This was supposed to be our year bros. We were so close of getting the AOTY title.
Had MiA never aired. Now we wont have another chance after the whole kadokawa fiasco.
Has MiA never aired... ;_;
This was supposed to be our year bros. We were so close of getting the AOTY title.
Had MiA never aired. Now we wont have another chance after the whole kadokawa fiasco.
Has MiA never aired... ;_;
You already pwned them in their own thread, you don't need to take a victory lap, all they'll do is just call you young or a teenager or something anyway
>All the "HAHA GUYS LOOK AT OUR SALES ANIME BTFO!" posters got fucked over in the end
wow... so THIS is the power of Kemono Friends...
What the fuck is wrong with 2nd place? KF was good anime, MiA was good anime, one of them happened to be more popular than the other one, who cares? What the point of shitposting and false-flagging?
Kemono Fags were the most obnoxious fanbase on Sup Forums the entire year, they had this coming.
Basically every popular anime has cancerous fanbase. PriPri fags shitposted in mia threads, for exampke, dunno about other way around. Lwa fags also were in pretty much every popular anime threads. I cannot say that kf fags were somehow different, besides them having constant generals.
Get fucked disgusting furryfags with a dead franchise
>The kíno of the Year somehow made the list
Usually those rarely make the Cut
i swore 'most obnoxious fanbase' 2017 was gonna go to kemono friends, but then mia aired. IF ONLY IT NEVER AIRED!!!!!