of style over substance

The end of anime.

You're free now, congratulations.

Is it a meme now to say any stylized anime is style over substance?

Anime from the mid 90s, when the internet was still young, and the majority of people weren't yet aware what autism was, so they thought there was some deep meaning behind this shit ending

Incoherent gibberish, that has been mistaken as a "masterpiece" by people unaware that the brain tries to find patterns and meaning where none exist.

A decent show by a dude who loves to use symbolism he really has no idea about.

>"I called it evangelion because it sounded cool"


Can someone break this whole movie down?

I'll be honest, watching this movie made me feel a little sad, it was pretty heavy.

Despite being very pretty and interesting to look at, I felt alot of the stuff in the film was there because they couldn't really come up with anything plot wise. It was still fun and trippy to look at though.

How so?

style is substance

The Rick and Morty of anime.
You have to have a very high IQ to understand it.

Shinji lost kaworu and grown stranded from misato and rei.
He tries to find confort in Asuka, but she is in a coma.
Seele tries to use the power of Lilith to merga all humanity into one being
Gendo tries to use the power of lilith to meet yui again
Rei thinks they are stupid and give the powernto shinji
He doesnt fare any better and merge the world, but at least he gives people the chance to unmerge.
First he leaves instrumentality, then asuka does. What happens next idnfor you to decide. Will others follow suit?

I'm conflicted about which ending I prefer, the tv ending feels kinda clichéd and rushed, but the fact that Shinji seems to finally have found his happiness warmed my heart since I got so attached to his character. On the other hand, EoE was the original planned ending and they went all out with the symbolism and the absurdity of everything, but it kinda went too far in some aspects and the whole thing kinda left an unpleasant taste in my mouth, especially the final scene.

That's it? What about all those other deeper meanings people always talk about?

Wuba Luba dub dub bitch

the classic brainlet response. never fails.

The first half of EoE was great, lots of action, intensity, and lots of feels. Second half to me was meh, I felt like they ran out of ideas so they just had a mind fuck montage with some ultra symbolic 2deep4u flashing images and confusing dialogue scenes and a somewhat anticlimactic ending.

There is some commentary about human interactions.
The base line is that its worth to live you life, even if hard, for the good moments you have in it with others.
Its not complex at all, but there are people who want everything to be dumb meaningless entertainment, and anything with even a HINT of a message is pretentious.

Fun fact, EoE takes place in 12/31/2015
Maybe it will happen today with a 2 year delay

the only reason people like this brainlet show is because they """""relate""""" to shinji


That's why I watched it today

Asuka and Shinji could be the next Adam and Eve.
It could be Asuka has not yet came back, Asuka's reaction is what Shinji imagined.
Only after Asuka died instrumentality started.

Isn't there a newly discovered Asuka Shinji theory or something?


I think the issue is that he has too many daddy issues and none of them were actually about to fuck him so along with not getting his needed "daddy love" he is perpetually cockteased by three girls who push him around or otherwise ignore him. Maybe if he had gotten some positive attention from his dad before now he wouldn't have been so beta and actually had the nards to say, "Hey (insert waifu of choice) were going to fuck!"

Asuka Langley Soryu has not appeared in Rebuild of Evangelion, which means Shinji "erased" her by choking her in pre-intrumentality. The one at the beach is just a doll with dead eyes.

So do rebuilds take place in instrumentality or an alternate universe or something?

What the hell is Rebuild? Never watched one. Don't mix Rebuild and Evangelion please. They're independent.

Its a time loop.

Rebuild is a sequel to End of Evangelion.

Do you guys prefer to think of the endings as an alternate take or do you think they compliment each other? I think it's interesting to think that one Shinji is finding his true happiness and getting to hang out in a sitcom reality while the other Shinji seems to be in the real world.

Sorry, the film and Tv series has higher say to me. Rebuilds cannot dictate what happened in the original film and series.

>the virgin EoE
First half is generic action, second half is half assed mind fuckery
Kaworu was added in for fanservice
Added on pointless lore for intellectuals to be distracted by

>The Chad episode 26
Limited budget was used to it's highest potential
Interesting and deep topics
Was also a mind fuck, but it didn't feel as pretentious
Shinji finally got a little bit of closure
The comedy school romance scene is so classic and hilarious that many spinoffs were created based off that concept alone
The congratulations scene is also infamous and has a feel good vibe
Anticlimactic ending

Anno is director, its a canon sequel.

tyrannosaurus kex

EoE was intense and entertaining, but it kinda made me feel empty and unsatisfied.

There was so many images of naked children in that movie I'm surprised I didn't get raided when I watched it.

What did the sandbox scene mean?

>Epic virgin/chad meme

>Says the t. poster

>we order then in bulk
I fucking lost it

What are you implying?

there is "Classified Information" files from Eva 2 game. Read them. Game itself is not canon but those files written by Anno himself. They explain a lot of lore and ruin some fan theories.

He's literally 14, what a dumb meme.

>Doesn't post any

Am I the only one who hates "get in le robot you jerked off xDD" memes?

No, I remember seeing stuff like that years before seeing Eva and still hating it back then.

I think the get in the robot meme is misleading, Shinji is only like that for like three episodes or less. Also, Gendo wasn't really as big of a dick as he was portrayed to be.

Now yoy are awake. Anime just wont fill the void that is growing in your heart, that hole will only dissappear when you grew to understan EoE but that will be near the end of your life.

It was pretentious m8, it's the 90s Japanese version of Rick & Morty

What and what?

> going through some pretty heavy anxiety and depression
> watch EoE for the first time
> mfw that fucking second half

> is it okay for me to be here?
> *screaming*

So much of this movie hit me in uncomfortable and confronting ways

Gendo is a jerk, but for other reasons.
Mostly everything involving Toji

But if that didn't happen Eva 01 wouldn't have reached godhood and prompted Misato to investigate the truth further.

he is a gigantic dick

he loved yui more than his son and she kills him for it

I relate more to gendo than to shinji, but gendo is fucking horrible

Yeah, I felt pretty bummed out too by it. It felt very remorseful and somber.

evangelion is literally 4d chess

>the virgin ep 26
pretend philosophy
edgy "interpretive" ending
no character resolution for deuteragonist
no resolution for shinji, rehash of concepts already fleshed out in ep 1-24

>the chad eoe
makes no fucking sense
pisses off otaku
garnered death threats
character resolution for asuka and shinji
no coherence to the plot
reveals things that happened in the series not fit for tv
no bullshit psychology, straight confrontation of loneliness
everyone dies
asuka is pregnant

>Asuka is pregnant

if I could change one fucking thing about eva I'd take out all the talmudism

>pisses off otaku

>Death threats
That's an urban legend

"mama korosanaide"

That proves nothing

Space magic. I'll just dump my headcanon here and say that instrumentality is a program for uploading disembodied souls to a spaceship ready to leave one planet for another. The FAR already did it once before.

I actually think it's kinda cool but it's just a means to ground the terminology to something. It's not symbolism per se, and definitely not even close to the main aspect of the story or setting.

It wasn't trying to be pretentious, it was an honest work out of depression desu.

>mama korosanaide
>fetus appears
>I lost to YOU (focus on rei)
>naked teen asuka asks "do you love me?" during moans but not crying
>no response
>butcher appears in the distance
>"you arent going to help me, you don't even hug me"
>dou shiyou
>face emerges in synchrograph
>baby asuka is called a doll
>asuka says I don't need dolls
>asuka says rei'd die if commanded to, calls her a doll
>"mama korosanaide" fetus
>only other time yogosaru "tainted" (morals) is used is in reference to the dummy system in ep 14, referencing the usage of rei fetuses for the dummy system
>episode after asuka fetus is about aborted evas


>all of this waifu headcanon

asukas mother has a doll of asuka and kills it

asuka rips the head off her baby doll. in rebuild she cherishes the doll

asuka grapples at having an abortion, she has been morally tainted. the term is only used one other time in the series, referencing moral corruption

Congratulations user!

>I hate you.
>Don't call me anymore.
>You bother me.
>God you're persistent.
>I wish you'd leave.
>I have no interest in getting back together with you.
>Let's just be friends.
>Do i even know you.
>Look at you.
>You really get on my nerves.
>Who the hell are you?
>I couldn't care less weheter you live or die.
>I don't love you that way.
>I don't want you in my life.
>To be honest you get on my nerves.
>Stop folliwng me arround.
>I cant do this anymore.
>Let's break up.
>I don't need you anymore.
>Who would want to go out with you.
>I dont need you, never did.
>Go away.
>You wimp.
What is Anno saying here? Most of them sound like he was at least getting female friends. I can't relate to this.

Anyone got a gun for me here?

Literally just finished. Last thing saw in 2017.
Had finished Evangelion anime series about 1 year ago.

Now a bath and bed. I hate new year celebrations.

nah, I relate most to gendo

if I could clone the lover that abandoned me a thousand times and have an eternal harem I'd do that

but I am looking at the series rationally

the doll is a symbol not just of artificial life, but of all humans. the doctor says that to god, all humans are dolls

asuka kiling her doll is representative of abortion. the termination of life given to her by god. it comes up too much

Make sure to make Asuka your first dream of 2018.

Sounds comfy

>character resolution for asuka and shinji
>asuka is pregnant
doesn't happen

was in a daze for like a full week after watching EoE for the first time
i had to stop myself from rewatching NGE and EoE recently cause i didn't want to enter that awful state of mind

That's not really wrong. And I want to tear off skin from her neck

>fetus appears
literally nothing
>I lost to YOU (focus on rei)
Refers to losing her sync ratio to Shinji
>naked teen asuka asks "do you love me?" during moans but not crying
Doesn't mean Shinji, could mean her mother considering she was abandoned. Also getting her mind invaded.
>"you arent going to help me, you don't even hug me"
Asuka suffers through self hatred, she wants affection from anyone.

in the end, there is a flash of a bunch of single bentos and cup noodles as asuka is talking about being alone (later a pic of her and shinji has shinji is ripped out)

the bento comes from episode 2. someone is talking about taking her child nd leaving her husband. HER CHILD

I'd have several fucking questions for god. Like what the HELL did he do to my family??


>(later a pic of her and shinji has shinji is ripped out)
Means that Asuka hates him for surpassing her, not some big romantic conspiracy. The hospital scene completely debunks this pregnancy theory.

>the bento comes from episode 2. someone is talking about taking her child nd leaving her husband. HER CHILD

He means this

I don't know if I buy the Asuka is pregnant theory, but he's made some interesting connections.

There's a line in Sakura Nagashi which seems to refer to a specific newborn which has always seemed strange to me.

the bento is part of one of those flashes. I believe it comes up again in eoe

I wouldn't read too much into the lyrics for the Rebuild songs, it could mean Kaworu considering he's replaced Asuka as a main character.

single men and single mothers buy those. traditional families the mother makes the food by hand. school uniforms got instituted to remove class distinctions but rich people can brag by creating elaborate bentos

having a reheatable bento is a mark of shame because only single mothers get them for their kids (they don't have time to cook)

it is brought up specifically in reference to the lady leaving her husband and asuka (and once more, I believe in eoe)

this is something only a japanese is going to catch but it isnt really subtle

notice in rebuild (even though I hate it) rei and asuka are both cooking bentos to reunite shinji and gendo. the bentos play directly to fatherhood and single motherhood

I'm going through the series again but I'm only on ep 14. I've been inspired by one of the other anons and contributing

I'll post more as I continue to go through it

>single men and single mothers buy those. traditional families the mother makes the food by hand.

Something else to keep in mind is that Shinji makes Asuka's bento.

Why is he always more assertive when he's with Asuka?

>What the hell is Rebuild?
milking of a cashcow

According to the drama cards, Asuka is the only person he considers to be on 'his level.'

Reverse side:”3rd Children Ikari Shinji”:
>“Neither Yui nor Rei nor Misato could do as a woman for Shinji. Asuka alone was the only girl on equal footing with him. Therefore Shinji sought after Asuka. “I’m afraid of Misato and Ayanami.” However, Shinji’s crude affection only hurt her. In the end, he used her as an object of lust to soothe himself…”

Asuka says something similar to him in the kitchen fight scene as well. "Since you're afraid of Misato and the First(...)"

No, that's the card game.

The Rebuilds are Anno going crazy.

That's kinda hot. Only being interested in one. Knowing no one else will ever measure up. That no one else is extra bitchy. Damn.

And today, somewhere in this town you protected
is the healthy sound of a baby's first cry;
Listen and you'll find joy.
They are the footprints that continue on after us


I just can't believe that we won't meet once more
I still haven't told you anything
I still haven't told you anything


Maybe seeing the blossoms scatter as soon as the flowers open
Is what makes the trees(kotachi pun) (children) in the grove so downhearted

asuka and shinjis child either died like the blossom, or spread to a different timeline

I hate rebuild but the lyrics are very pointedly about virginity and children

well, a movie were a boy faps in front of a girl in coma

How can you hypocrites not give Evangelion the credit that deserves, evangelion changed everything
