Why couldn't they keep this hairstyle on Bulma?
Dragon Ball Super
Because she's dead
>mfw Goten and Bra could breed a full blooded saiyan since 1/2+1/2=1
I wish 18 was my mom
What made 18 fall in love with Krillin? It surely wasn't the wish
Get with the times , Gramps. That hairstyle went out of touch 20 years ago.
he can lift
Cause the 80's was 30 years ago and nobody rocks hair like that any more.
>They could also breed a full blooded human since 0.5+0.5=1.0
Holy Crap.
I ship it now.
If that was the case, she would've married Mr. Satan.
>Q: How did Kuririn and No. 18 end up getting married?
A: There was a lot that happened during those seven years. For No. 18, Kuririn was a type of person she’d never met before: earnest and straightforward. Little by little, she was drawn in by that. In my mind, their love story is pretty well-established; and with Bulma and Vegeta, as well. However, I would absolutely never draw it in the comic. I mean, it’s really, really embarrassing. I’ll let my friend Masakazu Katsura-kun handle love stories like that.
>[caption] ↑No. 18 can’t hide her vexation at being saved by Kuririn. Is it the start of romance?!
>[caption] ↓Seven years after the scene at right. During that time, a lot must have happened with the two of them.
>To think, there was someone out there with this speed. Could it be the end of Frieza-sama?
Why are you hyping up Dyspo when all he does is job to someone he's beating?
Afo Bulma is objectively the best Bulma.
>not recognizing the scene
Right before she got MONKEY'D
There is another interview where he blatantly said they got together because he felt bad for Krillin. I'll look for it soon.
Can vegeta do anything besides Job?
>he'll never feel sorry for yamcha
Take doses
Reminder that LSS1 Kefla is more powerful than SSBKKx20 Goku.
Reminder that this was confirmed by Whis.
Reminder that "tired" Goku has no actual mentions or proof of how much he was weakened.
Reminder that "tired" Goku is not a valid argument for debate.
Reminder that Potara fusion is "more than the sum of their parts" and "several tens of times" stronger on top of that.
Reminder that Vegetto Blue has inferior feats and statements than Kefla.
Freezer has shown to be based as fuck in this arc. All the hints of him ruling over the gods is too good to not happen. Let him become the strongest and kill Beerus on the spot. like he always wanted. For him to then have his final showdown with Goku before being erased for eternity.
but can satan destroy a planet?
Not even a (You). Make better bait.
>"several tens of times"
Where's Caulifla?
>hooray for being born a saiyan
Here, it was easier to find than I thought it would be: kanzenshuu.com
>You’re right, he is the strongest among the Earthlings. But in spite of that, he tends to end up in a bad way, so I thought, “once in a while, I have to let him be happy,” and had him get married. (laughs)
Because mullets are bad.
True. She one shots Anilaza so as of right now she's No. 3
Who's that guy next to the cat?
So lets think about for a minute.
If Goku and Vegeta in UI can fight equally with Jiren, then if they decide to fuse into Vegito they would be tens of times stronger. Which would make them equal to the angels. Therefore Jiren would be beaten like a bitch, that finally found a mortal to beat him. Perfect ending for him, I guess.
That's wrong.
Reminder that Vegettofags will still rage despite me not saying that he was weaker. Just that his feats are shit.
True. Anilaza couldn't compete with KKx20 or UI like Kefla could.
Why didn't they just give him SS3?
Why couldn't they keep Chichi being cute as a button?
>Android 17 and Frieza are going to be eliminated
>It's yet ANOTHER Saiyan shitfest
When will Toriyama stop being a fucking hack and deal some new cards.?
In order
not jobbing - replace with his fight with basic majin buu where he jobbed
not jobbing - Beerus already 2 shotted SS3 Goku so him defeating Vegeta there is a given, and not hyping up Beerus' strength
>Vegettofags taking your shit bait
My personal headcanon is that Vegetto dealt so much damage to Fused Zamasu that it started cracking away at his immortality. That's what allowed Trunks the chance to finish him with genki dama energy. At least all that bullshit sort of makes sense this way a little.
because super is shit and a disgrace to the series.
Well for one, Frieza wont be eliminated.
two, the androids were always boring
What would that have done against a SSB+ tier opponent you moron?
anyone have the spoilers?
SSJ4 >>>> "God" form recolors.
Z is shit and a disgrace to the series.
Legitimately nice headcanon.
I personally like to think that despite the immortality he still had limited ki reserves so Zamasu ended up vastly weaker thanks to Vegetto.
It explains Trunks at least.
>Jiren is beaten, and Toppo is the last remaining fighter.
>A white hole in the World of Void appears. >Trunks come down to battle Zeno because he discovered that F.Zeno is possessed by Merged Zamasu.
>it is revealed that the Zenos would have erased the winner universe anyway. In order to start all over from scratch.
Tsukutsun Tsun.
The saiyan wank that began in Z and continued in Shitper is a disgrace to the series.
Vegeta's Revenge.
If I had my way I would've had SSJ1 Kefla job to SSB Goku, to give them a bit of hope then have Goku eat it to SSJ2 Kefla. Makes the fight seem closer in power but still make Kefla a legitimate threat that Goku would need to pull out UI for.
Full tournament here for anyone that wants it
>1 appearance
>0 wins
>1 crushing total defeat
>further appearances : pretty much fan fiction at this point
I want gohan to lose his arm
So Goku defeated an opponent he should have lost to?
Guess he really is GODku
>stronger reskin is better than something that actually introduce new, unique and interesting characteristics
>not being eliminated
they're both literally "Stronger reskins"
>tfw second best Gohan (behind Cell games Gohan) will never happen again much like his all time best showing
Fun fact about those two. One is still alive, and is actually relevant, while the other hasn't made a canon appearance since dying
> He thinks gohan is gonna last long enough to fight jiren
That's a good one user.
I would have gotten rid of the whole "Tired" and "holding back" excuse entirely myself.
Maybe give him a new technique to rapidly restore stamina/ki.
Even as a Keflafag I'd rather her LSS1 lose to Goku initially. Pushes him to KKx20 though.
That's when she whips out LSS2 and pushes UI to advance itself in power.
As he slowly masters UI's automovement, she's pushed to LSS3 and LSSG.
Mostly just so we have canon versions of those.
He still defeats her but ends up really close to mastering UI. Since Kefla pushed him so far it'd require the likes of Jiren to push him into UI so he could master it.
Yes. His stats, while inferior, are made up for by the autododge and his ultimately superior fighting skills/instincts.
His technique and abilities now allow him to fight vastly more powerful opponents.
Perhaps not kill them but I think with the right techniques and ki control he could find a piercing technique to make up for that.
UI is Skill>Power.
>space monkey
>lost to two low level modified humans
17 is at least SSB level now
>Retard thinks Cuckroids are endgame
This is endgame.
Love how calm and collected cell is as he destroyed 17
>potara fusion fights in base with a retardly enormous power instead just going SS that should be enough in Toei's anime series
I hope Kefla never fights in base in the manga and she goes SS or SS2 since the start like Vegetto in the original manga, that would fix her power
Threadly reminder that everyone in U7 remaining in the ToP has jobbed at least once, and you're all retards for promoting one character as a Chad over another
What's this from?
>if you jobbed once in your life you can't be a chad
Nice logic you have got there.
>He thinks jobetto is gonna last long enough against jiren.
Fusion has been reduced to a fucking joke thanks to super and will stay that way.
Leave Jiren to them.
Good, fusion was a mistake.
they already burned that fanservice. We're getting Gogeta
WHY DIDNT THET DO SSG ritual on Goten and Trunk??????
>He thinks 17 can do anything to Jiren
>He thinks 17 can do anything to any opponents still in the ring
>Let him become the strongest and kill Beerus on the spot
t. Freezer
That image thumbnail isn't right.
Why would they do that?
>-power boost
>-some ki drainage
>-bigger power boost
>-some ki drainage
>-bigger power boost
>-stupidly heavy ki drainage that makes it useless
>-bigger power boost
>-bigger power boost
>-thinner muscular structure
>-energy becomes undetectable for 99,9% of the creatures in the entire existence
>-bigger power boost
>energy becomes undetectable for 99,9% of the creatures in the entire existence
>-special explosion of power at the start of the transformation
>-big stamina drainage
>-can be developed to make the form more useful (it's not crippled by its weakness like SS3, it makes the user create strategies to maintain its great power instead)
SSG and SSB/R are special, KK and UI are special too (working like transformations as well). SS1/2/3/4 are the only ones that only changed your skin trying to excuse that it's just previous shit with more power (well, SS3 had something special too... that makes the form fucking useless).
of course, this is GODku's franchise
>TOP decides the fate of the Universe
>why would having two more SSG that can fuse wouldnt help
Are you slow son?
Trunks is not an autist like Goku. He is half-human, so his emotional side is stronger and he wouldn't let the androids who ruined his world alive.
They would be completely useless against Black anyway because they were weaker than the androids from the main timeline. I doubt they would ever cooperate with Trunks and train with him or that Trunks would even be able to stomach having them around.
Besides, Trunks has saiyan blood. He can just create more allies.