Giving up anime, manga, vidya, and everything that's kept me from reality for new years

Giving up anime, manga, vidya, and everything that's kept me from reality for new years

What's your resolutions?

You're on Sup Forums still you'll never go back to reality.

To stay the hell away from reality

Fuck off.
And get back soon, it isn't worth it.

You aren't going anywhere.

I quite like it here Desu.

To consume more Japanese media than I ever have.

see ya tomorrow

Do you really think you will be happy by doing this? At some point you will still need something to disconnect from reality and you might just end up doing other things, maybe even lower than anime and video games. Like watching cheap reality shows.

How is anime, manga, and video gaming not "reality" when they are the only things you phenomenologically experience? Wouldn't they define your reality? Are you fucking stupid?

How can anime be real if our eyes aren't real

No, I know I won't be happy, but at least this way when I finally end it I can at least say I tried.
Ever tried holding hands with your waifu?

Quit blogposting you stupid sack of shit. Shut up. Fuck off like you said you would.

Not new years yet

>Giving up anime, manga, vidya, and everything that's kept me from reality for new years
People really become wagedrones on their own what a disgrace.

Tried what? It is in the human nature to search for a form of escapism or another. You don't choose apple but you choose pears instead. In the end it's the same shit, you don't have to change yourself. There is nothing wrong with doing what you enjoy. If you are the type of person who usually procrastinate then it won't help anyway, you're not addresing the real problem.

I don't enjoy it anymore though. I just feel like a failure from it now

Yeah i agree with you. When you stop doing things you enjoy, the existential crisis will creep it's ugly head and fill your head with ugly thoughts.

>What's your resolutions?
start watching anime again

Well, it's not like you escape from the suffering of life or existential crisis either way, but at least there are nice things to look forward and make you happy.

>I'm just having one more drink, after this one I'm gonna stop!

See you tomorrow user!

To merge reality, anime and video games

Stop being a coward and kill myself.

Feeling like a failure makes me feel like I've succeeded as someone, as society is sick and unnatural, so I am more human than anybody who can adapt well into it.

You can't watch anime or read manga if you kill yourself.