Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

First thread of 2018. Let's have a great year, bros.
Chapter translation probably soon.

Other urls found in this thread:

Every thread until Crusch-sama gets her memories back.

Hopefully Tappei continues the WN.

Hopefuly... please Tappei arc 6 is great.

btw, will you be doing Echidna IF?

Sure sure.

Look at his ears and how they move when she opens and closes the phone. So cute.

Some character ranking poll? Not sure how old and how many votes it has. Someone please look deeper into it.


It has multiple rounds. 319 votes until the next round.

So how many rounds has it had and how many total votes it has, etc?

>8th place
Let's see what we can do about this, lads.

7 rounds so far. It also shows gender percentages for characters. Women apparently like Ram more than men. Over half her, Julus's, and Reinhard's fans are women. Seems the same goes for Roswaal and Mimi as well.

Don't know where to find the total votes yet. Judging by the newer polls on the site, I think each round gets about a thousand votes.

Where can I see the gender percentages?

Loving traps is gay.

Actually, seems Roswaal lost his place with women in the latest one. Not sure how they calculate votes in these. There seems to be a separation between "Multiple vote tallies" and "Member vote tallies". Not sure what those mean in context. I know Rem's got five times the "multiple vote tallies" as Emilia.
Near the top of the page, there's a drop down box with numbers in it. Select the round you want and click the button on the right.

Waiting for the better version to come out.

I love him because he is all in all great. Please don't put Ferris in the same category as the buttsluts like Hideri.

From what I've seen, it's not the same kind of story at all.

You mean aside from being a time loop and an isekai? In other words, the exact same kind of story?

>"multiple vote tallies"
That's not an exact translation either, but I can't tell what "multiplex votes" means in context. If we ignore that and go by the main number, which gives 1000 votes total for each round, Rem can be determined to be the most popular Re:Zero character among both men and women.

In the latest poll, she presently has 300 votes. 100 being from women. Which is enough on its own to beat everyone below Petelgeuse.

Which, by my vague calculations, is pretty close to the overall gender ration of the votes in total. About 1/3rd are women. That'd imply Rem is only slightly less popular among women than men.

Also, I just improved my ability to find numbers for pixiv art.
>Rem: 21875
>Ram: 5701
>Emilia: 5421
>Subaru: 2828
>Echidna: 190

As if the "isekai" element had any impact on what type of story you're trying to tell. It doesn't.

Time loops can be used in many different ways. Re:Zero focuses on the suffering and drama, which afaik isn't the case at all for yu-no. Hence them being different kinds of stories, probably different genres too.

Why Echidna?

People here like Echidna.

Who doesn't like Echidna?


>people still care about this trash

People care about good series. That's why all the bland series with cute girls that Sup Forums likes the most are forgotten when they end.

Yes, one is a story with nuance, and one aims solely for superficial emotions like "suffering", which naturally appeal to lesser intelligent people like yourself.


I love Emilia.

Has anyone said it this year? Well, now they have.

Dumb people who trusted her and thought she'd be a great waifu, then were salty about the "betrayal".

No idea.

Oh yeah. I remember someone like that. The man of legendary shit taste himself.

I remember being really upset about Beako at the time. It's distant by this point

I suppose, but it's not like Echidna's writing ever really disguised what kind of person she was.

Emilia-tan > The blue-haired maid
Simple as that.

"Suffering" is just a catalyst for character development. The story isn't solely about that, even though it's definitely part of the appeal. This isn't mirai nikki or akame ga kill.


Looking at the changelog for volume 15. Apparently Elsa doesn't know about the hidden passages in this?

>From 5ch.


> · Rosewar vs ram + pack

nonononononono please don't tell me they ruined that

We've know that for awhile. They shoved Puck in. Roswaal is apparently a ninja.

>a ninja

I saw people mention it in several different places. No real explanation. Maybe he had ninja training at some point?

We can still hope that Puck got kicked out of the fight pretty early and the rest happened roughly the same way as the WN.

Then why even put him there? To get people to stop calling him "パックソ"?

this series would've been 50 times better if it was a light yuri harem with Subaru as a girl

S2 when
I know that it sold well.

I really dont understand how you correlate Re:Zero's suffering as superficial. From what I've read its definitely layered and shakesperian-like. Since everyone is a victim to thier own vices and pasts catch up to them.

Dont worry, Rem and Emilia have that covered.

user, comparing Yu-No and Re:Zero is like comparing crystals to potatoes.

I don't know, probably to have an excuse for him not to be able to materialize anymore and start the arc 5 plot. I'd rather have that than the Ram vs Roswaal scene ruined.

Okay, what hasn't been shat on by the LN at this point?

The flashbacks.

>probably to have an excuse for him not to be able to materialize any
They already had that.

Oh, that's another thing.
Second trial depiction has been completely changed. I saw people make a point that Arch is portrayed differently in it.

Given the illustrations we had, it seems to be relatively similar though. The Echidna scene is probably still there as well.

>twins birthday in a month
will tappei deliver or disappoint us again?

Of course he'll deliver the yearly side story. It'll be store special DLC coming with volume 16.

Looks like we got a new Q&A. Apparently Reinhard used his sword on other occasions than Thearesia and Cecil.

Ferris and Crusch.

Pictures can be misleading. We have pictures of things that never happened in the text, or pictures for scenes that are only four lines long.

Hmm, you have a point, I remember that 2nd trial illustration with the mansion scene still being there.

I don't know then. Hopefully we'll have more information soon.

Bros, I really want to read the story(ies?) that these pics are from. Please help.



has there been any word on the new chapter? Is Discount okay?

He said in OP that it was coming soon.

No, pretty sure OP is just catfag.
According to his schedule it's still supposed to come out today though

I stopped reading chapters after original translate user fucked off. Where would I continue now?

Go to
Read the Arc 4 interludes in the specials section. The original skipped them. Then continue to Arc 5.

>A ninja
I know Roswaal is a talented magician and that mana enhances physical capabilities but really? I'm interested to hear more details on this
"Ninjawaal" and fight, I'm serious I really do want to know and to determine just how badly it compares to the WN.

ok thanks lads


Crusch is used goods in my mind


He already showed he was a capable fighter in loop 5, so he probably just does that again against Puck. I don't think he even needs mana for that? Since in loop 5 he was using his mana to make it snow.

Yeah I remember his female persona (I believe it was J mathers?) was big on CQC rather then magic for some reason. I guess it makes sense

Maybe it's like cross ange.


shit taste never dies

How many threads do you dumbasses need? You're garbage dead anime has been over. You faggots will jump ship to the next angsty poor writing shit fest anyways, so why bother?

Pranks on Beako!

Okay, here's a quest. Someone go to MAL and list the Top 10 characters with most member favorites. I won't do it, but maybe someone will.

Just looked and it's not all that interesting. Only Emilia, Rem, and Subaru have any noteworthy number.
>Rem: 21,531
>Emilia: 7,602
>Subaru: 6,234

sure why not
>huge power gap
>another huge power gap

>gay power gap

>actually popular gap

10-wilhelm van astrea(216)

>>gay power gap
Basically, this information is completely meaningless and useless, because of whoever the fuck votes on MAL.

Stay mad.

I'll never understand the appeal and hype Rem has. Ram is ten times more interesting and fun and sexy than Rem, yet so many like Rem for some reason.

>the appeal and hype Rem has

Have you ever read the series?

I followed arc 4 for a while. I think the last chapter translation/summary was 98. Since then I lost interest.

Every thread until Rem wakes up.

I hope discount is okay

>4 is read the same way as death in japanese
>triple 6 is the mark of the beast
>"I hope discount is okay"
you just cursed him to death.