its probably the best anime i've ever seen, any other thoughts on the anime?
Just finished watamote
Other urls found in this thread:
read tha manga , its better
I mean watamote isn't bad but damn you haven't watched a lot of anime.
>tfw umaru s2
>tfw watamote s2 never
Tomoko used to be the Queen of Sup Forums but now she is normie trash.
Don't post on Sup Forums until you've seen at least 200 anime.
It's very good
>its probably the best anime i've ever seen
tomoko is part of the kind of people that ruined Sup Forums
>I'll shitpost to cope with my loneliless
>implying Sup Forums didn't begin with lonely people
It's a clone of a Japanese imageboard, my man. moot couldn't have been a bigger weeb if he tried.
lurk two years before posting
don't pump on your ego, loner
No thoughts, just eternal angst over there not being a second season.
List yours.
Take your own advice.
>chapter 1
>Tomoko wishes there was a guy fucking her right now
>like 5 chapters ago
>Tomoko announces to the whole class that she wishes there was a guy fucking her right now
Where do people get the idea that Tomoko is gay?
>Where do people get the idea that Tomoko is gay?
from the anime/manga.
She's not all the way gay. Just lonely and desperate enough that female affection, real or imagined, turns her on.
mangas goooooooood
>normie trash
I see
Jesus christ, Sup Forums is no longer distinguishable from fucking Gaia, reddit or any other shitty alternatives. Why did I have to live to see this happen?
So why is Tomoko so bold now? She used to be a stuttering retard, but now she doesn't just give a fuck about what anyone thinks and just blurts out anything.
Source me 200 SoL CGDCT anime's & i’ll take your advice.
Seven years in the making. Maybe it was necessary for the series to survive, who knows.
Japs don't like cringe humor. This Tomoko tests better with them. I want the old spaghetti-chan back, though.
*Six. I think I’ll try to go to bed now.
>Source me 200 SoL CGDCT a
You are talking about watamote, there aren'aren't enough sol about cringy girls doing cringy things
lurk for 2 years before posting
it's 300 retard
I used to love Watamote, but manga turned into boring school comedy. In the beginning it was much better.
it's the same shit as it was in the beginning, just with more characters now who are just as socially retarded as tomoko IS
i feel like everyone who is complaining about watamote changing too much actually haven't read it for 50 or so chapters, or actively ignoring everything that is the same just to focus on the additions and thinking those additions are changes
I don't think any of them are all that socially retarded, Everyone has friends and can talk without being awkward. They all just have weird personality traits that makes Tomoko look normal around them. The biggest change is Tomoko isn't a loner anymore.
She's been that way for a while.
a complete introverted loner who shakes at the chance of being called out at a show(i also dislike that stuff, but i wouldn't be so afraid i would shake because of it)
Childish teenage girl who has a very violent side of hers, even to her best friends
No sense of politeness, like, none at all(if she is her true self) also disregards her old friends just because she came out of the otaku closet
Lesbian stalker
complete pushover and doesn't understand Yuris true character even though they are best friends
Dick obsessed and an extreme Baseball otaku
the only normal one is Yuu, but Yuu is a retard in a normal sense
non virgin mega slut
Manga is just as good now if not better. I was worried about it at first but the new cast works perfectly.
I wouldn't call Nemo socially retarded if she knows what she's supposed to do but doesn't give a fuck anymore.
>I wouldn't call Nemo socially retarded
you think a line like "Call me Nemo, because that is what you have been calling me in your head all the time, right? If you don't call me that, i won't talk to you anymore" isn't socially retarded? Or blowing off your social circle just to watch some animu?
You may think that behaviour is a fine behaviour to live by, but as far as SOCIAL goes, it's completely backwards
Be completely honest. Would you date Tomoko?
>Would you date Tomoko?
I did
The only girlfriend i had between age 10 and 32 was when i was 18 and asked out this cute shy loner girl i saw at school(it took me around a year to have the confidence to ask her out). I broke up with her after a month because she had the mentality of a 10 year old. But aesthetically speaking she was quite similar to Tomoko, just without the bedhair
I wouldn't call her socially retarded. She might be a bit weird, but she's not socially inept to be certain. Nemo is a weeb who's obsessed with yuri SOL anime, and by joining Tomoko's circle she hopes that she could live the dream. Her normalfag friends are nothing like anime girls.
Gangan's official Yuri compilation for the Yurifags out there. Damn, Yuri is officially confirmed to be best girl already.
I watched it all but the final episode because I don't want it to end
Fuck the Hell yes.
>shy recluse, zero faith in people
>willing to live and let live
>will probably never cheat on/leave me because she's socially inept and insecure
>little bit of a pervert
>an adult version probably has either serious NEETbux or a good job in IT
>just as into anime as I am if not more
>fuckin' cute
Nemo was pressuring Tomoko to speak her mind, rather than to let her weasel out with an excuse.
Note how Tomoko later speaks her mind rudely, but Nemo is still pleased while Yuri gets upset. Close friends speak their mind to each other.
Nemo is extremely proactive and decisive. She forced the issue with Tomoko to be resolved.
On the other hand there's the passiveness between Yuri and Tomoko, with Yuri having trouble requesting what she wants and Tomoko being too indecisive to start using Yuri's name on her own.
People with no social skills think being friendly with someone means you want to get into their pants. So they think all of Tomoko's friends have lesbian crushes on her. The only one who actually does wasn't even that close to her before the last few chapters.
except Tomoko isn't a shy recluse anymore. Tomoko now speaks her mind without fear.
>the only normal one is Yuu, but Yuu is a retard in a normal sense
If you mean with retard someone who is just not very smart, then yes, I agree. It's the reason why she couldn't join Tomoko's school. Yuu only has her looks going for her.
She isn't a social retard. More like she's a ruthless social animal. She decides there's little benefit to spending time fitting with the "in" group and decisively leaves to check out Tomoko's group.
I do feel like I've watched Tomoko grow and mature into a real lady, but still a part of me misses the eccentric studdering awkward girl she once was.
Kinda yeah. But plot needs to progress. The saturday morning cartoon style "The premise doesn't chage" wouldn't work in the long run.
The only thing that hasn't changed yet is her horrible fashion sense.
I hope they go more into Mako at some point, we don't know much about her.
Mako is a lesbian and a masochist.
>Tomoko becomes completely tame and normal
>Everyone around here turns into weirdos and psychos
There'll be a second season any time now user, don't worry.
>still a part of me misses the eccentric studdering awkward girl she once was
What do you mean? She still does that, just not as often.
How does she do it? Is her autism contagious?
Why are you on Sup Forums then? How did you even find this board?
Yeah, I wonder how people could get the idea that Tomoko is not entirely straight.
Misunderstandings. But not as bad a Gamers!.
She must have passed it on to everyone else. I miss her autism though. It seems like it's completely gone at this point.
Why does everyone consider lesbianism as Ucchi's identity? She's probably not the only lesbian in the manga, she's just the most perverted one.
Yeah but she's the only one who actually acts like a lesbian.
There's no such thing as acting like a lesbian, lesbians are human just like you and me.
How would you describe her?
>Why does everyone consider lesbianism as Ucchi's identity?
Because ever since she developed a crush on Tomoko it's almost only about that when she appears in a chapter. Perhaps if we saw her more doing other things than crushing on Tomoko, it would be a different story. But for now this is her defining trait.
Lewd minded, childish, hypocritical, and obsessive. I bet Ucchi loves lesbian erotica, that's where all the funny thought about Tomoko came from.
Nemo is basically as cynical as Tomoko. We can see her true self everytime she interact with Tomoko. She is basically Sup Forums reincarnate, hiding her powerlevel, calling the anime you like shit and your waifu as worst girl. After she stopped hiding her powerlevel she literally blew off her pretend friends of 2years to indulge in moebuta anime.
damn Nemo's a bitch.
Basically they all represent different elements of Tomoko.
>Yuri: antisocial, misanthropic
>Ucchi: closet homosexual, chunni, extremely perverted
>Nemo: cynical, sardonic
The reason why they adore Tomoko in the first place is because they all find a part of themselves in her.
>pretend friends
She may have been hiding a secret from them but that doesn't she wasn't actually friends with them.
>Tomoko called Yuri ""Hey" even back then
Man, I feel old
True but she wasn't just hiding she liked anime, she hasn't been her genuine self around them and now she's come out she's made it clear she'd rather fuck off and watch anime or hang out with that weird girl than be with them. It doesn't seem like she ever cared about them very much.
>literally just finished watching WataMote
i wouldn't even say that emoji is even close to her at this point either. She's become a lowkey stalker if anything.
Tomoko is your average tumblr and we are supposed to be sold on her "wacky randum" adventures with her friends than the relatable experiences the series was based on.
Says the tripfag.
>Their last school trip together
>At the last second Nemo suddenly declares she's going off with someone else
She acts pretty inconsiderate towards them now and she's socially aware enough to know how rude she's being.
not only is this bullshit, but you're also a faggot. the only reason people shit on the manga these days is that she happened to make a handful of casual friends (who she only actually sees in school) and you faggots can't relate to someone with even 1 actual friend. it's genuinely really pathetic even by Sup Forums standards.
Fuck off back to facebook then. This site is for people like me.
>This anonymous site is for attention whore tripfags like me
Where'd you get that idea?
>Tomoko sets out to become more popular
>She does
What's the problem?
Hear, hear
Just because you are an autistic incel doesn't mean everyone else has to be like you on this website.
>poor Yocchan
Tha way you depicted komisomethings she looks the most normalfag among them.
I miss when Watamote was about an unpopular girl instead of a popular lesbian
And normies like you can fuck right off.
she's supposed to keep failing like in real life
She has always been a popular lesbian. Everyone in the class knew her as "that one freak who sits in the back". Her greatest desire has always been to score Yuu's pussy, even though she never dared to admit it.
If Tomoko wasn't popular then how come Nemo and Komisomething's friend remember her from the admission test?
Remembering and laughing at something a weirdo did in class isn't the same as having friends
Being popular isn't the same as having friends, it means having people's attention.
went from "neckbeard with a pussy" shenanigans to trash tier "highchool girls being lesbians" endless fanservice
it lost its character big time and is now just another shit in the dogpile
leave it at the anime it ended at a premature note but still kept its theme intact
>There is one lesbian girl
>Endless fanservice
>prefers neckbeards to lesbian highschool girls
Maximum homo.
>normies reeeeeeeee
How does Sup Forums do it?
But wasn't she doing normalfag things with Slut and Baseball during her second year already?