Is it true that Aragi only picked crabs over cat because crabs intimidated him through the threat of violence? I don't understand why anyone would stay with a disgusting slut like that over someone as perfect as cat.
Is it true that Aragi only picked crabs over cat because crabs intimidated him through the threat of violence...
cat is nice but hanekawa is insufferable and they're a package deal so fuck that
Did you even watch Neko Kuro?
>I don't understand why anyone would stay with a disgusting slut like that over someone as perfect as cat.
>crabs intimidated him through the threat of violence
You answered your own question
Yes, what about it? He's clearly scared of her and suffering from stockholm syndrome.
How come there are still autists that don't get it, even though that topic has already been covered in the series?
Koyomi is with Crab because Nisio wrote himself into a corner with Bake.
Crab is a physical and mental abuser
She is not a good person and in real life she would be the equivalent of the guy wearing a greasy wifebeater who punches his wife when she doesnt get him his 9th can of beer
Never get your dick on crazy, arararagi knows.
You said it yourself, autism.
Every girl in this series is crazy.
All the girls are nuts though, although that's pay of the appeal.
>Every girl [fixd][/fixd] is crazy.
I know this whole empathy thing where you pretend to feel what someone else might be is tough for you people but try to stick with me here.
Hanekawa from the perspective of Araragi Koyomi has three distinct phases - Classrep, Cat, and eventually actualized(not that these phases have official names but those names should give anyone at least a chance to recognize the shifting points) During Kizu and before golden week was the ideal, inhumanly perfect Hanekawa Araragi built up in his head - Not only did rrrg have issues with connecting stemming from his own self-valuation going into Kizu but during and post Kizu he added literal monstrosity to his list of reasons he's a piece of shit - At this point Hanekawa is, to rrrg, so far above him on the hierarchy he himself perceives that he wont accept any kind of mutal romantic relationship. He considers himself wholly undeserving, and he feels this more strongly than the 'love' he feelt for Hanekawa
Cat is of course from the events of Golden week up through Tiger - He is aware that she is not perfect and knows intimately just how absurd his idealized love for a person that basically doesn't actually exist was - Here woulda been Cat's best shot - what rrrg feels is more than love or at least he claims it is. However the problem here isn't as much rrrg as it is Hanekawa herself - much like rrrg previously thought; Hanekawa, who's learned a bit about sticking up for herself, likely knows if she pushed for a romantic relationship she'd get it. But she doesn't want it to be unequal - same as rrrg before. So for as long as rrrg is telling himself the guilt and pity he feels over Hanekawa's situation and his ignorance is greater than love nothing can move forward
Note: This is also the period in which Crab goes out of her way to expressly start a relationship with Araragi after spending 2 episodes making certain that they are starting in even footing - she not in debt to him nor him to her. There's also a bit of dialogue regarding how Araragi is better at dealing with children - specifically because he lowers himself to their level without hesitation - he becomes the equal of the child.
See this is a reoccurring theme in the Monogatari series - Unequal relationships, romantic or otherwise, cause problems. Kiss-shot as the master or Araragi as the master, it's not until Boy and Bat find a median of their power dynamic that well, less people are miserable. Snake's entire deal was the deficiency of power in relationships she felt.
This is why Oshino Meme really IS Araragi's mentor figure - It's all just about finding balance and making everyone equally unhappy
He didn't love Cat. She was just a lewd whore depending on him.
He did though. The conversation he has with Oshino at the end of Neko!Black makes that pretty clear unless you can't read between the lines.
>people actually watch this pretentious pseudo-intellectual garbage
Well okay, he fell in love with Cat, but then he fell out of love.
>being so stupid you take series like this so seriously you assume it's being pretentious
I guess we all can't have three-digit IQs.
>but then he fell out of love.
This is literally crab coping hard.
Araragi replaced someone irreplaceable. Twice, first with bat, then with crab.
Refused to save herself and just indulged in the supernatural loss of control and just vented her rage, even upon the innocent.
It's like people don't even want answers when they ask questions. What must it be like to be so insulated by autism
i just want some violent imoutos