Why does no one talk about this show?. I'm in despair!
Why does no one talk about this show?. I'm in despair!
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The height of its popularity was a decade ago.
People laughed seven years after and then no one cared anymore.
Because S4 never.
Kumeta uses a lot of topical humor, so the show/manga are starting to get harder to relate to on that level.
PROTIP: The normal girl was originally going to be the chief female character.
>They'll never cover the final chapter
It hurts.
It's better to not beat a dead horse when it comes to something that you love. S4 being confirmed for never just gives us more reason to despair as well.
I couldn't get into this series. There are like twenty girls and all of them are shit. I watched two and a half seasons of it as well.
Rin is best girl
Its not a very good show
I looks visually pleasing and the character designs are nice but the story/dialogue/gags are not interesting. Theres just no desire to know what happens next.
Anons with shit taste
>but the story/dialogue/gags are not interesting
Whatever you say, user.
how could someone with taste this shit be right next to me? its impossible (cue some silly optimistic explanation)
Did you laugh?
Shaft hasn't shown anything from SZS (only some pictures) since their 40 anniversary?
I'm still laughing
I miss the daily threads so much.
unironically requires a high IQ to appreciate. Normie Sup Forums can't understand it.
I've started it 2 times, couldn't make it past the first 5 episodes. Too meta, too postmodern. That being said, I fucking love the main character.
Normalfag please go.
I don't, they got invaded by faggots towards the end.
Reminder that Rumba Rap is the best OP.
i was gonna ask if anything happened 7 years later, like that joke that made it into Zetsubou sensei from one of the man's previous works. but i'm guessing nothing happened
I did, unfortunately the regular SZS/Kumeta threads died with it
Kakushigoto animu when?
Kumeta's suicide when?
Just read the manga, faggot.
>Kakushigoto animu when?
>Kumeta's suicide when?
This shit is so old Haruhi was popular back then.
>shit like this, Sakura Fish and Santa Yui will never be allowed again
>meanwhile, DBZ, generals and other garbage are allowed to flood the catalog
Thanks mods for making Sup Forums worse every single year.
The szs stream was the best thing I shared with Sup Forums
Too bad I missed the train episode because fuck you user you have visits today
Because the anime aired almost 10 years ago, and back then Sup Forums still got a nice taste unlike nowadays they prefer cringy moeshits like Umaru, KF, and LWA.
Here guys, have a nice acoustic version of Bure for the rare thread.
You obviously don't know about what the fuck you talking about.
Only a retard would come to a gag series expecting a good story, the ending twist is god tier tho.
The dialogue IS good, If not there wouln't be a reason to like this anime but some would go over the average western-viewer because japan.
Try to find any -not kumeta- series with gags like SZS, really, try, it's a very unique show.
Post best Zetsubou.
Just your regular brainlet user.
I find the author really obnoxious. Passive-aggressive and insecure in his nationalism.
How exactly is a satire supposed to not shittalk people and trends? What exactly should he have done to not be passive-aggressive? Make the girls punch out Chinese spies?
>insecure in his nationalism
He shittalks about Japan and Japanese society as much as about everything else. He certainly does love Japan, but it's no blind love.
>I find the author really obnoxious.
A matter of taste, I guess.
I find him really witty. I really thought near the beginning that most of the rants didn't really make sense, but the further I got in, the more they started to have interesting points. By the end, it really did give an interesting perspective on something, every episode.
And honestly, even at its most hamfisted or depressive, it always had enough raw humour to not overwhelm me. Even if I didn't care about the particular rant of the episode,I could always watch the cute girls or laugh at the gags, so it never felt pretentious to me.
>SZS features at SHAFT art showcase
>but new season never