Misunderstood underrated genius or perverted hack?

Misunderstood underrated genius or perverted hack?

>miyazaki in the OP
>thread guaranteed replies

I don't know many other directors that are so clearly perverted that are also directly involved with catering to that audience

After reading a bit more about him I genuinely respect him now.

Anno learned this from his master and passed it on to the next generation of cancer.

>Wings of Honneamise
Literally the greatest anime film of all time. A truly beautiful and ambitious film, tastefully done and with a good message.

>Gurren Lagann
All bullshit pedobait that panders to waifufags with no standards.

>I don't know what pedo means

He's a little eccentric, but I expect that from creative types.

All his movies are mainstream appeal and the same. You were saying something about creative types earlier what did you mean by that? Who were you talking about?

>Who were you talking about?
Artists, writers, directors, etc. People whose work requires creativity to produce.

So is spamming these threads the thing to do now as an Adult? Was one up before this.

Regardless of your opinions of him I don't think you can call him underrated.

>underrated genius or perverted hack?
You're half wrong on both accounts, he's a genius pervert.

>out of nowhere rape scene that serves zero purpose in the plot


No, I still don't think that's true.

Is this the overrated masterpieces thread?


He wins an Oscar. Period.

Anime industry is shit because is full of 'otaku pedobait'.

Miyazaki rules. Deal with it, pedotaku!


This. He's the boyhood of anime!



You shit on Miyazaki and leave completely alone Eiichiro Oda from Onepiece. At least Miyazaki got the talent and inventive to show on screen what others didnt even think to draw. Planes and aviation. I got smugged in the face when my parents getting back from Japan brought me a Rufy action figure. I was kinda Wtf is this? No Snake Solid, Dragon Ball, Robot?

Miyazaki makes cartoons, not anime

Sorry desu sempai

>Attempted rape scene*
Lets not misrepresent Mr.Lhadatt now.

No matter your opinion on him, it's impossible to apply the term "Underrated" to him.

Look man, you've gotta come up with more convincing bait OP.

kill yourself

does the nippon actually still care about this old man?the guys looks really tired and about to die..

He said is this is garbage. The man has some shit taste.

Wonder what he thinks about this

>bullshit pedobait
I'm gonna reach my hands all the way across the atlantic and choke your ass to death

Misunderstood hack

He is underrated from a technical and historical standpoint. Being "popular" means nothing, as far understanding goes. The average person (and the average enthusiast) simply does not know even a small iota of how direction and animation actually works. Miyazaki is underrated because >99.9% do not fully comprehend him, or even bother to try. Your mindset is that popularity accurately reflects reality, which isn't true, and is why you are a pleb.

guy needs to make a coherent story for once.

I want to say a Misunderstood, Underrated, Hack.

Miyazaki is talented, he's hard working, but most of his work is fundamentally masturbatory in nature: his older works while amazing are, at their root, really just films or pieces based on his loud political opinions or just whatever personally interests him, but he's such an exceptionally talented and committed individual that we don't really question him.
The main issue, here, though, and why I'd classify him as a 'hack' is that he's achieved more or less the 'dream' of having money, time, resources, a studio, a work force, and so on and so forth, but he's gotten OLD and TIRED and now he only wants to make FAN films that're inspired by other pieces or that fuckin' movie about the plane kid. Miyazaki got old and became an Otaku is what I'm saying.

Miyazaki is a particular individual who talks big, but has the skill and clout to actually cash the cheques his ego writes, he deserves the allocades and ass-kissing he receives, and I'd even go so far as to agree with this user: In that Miyazaki is severely underrated from a technical stand point at the very least.

And having said all this I would take it all back if Miyazaki wasn't just such an elitist hypocrit, because he's basically become someone he at one point vocally hated. If I wanted to say something 'dramatic' I'd go so far as to say it feels like he just GAVE UP after he made Spirited Away and has never 'really' come back to work.

Nobody recognized this bait? Really?

even though most of his movies have political messages, they're still great films
until he finished spirited away
howl's moving castle was alright, but it lacked miyazaki's excellence that he showed in his past works
ponyo was mediocre at best and while the most visually impressive movie he's made, it's devoid of any soul
the wind rises was poorly constructed

compare that to spirited away and princess mononoke which have nuanced themes, excellent direction and have a purpose
the only pre-spirited away movies that weren't good were my neighbour totoro and lupin iii