Who did you blow your first load of 2018 too? I hope it's not NTR or other degenerated stuff.
Who did you blow your first load of 2018 too? I hope it's not NTR or other degenerated stuff
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OP you do know that character is 12, right?
Every year for 5 years.
It was to Dia because it's her birthday today.
I bust it to NTR just for special occasions
>Who did you blow your first load of 2018 too?
Now that you mention it, I haven't done it yet. I have to hope my waifu gets something from comiket scanned quickly.
My midnight-countdown fap was you know which doujin of Satania, but I built up with a Kotegawa gangrape one. My first full fap of the New Year was to SYD's Aria.
Haruhisky's new work
I'm not a porn addict.
Jeez it's barely been a few hours and you've all already masturbated again you perverts.
Some WEG game from /aco/. You brain wash your mother and sisters into bring sluts for you. Not sure if there's a harem end it not, but I got individual ends with them pregnant. My balls hurt because it took so long, but it was worth it.
As promised.
I can't decide who to do it to.
Boku no Pico at 00:00 in the morning.
It's okay, she loves dicks.
Aozora Shoujo's new Rika doujin.
First time was the Illya thread like ten hours ago.
Second time was the yearly faggotry thread.
I haven't fapped yet but I'll vigorously jerk it to my waifu in CM3D2 before bed.
>New Rika doujin
I know my second fap for the year now.
My waifu.
Imomuya Honpo
whats wrong with her hair
My waifu getting mindbroken and impregnated by fat faceless bald old men
You know she likes dicks, right?
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I just did. Feels good.
I don't masturbate to cartoons
My waifu.
Who do you think?
your waifu
>I hope it's not other degenerate stuff
why do you care faggot
I'm pleased to say the last time I fapped to anime was 5 years ago, and the last time I fapped to porn in general was 1 year ago
My depression is now completely lifted. Don't masturbate so much kiddos
user, you do know that character is 0, right?
To think, we have pic related and another Abgrund doujinshi to look forward to in the new year.
Mist from FE Path of Radiance
Why won't she come home in Heroes?
>new year
Sure they're out but our hopes need to rest with them even getting scanned.
Remember to report the OP. This idiot got his thread deleted yesterday, yet he's still making threads about fapping instead of discussing anime.
Good start to the year indeed.
Let's hope we get them and some others scanned.
I like these threads because they always remind me how good my porn folder is
Especially compared to the garbage that gets posted
I hope it gets scanned, Melon must have it if you want to buy it too.
It was to pic related. I don't really value new year faps, and that girl is very erotic.
How much of that emotional change do you attribute to stopping porn vs general life improvement? I'm actually interested, just since making the decision to stop masturbating probably also comes alongside other general attempts to improve one's life.
Some doujin about a shota fucking a gyaru in the bath tub. It was okay.
They're both available for online purchase (in Japan), so they're definitely easier to find than that fuck Fushoku's doujinshi (still love the guy but Jesus he just puts his shit out with absolutely no notice prior and essentially has no online presence so it's impossible to tell if he's dead or not) and they aren't lost relics that aren't available anywhere like some really old KnT doujinshi by Yamane.
>Not abstaining to the very limit for your waifus
Literally nothing?
The girls in this show were very hot, I wish there was more doujins.
What's the secret user-sama? Did you castrate yourself?
Sorry to disappoint OP, but only netorare does anything for me nowadays.
I specifically made sure it was gonna be my waifu Tiffany from Huniepop
Just a random tomboy with glasses.
You say that now but fap to NTR too much and you'll long for vanilla.
praise haruhi you nerds, maybe 2018 will be the year another volume finally comes out
We don't like gays around here
Haven't had my first 2018 fap yet.
>fapping to the 2nd Dimensional jew
>not just entering the second dimension yourself to actually fuck your waifu IRL
and here I thought Sup Forums was meta
What's shakin' bacon?
Maekawa's cute tummy.
This very image. I have a thing for girls in uniform.
Multiple sabers
tsukiko from henneko, a bunch of TLR doujins and various things on HH
actually got pretty into a few things on HH but that might be the alcohol talking
SMARTEST anime ever
I followed my heart
Too bad the show went to total borefest in season 2.
Too bad. She was really adorable.
Nobody in particular. I masturbated to a message from the new years lewd thread, concerning somebody larger using me like a onahole
>accidentally typing the same word double
I fucking hate when this happen.
This show has no porn. Shame
What a cute pervert.
this girl.
>not doing no-fap 2018
I was gently rubbing my cock during the swimsuit shopping episode and then suddenly blew my load when she casually lifted up to show her bikini bottom to the Dino.
There is nothing hotter than girls showing off their skin without knowing how slutty it is.
Please don't bully me
I'm not bullying you. It's just cute and hot that you came to something like that.
I can't fap to text. How do you do it?
Just fapped to this exhentai.org
post it
Oh, nevermind then. It's just that I'm pretty bad at erping and don't dare to try unless I can do it "ironically". I can't wait for next year.
Not him but it's just a habit from those threads. Lewdposters really are something.
loli jesus please. take my 2nd and 3rd nut of the year.
Just like with anything else, through immersion.