Fate/drown in your miso and die

In honor of the just-announced Emiya Family Cooking anime, let's find out
>what happens when Archer cooks?























The end, thanks for watching.


>Dual knife welding


Nice read op

Didn't even know this even existed but now I'm looking forward to it.

based Redman

Thanks for the dump. OP. It's nice to remember that quite a few mangakas started out as TM doujin artists.
>Takeru Kirishima: Hana no Miyako/Unlimited Cooking Works
>Ronpaia/Fue: lewd semen demons/One Day! and Heartcatch Mitsuzuri
>Himura Kishi: Tawawa/Archerko
>Kalmia/Hiroshi Hiroyama: Prisma Illya/Trouble Einzbern

I'm glad TAA got to do Fate/stay in the kitchen. His art is too good to not be made official.

You're welcome. It's funny how TM in particular has so many great tier non-H doujinshis.

>tfw it's a Medea episode
>she can't cook for shit
>Issei berates her for being useless as fuck and can't even make miso like Shirou


Yeah. It's great to see them moving on to bigger things.

> implying Shirou won't help her git gud

>last panel
I want that but man seeing this old doujin/style really brings me back when i just got into fate

I'm glad Fue still does those SoL fate ones.

Fue hasn't released any recently though. One Day vol. 17 was released in 2011.

>Gō Shiina is composing the music.

Whoa what the hell

Connections with ufotable stronk

>Apocrypha gets A-1
>A fucking cooking spinoff gets ufotable

As it should be

A fucking net anime about a SOL spinoff manga deserves a better studio than a TV anime about a serious spinoff?

As I understand, a lot of the A1 staff are TM fans with the duo action animation directors being the ones famous for the FGO CMs. With ufotable and other Aniplex related studios busy with their own projects and/or given a "brand" so to speak of which branch of Fate would be associated with them, A1 having Apocrypha felt like the right idea.
A team of good animators, a duo of action directors, the next generation of animators or the webgens that ultimately did ep 22 and the finale episodes, and to top it all off, the source material creator on script, it was a good set up.
Emiya san getting ufotable is both a surprise and not. It is still in line with the ufoTM brand of doing the SN branch of things but it is a spinoff so I guess it counts according to them (same idea goes with Himuro no Tenchi). Either someone in ufotable pushed for this (lots of new/debuting staff here including one of the main directors Tetsuhiro Satou and ufotable literally has a cafe so what better place to look into cooking) or it was about time to go back into ufotable's roots which was comedy and SoL after what, at least 5 years? Ufotable is better at those than serious stuff desu. And being in net format means it wont have a production that gets in the way of others which is what plagued ufotable these past years. Better scheduling finally damn it.
Nothing wrong with a SoL spinoff being put into good hands so long as it is done well and A1 is a decent studio imo.
Apo's downfall in script is the source creator's own fault, the terrible photography and sound design are outside the studio, but at the very least the animators did a good job.

He did a Fate/GO book in 2016.

What in the name of the manga user posted?

Ooh, gotta read that. Thanks!

Chapter 1 of Fate stay night Comic Battle
