What's the Sup Forums equivalent?
What's the Sup Forums equivalent?
Other urls found in this thread:
New Game
Streaming sites
People who use it swear it's fine, but the people who torrent know it isn't the same, not even close.
Boku no Hero Academia
Shokugeki no Kyojin
Crossboarder memes.
The kids who live in a sand boat who they call whale for some reason.
>CrOSSboARDEr MEmes.
Fuck off and die, Sup Forumstard
What's the difference honey?
A cake is still good no matter where you get it from.
Guess what button near your post i just hit.
>>Sup Forums
>>Sup Forums
For you to check my 5
>Star Wars shit
>crossboarding forced memes
hope you get stabbed in the eye you fucking cancer.
Food analogies are the best way to identify funposters.
Femdom fags
Is it made out of people?
Not technically people. Hominids.
Why would they name is soylent when it has a negative connotation with soylent green?
Because it appeals to nu-males and traps, which have no idea what Soylent Green is.
Would you rather eat a cake that tastes like literal shit or a piece of real shit that tastes like cake?
>cake 1 comes from a factory line that produces cat food and slug pellets in the same room by workers who work 14 hour shifts and they're so tired they often get confused
>cake 2 comes from the personal kitchen of a kind old grandma who has been using the same recipe passed down her family for generations
Even your analogy isn't true