Why didn't they use this opportunity to save the species?
Why didn't they use this opportunity to save the species?
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That's not how repopulation works.
>muh natalism
How would Humans react in such a scenario?
Use every available breeding pair?
Stop fighting to breed and rebuild?
Place a high value on females?
Why would they want to save the species when there’s barely enough to eat between the two of them?
Because if we couldn't pull our shit together and not bomb ourselves back to the stone age by the time we have multistory ultra cities then we really don't deserve to continue as a species.
There is no inherent value to that, nobody suffers when they do not try to save the species
Do you really think they could look after a baby? They have a hard enough time feeding themselves.
I wonder if there's people that unironically dont realize this.
So the reason for humanity's decline is because of war in the show? How the fuck do you bomb each other to that point?
>muh natalism
Big robots.
Boomers and those brainwashed by them are very real.
>God Warriors from Nausicaä
Why wouldn't Yuuri and Chito just repopulate with each other?
Because there would be inbreeding within the second generation.
In a post-apocalyptic world there would be alot of females and less men suriving in the harsh world. I would place a high value on the men instead of the women.
How far ahead is the manga? Why do we assume that all life on earth is ded? The shrooms said they don't even know what happens on upper levels of that one city. Everything we saw up to the blue ceiling might as well be abandoned area.
Abraham's children were inbreeding so it doesn't fucking matter.
Just bathe in radioactive water and hope for beneficial mutations.
better than nothing. humans have bottlenecked pretty close to that before, especially some isolated populations
insufficient calories for successful pregnancies
Don't you have to get ready for the Rapture instead of posting here?
In a harsh environment men would actually be the better at survival, it's why they get lumbered with the dangerous stuff
I don’t understand, mindless natalism is bad.
>Hey guys! look at me! I'm an aethist!
Go back to plebbit where you need to tip your fedora.
The author is an extremely sexually repressed degenerate who hates sex and thinks it's disgusting but wants it very badly and expresses that by drawing shitty abstract scribbles of fish.
So in SSR sex doesn't exist to keep things simple. No straight sex, no gay sex, no sex at all or it would ruin the artistic ambiguity of everything. So deep, so deep.
Humans stop being fertile when they are on a starvation diet. So it is likely the girls are not ovulating and don't even have a sex drive. As there is no food for a next generation I don't think they would try and procreate. They don't even band together with the people they find, they can't feed a large group.
It's a possible women can impregnate women where biology had advanced into the future. Now to think about tribadism does work with impregnate a female.
>In a harsh environment men would actually be the better at survival
Agreed but still in argue on humanities survival. Females can survive but it will take time to see how they can stand it.
Rapture is a protestant meme. Its not real
Was it not in revelations?
Men take more risks than women and die more often. Human births naturally produce more boys than girls (107 boys to every 100 girls). In the 'wild' human males die through hunting accidents, murder and war. When we reach middle age there are approximately 2 men for every 3 women. Humans then revert to a society where low status men get 1 wife and high status men get a harem of wives.
>shrooms can fly
>still haven't checked the highest levels
Where do the nukos come from? If they're lmaos, they come from above so it would be logical for them to explore the highest levels first. Which they didn't. So I'm assuming they're earth-bound, some kind of post-nuclear holocaust mutation. Now, there are two possibilities:
>They didn't check the highest levels yet because it wasn't part of their schedule yet.
Makes sense, but it would be anti-climatic for the potatoes to reach the highest level and hoping to find some kind of nirvana and instead just meeting nuko and friends again.
>the highest levels are somehow off-limits for them.
That could be the case if there's something even more strange and mystical to be found there. Some kind of last hope for humanity to survive by evolving into a higher state of existance?
The revelations of John was a vision of how the Roman empire would fall down, not the actual "end of the world" scenario. No one but God knows when and how would the world end as also mentioned in the Bible
>nuclear mutatiosn
Don't understand where people get this idea. They're most likely self-evolving nano/bio-tech robots following specific directives.
And what do you mean by "mindless?"
You severely underestimate the sheer destructive potential that humanity has achieved while trying to kill each other. I'm not talking about just nukes either.
Got a link to the source? I feel this needs sound.
Smokers should not be permitted to breed. Especially with such lively soldier stock.
NatGeo's World War 1 documentary. Episode 4 - Killers of the Sea.
If it's a female live soldier then she should be able impregnate those girls easily
Because they are not sluts.
They'd fuck just for the heck of it.
I'm not sure the two girls know what sex is.
Kanazawa is loyal to his dead waifu.
Redpillme anons, this seems like a fucking interesting and cool series. Is it?
They can barely scavenge enough food to feed themselves, how would they take care of kids?
Because the writer is an anti-natalist nihilist depressive.
No. Go away if you are suicidal.
Fuck off, Abe.
What the fuck was this? I dont remember this airing last season
Where can i watch this show for free
The absolute state of Sup Forums 2018
Guys, the name's Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
>the absolute state of
Kill yourself.
>How the fuck do you bomb each other to that point?
You don't, not with the cities intact like that. Chemical warfare would have left more of a trace too. The world's in a state like aliens showed up and abducted everyone. And then dropped off the few humans we see I guess because they must have been raised and educated somewhere but there's no trace of it. It's hard to find any logic to it all.
you need to go back
Toonami on saturday nights.
So, will I kill myself if I watch this? Seems good enough to me
>that part in War of the Worlds when the HMS Thunder Child rapes the shit out of three tripods before going down in a blaze of glory
Why is naval warfare so balls to the wall?
On computer preferably, but sadly his not free.
Fuck off.
There's no point in that.
>they reach the top
>jump off a highest spot
>wake up from a dream
Calling it now.
/fixed up spoilers/
It's fine either way, you still got the point across.
someone must've at least explained to them why their body discharges copious amounts of blood from between their legs on a regular basis
>Kill yourself
kill yourself
mindless anything is bad you dummy
you're making things up, if the nonsense you are spewing were true there would not be entire countries of starving people with little kids running around with gas-bloated bellies
starving people fuck and birth like rabbits, moreso than ones in prosperous countries
More importantly what happened to this woman. Did he kill her and steal her bag?
the probability of dying from accident or infection in that world is very very high, to say nothing of childbirth. more likely there is a very sad story how he lost her.
she died of malnutrition
that doesn't stop breeding in third world shitholes, so your thinking is abnormal and unnatural, the result only of first world luxury and wealth
at least they have countries
there's no way to return to a pre-industrial lifestyle because the entire world has been covered by industrial sprawl
He probably dropped a building on her by accident.
>mindless robots are bad
Hope you enjoy the metallic phallus of your Skynet masters up your ass.
>why dont people remember my generic moeshit
I don't remember this in the movie. new or the old
Was it implied that they are the only ones left? I mean yeah I assumed the map maker and the pilot both died eventually from starvation or otherwise. But the aliens said that they detected no other life in just the city no? Does that mean that there could be life elsewhere?
It feels so bitter sweet seeing them end it like they did in the show. I have to see where they go from here in the manga. I feel depressed from seeing how bleak and hopeless it all is contrasted by how happy and blissfully (more or less) optimistic they are.
Wait is this the same girl from the school club video? Or was those videos and picture came from hundreds of years worth of archiving?
Hundreds of years worth of archiving
>Big-series Megadeii
The gene pool hadn't yet shallowed out as much as it did in subsequent generations.
Ionizing radiation DAMAGES genes, moron.
It's in the book and the rock opera
What's the point of webm if they don't even have sound?! Just give us a gif, dammit!
I have never seen this, but that blonde girl looks like a lesbian type that hates men and is overly protective of the black haired girl, am i right?
Pretty sure that should be sound.
Wells was a hack.
They have a backup plan.
It's like you didn't even bother to read .
Maybe it's better to just let humanity die. They fucked everything up anyway.
>What is thermal convection?
>What is combustibility of wood?
>What is thermal properties of metal?
Tell me, what was the tripod's primary weapon again?