Fuck all other threads, come in here and celebrate the past with me, because back in the day everything was better.
Sup Forums was better, people were better, you were better, I was better.
Fuck all other threads, come in here and celebrate the past with me, because back in the day everything was better.
Sup Forums was better, people were better, you were better, I was better.
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh wow, look at these kawaii anime girls:
This is already out of date, it's all about soyboys nowadays.
>Code Geass ended 10 years ago
I watch Nyan Neko Sugar Girls every new year and my most cherished memories comes back to life
Like cuck, but more modern and cool.
I sure hope you guys don't do this. Its actually bad for you and is a sign of you getting older.
Do you like it now, anons?
Why the fuck is this bannable now?
I always liked it.
I need rituals like that.
But what if I'm getting younger by having nostalgia feeling.
If in many sense the past was better, then we should acknowledge that and give it room in the present.
I think it's the people who get really old who hold the past and the values of it dear to their heart, and not jump on the next cool trend. A bit soberness is cool.
The same faggot mods that banned Sadpanda threads, among several other traditional threads.
Guys that ate so much soy products they start to get hormone imbalances and start to gain female features so basically traps
reddit mods and normalfags
Moot leaving was the best thing that happened in the past few years. If only he had done it earlier.
Back then many thought it was a good thing, but in fact the site has only gone more downhill since.
Why do you think that, you give no explanation. So I think you are not serious.
Sup Forums FTW
Exactly this. Hiroshima was far worse for this site than moot ever was.
Its all Sup Forums's fault, fuck them for creatiing GG
>newfag phoneposters talking about Moot like they were even here before he left.
Let's start this:
God, listening to it after such a long time just made me smile.
The newest attempt at a catch-all insult to one's masculinity that you can fling at anyone for any reason.
It's already starting to lose meaning as a word, it won't nearly last as long as cuck did.
He left because he saw where it was going, and he couldn't stop it.
Still hate it
Sounds more like trying to insult a chink or some other asian.
Yeah i love Sup Forums with malware and crypto miners
I miss him.
Him and the comfy sadpanda threads. Tthey were some of the best threads on Sup Forums before the Jacob disaster, and even then they were above average.
Wew, now there's something I haven't seen in years.
First Sup Forums with Chanology, then Sup Forums with GG, who will be the next board to fuck everything up for everyone else with some dumb "movement"?
Where are those threads where you do something fun like an edit for the whole thread just to forget about it a week after? Instead we have the same shit repeating ad infinitum
Ok here's an explanation. He was hilariously incompetent, the entire site was like two years filled to the brim with spambots because he refused to add captcha, and after he did add captcha he promised a way to fix the issue without relying on captcha, however captcha stayed and still remains to this day.
Entire boards were lost to mindless shitposting and it even got so adapted to the boards that whenever mods tried to remove it the shitposters would double down on it and claim it was destroying the culture of the site. This would have been fixed with an increase in moderation as the site became more popular, however he refused to give mod powers to people outside of his IRC circlejerk because he was afraid of "power abuse".
Mods and Janitors who actually deleted off topic shit were scolded and even treated unfairly like /jp/'s Meido or Anonymous-san whose efforts were downright castrated by moot's love of shitposting.
He was essentially a fucking retard that got lucky with his site gaining popularity, if you look at IRC chatlogs from before he created Sup Forums you'd know the guy was pretty disliked by his SA IRC buddies because of how annoying he was.
I've been here since 2005, you only liked him because he was an admin and you love that admin cock inside your mouth. Kill yourself.
>tfw still hasn't started to play 2h
I like it!
But I don't like that the permabanned Sakura!Fish
Sup Forums already did with the elections
When you feel the "past was better", you are experiencing corruption in your judgment based on selective memories being recorded in your brain. In your daily life, how much do you remember? For average person, less than 0.001% of your conscious mind is considered memorable. Stretch that back 20-30 years, and you have a bad case of memory corruption. Stretch it even further more and your memory has changed for good part simply due to your present bias eroding your older memory.
Hence, when you keep remembering those "good old times", you are actually reshaping your memory each time to make it better and better than what it actually was.
Hence the claim, its bad for you to nostalgia. Memory should be seen with clear unclouded mind, not nostalgia like. You must always be aware of what actually is happening in your current mind and then be aware of the bias that might cloud your judgment when you access any old memory.
I used to listen to this stuff so fucking much.
This is the best one.
But what is left of it?
I enjoyed the past Sup Forums, maybe not the recent years. But I wasn't here so often lately anyways.
I think many people hold good memories with the old Sup Forums.
But society is changing, and so is Sup Forums.
Moot was a faggot and the fact that he willingly left this place to this shady crooked jap is more than enough proof of it.
It was a lot of things.
Both of those boards were the same community by then. During 2008-09 so many newfags and normies came to Sup Forums from hearing about it on social media that Sup Forums Sup Forums and later in 2011 Sup Forums became literally the same place filled with retards.
>mobile posters can be clearly linked to the downward spiral in post quality.
Really makes you want to die.
Yeah moot was a fag, but it's not like fucking hiroshima is any better
we didnt have people projecting their insecurity and lack of masculinity by spamming cuck and soy everywhere
I don't say everything was good in the past, that's never true.
But what I enjoy and hold precious, I hold precious.
And when I can't find these moments nowadays, I feel sad.
>Hence, when you keep remembering those "good old times", you are actually reshaping your memory each time to make it better and better than what it actually was.
This may be true. So it's better to shape the nowadays we want to have. If it's something from the past, we should analyse what exactly that was, and promote this ourselfs in our own life, and by our own doings.
>Hence the claim, its bad for you to nostalgia. Memory should be seen with clear unclouded mind, not nostalgia like. You must always be aware of what actually is happening in your current mind and then be aware of the bias that might cloud your judgment when you access any old memory.
I don't know, I'm a dreamer kind of person. I enjoy what I enjoy. There is media nowdays which is still nice. But I can't ignore that the world is on the decline. But as our lifes are all subjective, everyone has also a very unique experience, upbringing and everything. But at the same time we live in the same world don't we.
But I'm just thinking loudly.
As long as there are lazy journalists and slow news days, there will be someone willing to breathlessly report on some "activism" on Sup Forums that'll drive normalfags to check this place out. And with budget cuts and clickbait and shit the problem's only gonna get worse.
Couldn't they just have made their one PhonePolChan and stayed there?
you cant even see that the Sup Forums of /flash/ and the present are related
Don't do this to me, user.
I miss when this board actually reacted to our shitty memes instead of being NO FUN ALLOWED. When was the last time we had a board name change or background music? Or the last time we witnessed mod sorcery? When moot left?
>background music
It wasn't exactly a reaction to a meme but didn't we get komm susser tod playing on new years last year?
We're all just getting old.
Everything constantly changes and becomes stranger when compared to what we grew up with. Our parents went through it, we're going through it, and our children yeah right will eventually suffer the same fate.
The world stops for no one. We all wish we had some way to relieve how the world was when we were younger, because we realize that those places, those feelings will never exist that way we loved so much again. Our minds were filled with wonder and it made everything so much more wonderful and magical, but now things are wonderful and magical to other people instead. We, who are older, have learned of death, of mortality, of having to fend for ourselves, of protecting what is ours. There's too much on our minds, we cannot enjoy life to the degree we did.
I would honestly like to speak to a reclusive mountain hermit at least once. To know how someone who has separated their time from that of the world lives.
A work of true art.
I think that was two years ago. Maybe three.
Hiro is slightly better, at least he's subtle about being a fucking retard unlike moot. I'd rather have a sneaky jew than a boldly incompetent one.
Fun fact, originally moot was going to pass the torch to Kanrinin-san and he asked someone else to contact "futaba's administrator" however that someone was so incompetent he didn't know the difference between 2ch and futaba so he ended up contacting Hiro and moot didn't have gall to back down.
Oh another horrible thing moot would do was this sort of shit, not on Sup Forums or other boards mind you, that's kind of fun, but on Sup Forums. That essentially meant every single board on the site would be filled with leaking Sup Forumstards who would spam them to oblivion with their massive numbers.
Too forced, won't stick.
There was also N/a/ruto.
But that was when moot still reigned.
>I think that was two years ago. Maybe three.
Is my sense of time really that off.
>Fun fact, originally moot was going to pass the torch to Kanrinin-san
What? Source.
All boards were susceptible to shitposting when it came to stealing GETs
There was one in 2016
chinese piegeon cooking farfalle
Its over.
This is Sup Forums audience now.
Was it the time that the EVA crosses were falling from the top of the browser? That was definitely at least two years ago.
God, it has been four years already.
Shit, fucking shit.
That's what I thought was last year, yea.
Fuck off back there, filth.
Soyboys work because it triggers.
and Sup Forumsfags get angry when you call them out on their bullshit.
Fucking Sup Forums 2.0
Haha no we have always been Sup Forums you nu male soy slurping refugee cuckold. Sup Forums has always been white supremacist and anit-soy
I'm the one who told moot to use it as a background theme, before that he had some video about Nardo saying "believe it" over and over again.
The most noticeable thing I ever did here.
At least Sup Forums is tolerable. You havent even reached the rock bottom Sup Forums has.
It only "triggers" insecure kids on containment boards, I think. Doubt people let weightless insults affect thenlm.
Good post
This, Sup Forums is VERY tolerable compared to a lot of boards.
Remember these things?
Content creators leaving for greener pastures.
How has Sup Forums become worse? Feels pretty identical to a few years ago, anime is repelent for many of the newfags that came here.
It doesn't work though. I miss when Sup Forums called people cucks, at least that was an insult; hard not to feel offended when someone says you get off on NTR shit.
But you've gotta be pretty deep in the right web circles to even know what "soyboy" or "bugman" mean, and neither has that much sting even when you do. Doesn't help that "soyboy" relies on a "they're making the frogs gay"-tier crackpot theory about how soy effects the human body.
I know, I know
>I'm fully erect and I want everyone to know
First thing thta came to my mind.
You making it sounds like we are all old grandpas at this point, many of us are still relatively younger, our bodies still didn't change that much that we would see the world different, it's not about that at all.
People just like to keep times when they had a good time and didn't need to worry about anything, my past is not filled with shiny rainbows and unicorns, the last thing I can think is how it was all better back then.
tiny hands
>not inserting as the girl in NTR
That actually sounds kinda awesome.
Like some old-time horror movie alien.
How do we defeat the endless march of time
You can occasionally spot the occasional tourist from Sup Forums or reddit when they talk about 3DPD or post frogs or something like that, but they're usually told to fuck off pretty quick.
I still think that board culture isn't followed as well as it was in the past though because of people like that. No one is told to lurk anymore, sources are given for the easiest of things to search for, etc. It just feels like this place is falling apart.
I post in every fun/paint/photoshop thread and I can tell you they are still here except less frequent because nobody bothers to contribute anymore and newfags can't use their phones for something creative.
By becoming animu villains with a ludicrous plan on how to save Mankind from itself.
They will proably get deleted for being off topic now