Happy new year, Sup Forums!
Happy new year, Sup Forums!
>4 seconds off
You did your best. Happy New Year.
Yeah, everyone knew I was posting with some posting errors this year.
I lost, but it was expected. I don't think the guy I usually do this with is thrilled about winning either. ;_;
b-but its only 9pm
>2 seconds closer than smochi
heh, beat you again this year
Happy new year!
The final curse of 2017
>"People" born in 2000 can now post on Sup Forums
Is this the year this garbage website dies and I can finally move on with my life?
What VAs will die this year.
How many anons did we lose last year? How many this year?
How many years have you been here? How far have you progressed since you first came here?
It all returns to nothing. This will be the last year.
Rabbit rabbit!
Happy new year!
I hope you all have a fantastic 2018
As of this last Sup Forums birthday I've been on this site for over half its existence. I still feel like a total newfag. Does it ever end?
Happy new year!
Wan wan!
>"People" born in 2000 can now post on Sup Forums
Thanks for the reminder, Satan.
smoku chizu~
Happy New year!
Happy new year
It's still 2017 in Tennessee. Come back in about 45 minutes.
You're kidding yourself if you think children haven't been posting on this board since it's creation.
Happy New Year Sup Forums!
Happy New Year, Sup Forums. I love you all.
thanks, maybe I'll finally find the courage to kill myself this year
Not in Knoxville!
Happy New Year, Sup Forums
I love every last one of you
except you trap-loving degenerates, but Happy New Year to you all the same
Happy new year!
Happy New Year Everyone!! :D
Happy whatever
Happy New Year east coast friends. I’ll join you soon.
Kill yourself newfag.
Why so glum, sugarplum?
Sup Forums already died years ago and basically had its corpse raped for the past two years since gook took over. 2ker faggots posting here legally doesn't change shit since they already post here anyways.
It's been a tough year.
Let's keep this a happy thread, user.
I hope this one turns out to be a lot better.
>tfw there are now seiyuu and anison singers who were born after 2000
I'm getting old.
Happy New Year American anons
Haruhi 2018! Mark this post.
Happy new year!
new year
Happy new year OP & the rest of Sup Forums!
Yeah . . .
Still current year + 1 in west coast, best coast
but happy new year !
And good luck finding someone to make love with this year!
(You) are ok
20mn to go in the part of the world that matters.
Here's hoping 2018 will be less disappointing than 2017
i want to see what this season has to offer!
Its been 2018 here for like more than half a day already.
>And good luck finding someone to make love with this year!
Sorry you are left out while all of us are already in next year.
>And good luck finding someone to make love with this year!
Looks like "Will KKK finally catch fire?" didn't catch fire on Sup Forums.
Don't talk with the neanderthals from the distant past.
You might corrupt their simple culture and chinese cartoon tastes that are best left for archaeologists to study.
Just give them a little smile when they post
>current year
without knowing any better.
better luck next year kiddo
Happy new year Sup Forums! Hope you all are having a great time!
This steak of beef is magnificent!
>Being still in 2017
whats so happy about it?
Happy new years Sup Forums from Sup Forums
Nashville here 4 minutes off LET'S GO
Memphos here I might get robbed again but it'll be worth it.
2 minutes from New Years here
My anxiety is ramping up! So ronery
I fucking love Aria
Auguri, buon anno!
Buon anno Sup Forumsnon
Happy New Year Sup Forums
Sup Forums is gay
*reddit spacing*
it caused my wasting time
Happy New year faggots.
Happy new year Sup Forums! I hope you're all drunker than I am.
I am so happy 2017 is over. It was a terrible year and this one looks like it’ll be a lot nicer.
Every year is good if you have a positive attitude.
Love y’all.
Happy new year to Sup Forums /c/ and /w/!
Much love and affection
I doubt that.
well 2017 was shit 2016 was worse and
its been pretty much downhill since 2008
You mean nothing has been good since K-on?
I am so drunk I close my eyes and my head is spinning... send help
>no new years eve/day hat on every pic
only darkness remains
Every year manages to get worse. I don't know how it happens, but it does
Every year is the same, it's your patience with life that wanes as time goes by.
Think of your waifu user. Everything will be alright.
Maybe things will be better this year. Maybe they won't. Who knows. We'll have to wait and see.
Happy 2018, Sup Forums.
This one will be different. I can feel it. Something's coming back around. Just try your best.
While we wait for the inevitable influx of newfags that were underage a few months prior.
finish your grapes, grab the bottle of cider and star t chugging it.
and tell me, what you plan on doing this year?
have you tried not being a little bitch?
Try champagne, poorfag.
suicide postponed another year
absokteluy nothing
Newfags come here already. Same with underaged fags. We have the entirety of south america in the DBS threads. How can things get worse than that?
Every single day I try to. But I just want to fuck you until you pass out user..
I plan to watch anime
I remember I watched New Year special of Aria every 1st.
I want to fuck every girl this artist draws.
I want to improve my drawing and lose some weight, not much else.
I like cider better
Who's the artist?
I'm 20 and I can't drink in freedomland, but I have orange juice. Anyways, I plan on repeating failed classes and find a job if I can't make it. It's going in dry this year too