Happy New Years, Raildexfags. S3 begins in 2018, look forward it and much more coming our way.
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I love the way Haimura colors but his linework pisses me off sometimes
PV sometime during the period of January~March.
Beautiful art.
Touma has big lips.
I want a Komoe spin-off about her interactions with Touma before the start of the series.
Happy New Years. As a celebration for the upcoming year, I have updated A Certain Unified Calendar on Baka-Tsuki.
>touching a shrine bell rope with his right hand.
No ones prays will be answered this year.
Almost halfway to christmas
Index looks a little older in this picture, just a constant reminder that hardly any time has gone by in the story, man.
It took you long enough.
Happy New Year, OH&S
js06 already got his copy?
Touma is indeed the biggest villain of Raildex.
I know Kamachi is generally allergic to time skips, other than the 2 week time skip in between vol 1 and 2, but I am wondering if we might not get at least a small time skip unless Kamachi is going to open next volume with Aleister calling them back from walking off in seperate directions and summoning a high speed plane
I honestly haven't talked to js06 in ages. He's had more interaction with the Raildex threads than with me; I just try not to get in his way.
So my sources are saying that Index S3 was cancelled, but it should be ok since the series getting adapted has delicious bunny girl ass.
>Six days without sleep?
He also time skipped a literal month for Accelerator. He got shot in the head on August 31st and didn't really appear again until 9/30, except for 1 scene with Awaki. But Kamachi is filling that in with Endymion and the Accelerator manga.
No one cares what your "sources" say shitposter
It could playout where 2 out of three go to England while the last one stays behind to settle some issues before joining them. Im thinking Touma might stay behind to check on how Mikoto and Tsuchi are doing after Choronzon separated their group.
He slept in NT15 and passed out twice in NT16.
Честата нова година, Bulgarian anons, I love you, you fucks!
Haimura the best. Thanks from an Indexfag.
Misaki a pile of shit
Честита нова година, педал.
Not a bulgarian, but happy new year, you cute faggot.
I don't think Aleister is going to let Touma stay behind. He probably won't like it if Accelerator stays behind either. If anyone stays, it'll probably be Hamazura
He did say they had to make preparations first and doesnt really have control of them right now. If Touma wants to do something he's gonna do it.
He did say that, didn't he? So it seems as though he wouldn't be immediately getting them on a plane to England regardless. I'm sure they have to decide what to do with their girls, as well. AC is ded, I'm Accelerator wants to secure a place for his family, as does Hamazura. Touma is probably going to bring his with him.
I wonder if Misaki will come with them as well. She doesn't really have anything holding her in AC.
Probably, or at least head the same way Misaka does.
>Saten separated from the ones with powers
Maybe. I take it she goes wherever Touma and Mikoto go. Kamachi did say he's taken a liking in writing about MisaMisa.
Come to think of it. What will happen with AC, now that almost everyone is gone? You can't just leave a city like that.
There's a demon and 2 Magic Gods. What do you think?
I think Misaka and Misaki will stay in AC and try to solve the virus
>Aleister gets sick of Touma forgetting Misaki all the time in England and fixes him
Just as planned?
I hope that this trend of failures for Touma will continue.
Happy new year, yurofags.
>travel from Tokyo to London
can Kanzaki use "Disapparate" from one location and "Apparate" him in another?
>Imagine Breaker
>Sargasso to Denmark
Othinus can
But she moved the world not Touma.
Happy new year. It's certainly going to be a good one with all the nice things we're getting from Toaru Project.
Why couldn't you find a new OP image?
It is new.
So I am 2 USBs away from getting Mikoto and I have a free roll tonight. It's not a sure thing that I'll get her tonight, but with her rate up and being close, it's possible. It's also possible I could get her sometime next month. Now, in the event I get her with tonight's free roll, how do I build her, and what cards should I use? If I don't get her tonight, I can look through my cards and start upgrading ones that will be good for her as long as I know which ones to use for when I do get my last 2 USBs
Stop being autistic
Are you retarded? One is a WIP screenshot, this is the finished product. It is new.
Same. 2 usbs away. From what I heard, you level power + faith.
Just for you, I'm going to use this illustration in a later thread.
I've heard that as well. I haven't heard anything about the cards to use. I'm guessing attack and science damage?
Yeah, I guess.
The calendar updated at long last. I thought this was never going to happen.
Also that fan made animation which Othinus was really well done.
I'm hoping someone who has her will answer the question definitively.
There was no imagine breaker sound when he did it in the past so he knows it has no supernatural power to begin with.
I don't care if you do, I'm just saying it's very similar to the last OP.
Make a post on our guilds page.
Stop being such an autist.
I don't know how to do that. I never could join r/a/ildex anyway
What server are you playing on?
Stop projecting and getting angry.
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE its the same OP picture!!!!!! I can't tell the difference between a WIP screenshot and the finished product!!!
Autism. And I'm not angry. I'm just telling you to stop being autistic. You're the angry one, complaining about something that does not matter. I guess it's true people here will bitch about anything.
The post content is completely different though.
Why you can't join?
It wouldn't let me when I tried. Like, the button was greyed out
As a rule of thumb, 12 heroes for everyone except Oriana and work your way from there.
You really know how to exaggerate. Next you'll claim the thread is ruined. Also,
Kill yourself, r9k.
Happy new year to you too
What do you mean? That's really weird. What level are you?
Happy New Year, one guy.
I am not exaggerating. You came in the thread bitching about the OP picture when it's clearly not the same thing. And even if it was, why does it matter as long as the picture was a generic shitpost? Did you whine just to whine or did it trigger you that much?
45 now but I was just starting back when I tried it
It's kind of sad that it only took one guy getting hurt about an OP image for things to go to shit
You can't join a guild until a certain level. Anyway, you can make a post on our page without having joined the guild first. Search for R/a/ildex in that smartphone menu where you usually see people post screenshot.
Try again. Logging in to accept you.
Two and a Half Guys
Happy new year. You may be faggots, but you’re my faggots
Shut up and let me hug you.
What was the name of this one? I've only seen it talked about like once or twice
Fre/mea soon
Railgun chapter 100
Hope you anons had a good Christmas, and Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
How did it reach 100 chapters?
You tell me, fatefag.
By not being shit?
Eat shit, Kuroko.
Merry good year too user.
Uiharu's "fuck off" response was amazing.
Thank you and happy new year. I'll dump them.
Kazarikoto when?