Best girl of all time thread

Best girl of all time thread.

Praise be, Haruhi!

Alright then. You asked for this.







I have a whole collection of these on my phone in Japanese. They are all in a pool on Danbooru and I look at them when I'm feeling down about my ex - GF.


So out of character...

good for you?

totally canon


Ooh, I gotta snag these for studying.






























And done.

Haruhi Suzumiya is my beautiful wife

they are cute but awfully out of character

Living with Haruhi would bounce wildly back and forth between heaven and total damnation, depending on her mood.

Also, I can't see her just losing her God powers because she's happy. And that means Yuki should be in the bath too. To observe.

Only to observe.

Still would have been more fun than taaki as a spinoff show.

>what is character development
This is not so impossible to imagine when both become honest with each other.

Yeah, you can imagine anything happening to the characters and just say that they got there via "character development"! I like to imagine that kyon becomes a tranny and suzumiya has her voice box surgically removed and spends her days walking on her hands, and it makes perfect sense for them to be totally different characters because of character development!

But the show and novels already lead towards the two characters behaving in that way.

Yeah both the novels and show already lead to kyonnie and suzumime handwalker too

Give me at least fourteen different examples of this

Now don't take it that far. This is at least somewhat plausible character development, although it's still kinda weird.

I especially noticed Haruhi being a bit too deredere. I'd think she'd be one hell of a teaser at that stage instead; Kyon would be 100% bullied.

>Haruhi will never tease/dominate you during intercourse

>ywn have passionate angersex with her after a heated argument

It really does feel out of character, I can see the lovey dovey part working out eventually in college (or afterwards) but it's not them if they're not teasing the shit out of each other.


I hate her fucking guts. Like everyone else in her series though.

Your opinion is wrong






We need a season 3 where Yuki starts to form her own personality. Her superiors don't like that and she disappears. Then Haruhi and the gang have to go find her.



8/8 m8


Who would have made best girlfriend?

I think Yuki.


Kyonko best girl


New Harucos scan looks like dildoes

But my dick doesn't mind


Yeah. Still cute, but...


Endless Eight/8, m8?

Why did they make Tsuruya sound like a fucking Valley Girl in the dub?

I had a dream about Haruhi last night, Yuki was baking bread and she left them outside by the side of the road to cool and she told me to watch them to make sure no one took them but they were taking so long to cool I let my eyes wander for a moment and each time more and more of the bread was missing


Haruhi is literally the only option, Yuki is an autistic robot and Mikuru is a dumb slut.

>Haruhi will never massage your prostate

Haruhi always cheers me up.

>posts a picture of trash
>calls it best girl
Why is this allowed?

Fuck off.


Hot damn.

Haruhi would be good initially but after a while she would get on your nerves. Yuki is for life. Finally as for Mikuru agreed.

Are the Haruhi spin-offs worth watching?

Haircuts were a mistake god damn

You are the one who should fuck off with your daily threads about your garbage waifu, you little faggot.

Look at this faggot, he doesn't want to spunk inside god.

Haruhi-chan is great. Yuki-chan just depends on how you feel about canon and Nagato.

>tfw starting another rewatch tomorrow


>kyon-kun, dishes
