Explain yourself

Why are you on Sup Forums like a hikikomori loser user?

No real friends
No gf
A loving family
But that family doesn't celebrate new years.

because I have free will

I was gonna make a thread then I saw this.

I'll definitely rewatch NHK! No matter how much it hurts, it's been years since I watched it.

Because I am a hikikiomori loser.

because i am 28 and for 27 years i asked myself why i even bother to go out on a day that i always claim to be "nothing special". this year i was true to my and world and actually stayed at home and i enjoyed it a lot.

lol epic blogging thread for us loser xD le feel when le no gf btw im not a normie even tho i want a gf lol



Because I just got home after a family dinner and I need to vent out after watching all my cousins be succesful while I'm stuck at a minum wage job

>like a hikikomori loser
what do you expect?

I'm posting from the dinner table, troll harder.

Phones are a thing you know.

Phone posters are cancer you know.

I'm posting from the fucking table you little shit.

Maybe I don't care if I'm cancer you know

I have unironically spent almost half my life here.

Die phoneposters

No people near to me that I would allow myself to get close to, or I didn't have the social skills to find and get close to them.
Hey- you also don't need social interaction every time, right?

Good for you, normalfag shitter.


because i am a neet hikkimori loser

I wanna become a neet but if I leave my shitty job I won't have money to sustain my anime figure addiction

Because my company is a shit that only gave us the day off on the 1st.

Such is life.

Having stuff doesn't unmake losers

I don't have any friends outside of Sup Forums

I have nothing better to do except read Jojo. Plus, I just want to see the cancer here. It's not quite as bad as I thought it would be (yet).

Sup Forums isn't your friend either.

we arent your friend

It would be way more sad if you did that ironically

Don't listen to them user, they are just being tsun

I don't know, I just like to waste my time complaining about anime

>being mean on new year
You're disgusting

NYE or not im always mean.