
Happy new year's edition.

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>posting deviantart garbage

Where is Sarada? She is supposed to be Boruto’s canon

I want the underage trash to leave.

I want to ___ Akita

Sarada-chan peed herself, what you gonna do?

Drink it.

Gao~ Gao~

Her character design is bizarre, you can see from her design that she's supposed to be busty but in reality she's actually flat chested. It's like her Breasts are 2D, they have no volume and are only visible from the front. This is likely unintentional, but it's hilarious to see how Ikemoto can't even draw curves even when he tries to.

But her breasts are 2d, user

Akita is a man user.

Who's that Hinata 2.0?



Not exactly. She's a lot more outgoing and skilled than Hinata. Only her design and her relationship to the main protagonist is similiar.

Best boy

Best family
Prove me wrong

Yeah, but her name?

worst boy

Happy New Year 2018 !

Welcome to Sumirefaggotry. It's what happens when deviantart and tumblr invades.

If she's suppose to be a Inazuka, where the fuck are her face paint markings? Literally even the random filler Inazuka from the War Arc in shippuden had them.

He deserves to be bullied

Oh god... if Orochimaru wanted too, he technically could have taken a female body, transferred into it, seduce someone, and then give birth. Orochimaru is truly the peak of science in the Nardo universe.

Could Mitsuki defeat Bort?

With his dick of course he can

Sumire Kakei

Let's stop pretending they're not best friends

She is nothing like Hinata. Her name is Sumire Kakei.

Kekai Sumeri

Well, let's hope summers declaration of ship war doesn't ruin that.


Yes, yes you are. I wish you'd stop being so mad about Sarada existing and spamming deviantautism to cope. but we can't get what we want.

To bad Boruto’s leaving of the Village is going to ruin that, if it is not on friendly terms

them sharing the bort will only strengthen their bond

>being so mad about Sarada existing
>projecting this hard
Spoiler alert: I like both of them

So you are into OT3 as well.
Excellent choice, sir.

Scans when?


Prove it: stop sperging out. Or stay on deviantart.

>stop sperging
But you’re the only one complaining, meanwhile, I keep enjoying my two favorite females

I’m gonna accelerate, Sarada-chan


NO, I just fapped 10 minutes ago, goddamn you

>loli tummies
>loli cunnies

Evil Boruto when?

Bort is not for evil. Edgy, yes. But evil, no.

I want to violate the violet

Best doujin

>I’m gonna accelerate, Sarada-chan
This always makes me smile. The phrase not the pedophilia. Thanks!

yeah, but he wouldn't

Me too but I also want to deflower the sunflower and toss the salad’s salad

>same face
>same shit
I swear. People only like Wataru because they self insert as Naruto.

Boruto is going to be a hardcore chuuni, but not at all willingly evil

Pretty much, but wouldn’t you want to self insert as a pussy slayer like this?

Naruto is an annoying autist though. People only like him because he can easily annihilate them with a Biju Bomb

It doesn't matter he just brainwashes everyone into liking him through the power of non-consenting friendship, some are harder to break than others but eventually they all fall.

This is the meme I hate the most

>tfw Naruto is super-powered Big Brother

True, but you gotta admit, hokage Naruto is pretty cool

Hokage Naruto was only cool during Ch.700, the ending of Boruto, and the middle part of Gaiden. Other wise, he is just a tired workaholic, or a creepy dictator

I want to get violated by the violet t. Boruto

the whole series is soo stupid

its just Naruto all over again with the "same" people
dropped it long time ago

You wrote that yesterday, did you not get the replies you wanted last time?

Are Kara the freemasons of the nardo world?

Then why are (You) still here?

sakura a shit

Inojin is cuter than Sarada

Man, I really want to BUST A NUT in both of these girls


I think it's okay to say at this point that Bort, Salad, and Sumire are going to become a couple later.

Preteen Ninja in training
>tight miniskirt/dress
Hasn't died yet. Nice to see she takes after her mother in being useless

True almost as useless as sumire who wanted to kill everyone in konoha at least she still does more than hinata ever did.

Self inserting is fine until it leaks into porn


Don't see a problem. You get the intention.

>t. Ikemoto

Eh, not quite as good as this one

>who wanted to kill everyone in konoha
Having the ability to do that is pretty useful unlike Jobrada

But she didn't kill everyone in konoha and became relevant after that. Sumire the definition of jobber.

We all love all our girls.

Although, i think we can all agree that pic related is better than both of them.

tfw you will never use kakashi's ass as a pillow


What's she doing in Bort's room?

Playing with his stuff

Oh she's playing with is stuff alright.

>Wearing makeup in a lab

she's bothering Boruto and Mitsuki

Reminder than Naruto x Sarada will happen. Hinata will die and it'll be the trigger which will lead Himawari to become a kunoichi. Sarada will marry him after.

You had it right the first time


This user gets it

You mean playing with his staff right?

>starting the year with devintard garbage
Sumerifags are literally cancer


Stop trying to force your "dude parallels XD" meme, please

>calling cute, decent art deviantart garbage because it doesnt feature you waifu
>trying to pick a fight

lick it up, obviously

>s-stop posting stuff I don’t like!
Every time

t. chestlets