One Piece

2018 will be the Year of Smoothie

Other urls found in this thread:

>I wish I was at home juicing cute girls

I like femPorchemy.

man, that's a fucking hidden one

>behind us
>supporting squad
And that's how you know you're wrong. Jesus I don't even know why Oda created her at this point. She probably won't even manage to make Daifuku look bad.


The crew will finally be complete in 2018 with Luffy and his 11 nakama.

screencap this post.

>screencap this post
Why is it always the people who have popular opinions who type this after their boring speculation half of the thread shares?

>Luffy you're weak as shit, leave Katakuri to me!

>tfw no Marco on crew

>Ten Blackbeard Pirates
>Ten Strawhats (including Jinbei)

Who fights who?

yes or no? king would be a gigantopithecus and queen a saber-toothed tiger

>12 Nakama
>Zeus, Jimbe and Gangster Gastino are all joining

He created her for Elbaf. If a big arc needs villains and yonkos are the only ones who pose a threat to Luffy at the time Elbaf happens, then nobody from Elbaf will be able to be a decent villain. So it makes sense that Big Mom will be present as will Smoothie.

Plot twist: The crew isn't shaped for a one on one, but a parallel to Luffy's crew. No one fights each other outside Luffy/Blackbeard.

What if Perospero, Mont d'or, Opera and Caesar Clown got teleported in a parallel universe of modern anime Japan and right in the street with people walking by?

She's also attempting to gigantify her kids. If they get a working gigantification process, that might push her to invade Elbaf.

No way will it happen in 2018. Getting a total of 11 nakama is going to be near EoS. So maybe something like 2024.

Only if BM invades Elbaf, Linlin and the BM pirates are not welcome at Elbaf

Ok, where's the part where they all need to go the restroom and can't find one?

Law is the best.

This, given that we might have a final arc involving almost every big player in the world the SHs may not have a 1v1 battle against the BBP

>navarone isn't canon

Personally i'm hoping for one of those tyrant birds or a giant sloth, but Gigantopithecus is high up on my wishlist too, and Smilodon is a given

*Terror birds

Nice false flag. Retard
How sad do you have to be to falsefllag in Tumblr?

So that wasn't you Sanafriend?

Luffy - Teach (captains)
Zoro - Shiryu (swordsmen)
Nami - Catarina Devon (main bitches)
Usopp - Van Auger (snipers)
Sanji - Burgess (martial art)
Chopper - Doc Q (doctors)
Robin - Lafitte (winged battle)
Franky - Vasco Shot (cola vs alcohol)
Brook - Avalo Pizarro (crazy fucks)
Jinbe or transformed Sunny - San Juan Wolf (size matters)

what would you do if Law got another backstory in Wano?

jerk off again.


Good point. Elbaf in general is a bit of a mystery in regards to execution. I'm assuming at that point, the SH will be in Elbaf's good graces due to Dorry, Brogy, Hajrudin (his pirate crew), Oimi, and Kashi. So if Big Mom isn't the villain, it would have to be another yonkou. What reason would they have to go there though? Road poneglyph?

Law won't, but Bepo's likely.

Why would I attack one of my own?

It was the sanatard. Whenever the sanatard gets called out, she starts to call you a falseflagger.

hopefully enjoy is as much as the first one.

>What reason would they have to go there though? Road poneglyph?
They could go there simply because of the Log Pose, though i do think the last road poneglyph is at Elbaf

>Nami - Catarina Devon (main bitches)
>Robin - Lafitte (winged battle)
How in the fuck did you get this so wrong?

cursed image
don't open

One of the reasons why Dressrosa was so bad was because of the flashbacks, there were 6 or 7 flashbacks in total i think

So I'm guessing it was you? I always knew you would take credit LuNa nigger. You like my attention huh

pink's was the only good one

>LuNa nigger browses Sanji x Nami Tumblr pages
Just how JUST can one man get?

They just go behind a bush
Are you the peefag?

Does Pedro died?

No. He will be back, sadly.

Nah but I assume you are.


I love you guys!

Hard to say.

I love you too, friend.

quick post GOD usopp

Law/Rosi flashback was one of the best flashbacks, if not the best in One Piece, and the only good part of Dressrosa.


No you don't

Yes, i do.

Do you guys feel the pain of Luffy and Katakuri's victory in 2018?

What the hell?

Will all the threads be diarrhea like this one until spoilers?

There is nothing that happens between those two colorspreads that make Jimbe any more of a member. He was not in the second color spread because he is some where in between.

Unfortunately yes

i miss mangapanda. Remember when bege had a 3 billion berry bounty?

i just found this one and i've never seen it posted here

mangapanda>Jaimini and MS combined

Dear lord

Jinbei must die.


BASED MODS for deleting the false flag

I agree.
End of discussion.

What if Katakuri and Perospero installed high tech cameras in the girls' bathrooms?


Seriously, how is that possible? How do you not know what sound "Do" makes in Japanese.

user they are gay

They were translating from chinese scanlations back then, not japanese.

based binami

Perospero is either bi or candysexual. He expressed interest in both Nami and Caesar.

I wish Nami had short hair again.

So big mom is getting weaker as she gets hungrier, you think she'll be close to death before Sanji feeds her the cake?

Sanji basically saving big moms life

Can someone translate what Sanji says. Please


I wish Nami isn't a huge slut

Everybody has fucked Nami. Yes even blackbeard and it was not rape.

Ah no wonder. Chinese really change shit up 4kids style.

Yes, because that is a chefs duty

>big mom

You can only press one

Duh. For obvious reasons.

And we are...

She learned from Bellmere. She's going to end up single, but adopting orphans.


Was Perospero turned on by Nami or enjoying her suffering here?
Was his tongue rising up in the end meant to be a boner joke?

I don't think it'll be as drastic as near death, but I could definitely see her getting increasingly weaker until she's in a dried up state, similar to how Luffy ended up before Sanji found him.

Ace fucking retard.

There are many of us here, all together we can press all three.

Just look up the Viz translation somewhere.


>Someone made this
I wouldn't press any. I don't give a shit about ships unless they are shoved in my face and that happens here by all. If I kill SaNa then LuNa or SanPu fags will show up. I would hope they all keep to themselves about it until it is actually 100% canon.

Can you add SaRoshippers?

she's weak as fk

None. They are no threat to my ship.
Also green and blue are one in the same. So pressing any will kill both. Just saying

why do the Blackbeard keeping talking about fate?