Attention! A loli with a razor.
Attention! A loli with a razor
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Shiver me ballsack.
Be careful! Its sharp!
>A loli will never shave your stubble for you
Feels bad man
>using cheap disposable gillette plastic
>not using Merkur 34C
step up the game little brat
Heh, what are you gonna do?
Shaving my beard while giving me a head pat from behind and letting my head rest on your bony chest?
It won't work on m-
I came here to post this.
How come no shounen character has used this as a weapon?
That's a pre-pubescent child you peadophile.
Okada Kou?
I didn't want to remember this.
Wait, this doujin was translated? Where?
Not done yet. Soon(?).
Was getting caught part of her plan?
Can't wait, I love me some Katyusha.
2d characters, especially lolis, do not need razors
This episode is why I never shave my chest
Now I'm an alpha and get all the grills
It's weird to see my exact razor posted by someone else on Sup Forums.
I hope he releases a lot of stuff this year
At the age of 14, a Zoroastrian named Vilmer ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum — it's breathtaking ... I suggest you try it.
At the age of 14, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum — it's breathtaking ... I suggest you try it.
I think she's been released by now.
Aye, I quite like the guys in his works in that while they are pretty big guys, they are actually decent people aswell unlike other Doujin characters.
>watched this earlier today
Most wholesome loli I've ever seen.
Is that really the original?
I could have sworn it looked different
It's a loli with a razor, you're the one sexualising her.
Get your filthy fingers away from my beard, kid!
She's not going after your beard, user.
>2 blades
You need to hurry up.
Good taste, Katyusha-sama is a good loli.
I'm working on like three different loli stuff at the same time, have mercy.
>have mercy.
I may have mercy, but not my dick Stalker.
That includes my lower beard.
What if I sate your heart boner instead, would that do?
>fall for this meme
>get gifted some dumbass Gilette ultra 4+1 blade
>try it out, since it was free
>it's actually really good and makes my face much smoother, and i cut myself less
Fuck me
His ripped but gentle guys are a nice change from all the fat bald guys and stinky NEETs that get drawn all the time
>offer to teach loli how to shave legs
>spend next hour fondling her already hairless legs and thighs
Use feather blades and learn to shave better
My balls only trust oneesans.
I'm really conflicted about this, I love Benantoka but Katyusha is for Nonna only, any other option is heresy
Shiver me ballsack!
Or, use commercial blades and get bettter results?
Do you also use soap and a brush?
>Katyusha-sama is a good loli.
>americans cant count to 22
Then I hope you'll like what I'm working on.
>Katyusha is for Nonna only, any other option is heresy
Loli belong to onii-chan, you're the heretic here.
Fucking hell, no blood, no gore, and it still gets to me this hard.
>everyone with fancy blades when I just use a sharpened kitchen knife
Ah, I see, you and I are enemies from now on
Just give the loli electric shaver.
Can't go wrong with those
The girl is absolutely disgusting.
If you do manage to get an actual real 3D girlfriend, try shaving her. It's a very euphoric experience
Then again I'm a sick fuck who also unironically likes brushing hair and brushing her teeth
I should've known that spoiler would be full of faggotry.
>diehard loli aficionado
>get a 3D girlfriend
All you need is the citizenship of certain countries my friend
What the fuck are you saying about Ran, you ignoramus?
take that back
What are you doing here arararararagi-san ?
Let me correct myself, no matter if she is touhou or not, cowtits old hags are still disgusting.
>brushing hair and brushing her teeth
Wait, are you oral hygiene bro? Yeah you are a sick fuck and I envy you greatly.
If your girlfriend needs shaving, you've made a mistake somewhere along the line.
>brushing hair
What kind of person wouldn't want to do this to a cute girl?
My lolis are too young to have hair down there anyway.
If they did, would you help them shave?
Sure, but if that happens, that also means they're getting too old.
A faggot
I use an adjustable safety razor, feather blades, and brush/soap. Also have straight edge for certain spots. Sometimes with thicker hair, the angled razors can help. Would say technique matters a lot.
You might wanna fix that.
I haven't sent the script to my proofreader yet, it'll be fixed when I'm done.
>Shave pubes
>leaving unnecessary hair on your body
Great cropping I totally can't see what's down there
Not this shit again, Frank.
trying too hard to fit in are we
Calm down user, the discussion moved on, you don't need to make it come back.
Hanako is neither 3d nor pd.
first of I mistakenly typed it as pd and what is pd? I hope it has nothing to do with pedos since there is nothing wring with being attracted to thin body types
Lurk for two years before posting.
not quoting the post you responding to? I see you just ironically using that tumblr joke
I want to kiss a loli so fucking badly.
3dpd then you just confused me for sec
I wish I could never grow facial hair.
Anywhere is fine to be quite honest. There literally is no spot I wouldn't kiss.
Hanako makes me incredibly diamond.
Manga about imouto's pubes actually not really, but that's a spoiler.