First episode of cute girls going to the south pole. Anime original by Madhouse. Subs in less than an hour.
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
No Game No Life reference? Madhouse confirmed for bros.
Of course
How's the manga adaptation?
When are Madhouse going to go back to making good Anime?
Hopefully this show will finally show everyone that earth is flat.
On Sunday
VA: Inori Minase
Mari Tamaki, a second-year high school student a sunny disposition. Although she has a great attitude and is admired by her friends, she is not good at finding a place in their midst or being a leader. In spite of being filled with curiosity, she is also rather cowardly and timid. She is troubled by the dilemma that although part of her wants to do things, another part of her just ends up not doing them. Her nickname is "Kimari."
VA: Kana Hanazawa
Shirase Kobuchizawa, a second-year high school student who attends the same school as Kimari. She is a black-haired beauty that turns heads, but she is shy and not good at conversation. When she actually does speak, she can't help but say rather nasty things, which leads to misunderstandings. She has few friends and is treated as an oddball at school. At school, she is secretly called "Antarctica."
VA: Yuka Iguchi
Hinata Miyake, a girl brimming with curiosity and always looking for fun things to do. She is very friendly and can get along well with everyone. Since childhood, she has been a leader who has always willingly taken on roles of responsibility, such as class committee and club leader. However, she quit high school because of something that happened and is now working part-time at a convenience store.
>Going to the South Pole wearing skirts
That seems like a great idea.
VA: Saori Hayami
Yuzuki Shiraishi, a girl who is one grade lower than Kimari and the others. She lives in Hokkaido. She has been an actress since childhood, and she now works as an entertainer while attending high school. She shows maturity and is a good speaker with has polite manners. She is concerned that because of always working, she is unable to make close friends.
Are they going to discover ancient ruins beyond mountain ranges there?
shut up
>KnK writer
>going to the south pole wearing a t-shirt
Still looking like a great idea.
>going to the south pole
Looking forward to the cannibalism.
>VA: Inori Minase
>Inori Minase
>Kana Hanazawa
>Saori Hayami
Why does one girl have a flower on her head?
I hope they all die
Fuck you, Inori is love.
>those top tier VAs
>great artwork
>cute character designs
>interesting setting
>female director
Will this, dare I say it, be the best anime of Winter 2018?
Alright, might have to watch this now.
Anyone else disappointed the anime is about GOING to the south pole, rather than LIVING in the south pole? Most of the content isn't going to be about what it's like surviving there, it's literally going to be a field trip anime.
Nope, just you.
Wait What. I don't remember the first season of 17 starting this early or am I going senile?
>[HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 01 [720].mkv
So it's Yama no Susume but with the south pole instead of Mt. X?
Sounds good.
>field trip with jks
The only way this could be better is replacing them with js.
How long are these Antarctica tours for civilians anyways? If this was about a group of female scientists going there, then yeah this show would be about surviving there
so you want an anime like gamers, where it pretends to be about one thing while it's really about irrelevant character interactions?
Those triples combined with your negative attitude brought this to mind.
If you're not watching it mainly for the cute girls you're doing it wrong.
Watch some nature documentary if what you really want is Antartica.
Deep in my heart of hearts I'm hoping this becomes some sort of lovecraftian horror halfway through.
Inori is overrated meme seiyuu. Not even baiting.
best girl voiced by worst seiyuu
Best girl
Second best
Third best
Worst girl
We know, everyone
A Story that leads to the Antartica.
Oh boy I can't wait to see Antarctica in literally the final episode.
You're missing the whole point of the show. Would you watch K-On for music, NNB for the farmers or Tamayura for photography? No, you watch them because of those meaningless character interactions and enjoy the bliss of watching cute girls having fun together. Everything else is just setting and in the context of these shows ultimately irrelevant.
Or shape-shifting aliens?
Sup Forums pls, you say this about every female seiyuu once they get popular enough.
>tfw misleading promotional stuff
What kind of part-time jobs did she have to do to get $9K?
The little girl is pretty cute.
>field trip anime
Field trip on a continent where the average temperature is -10°C at the coast and only gets lower from there.
Best girl, calling it now.
Calling it now: the story takes place in the future when Earth's temperature has risen due to climate change and Antarctica is the only continent that's not a desert. The trip will be a cakewalk. Sup Forums will rage because climate change don't real.
Hope one of them ends up stuck out in the cold in the middle of the night and freezes to death.
>Hanayamata director
And you've forgotten about the masterpiece that is Violet Evergarden?
inb4 shit taste, kyoanus fag
More like confirmed for same director.
Unity school.
Is this yuri?
Trips to the south pole are pretty fucking boring:
No this is Patrick
sorry man thought it was yuri because of the ice
>cute girls
Where are those cute girls you speak of? Your pic only has some ugly whores.
You're an ugly whore.
Watched the raw preair, was good.
2 of them look like they're almost flat.
That's going to be Fractale 2.0
I'm sticking with cute girls doing cute Antarctic things with penguins, arigato very much.
>it's not about lolis going to the arctic
I'm sad. At least there is Yama no Susume on summer or spring.
Try not to be so edgy, the new year has barely started.
Gamer girl is pretty flat, yes. Probably best girl.
>cute girls going to the south pole
Sup Forums anime of the season
Everyone knows, goverments are hiding a huge secret - alien presence in Antarctic. Ever since Nazi times, it was discovered but held under wraps.
Now world is slowly prepared for big revelation - with religious and politic leaders visiting Antarctic under different pretenses, and overall populace prepared to the idea that "theres something"
This anime is obvious step of Japanese goverment in that direction.
There's also Yuru Camp airing in two days.
>No Vangelis soundtrack
One job, Madhouse
>>cute girls going to the south pole
>Sup Forums anime of the season
What did he mean by this?
The goverment sponsored propaganda message of anime is being changed from "procreate!" to "welcome your new lizard antarctic space overlords!"
At least Centaur no Nayami tried to warn us.
Cute girls looking for this:
>the poster when she found the money
>now this
This is going to be a good anime.
when is the user Antarctic Expidition?!
What kind of loser puts their consoles on display but doesn't plug them in?
Way too realistic.
Should i watch this Sup Forums? Please share your wisdom.
Watch out 2018! There is a new cool kid in town.
>Fractale 2.0
I thought Comet Lucifer was 2.0. But this is really a favourite for winning the winter AOTS title.
Yeah those backgrounds did great job this episode. It reminded me of a good old British comedy
No, anonymous, the 23 minutes of your life that you'll lose are too precious to waste on anime. You should waste them shitposting about anime instead.
Your mom is ugly whore.
Can't believe we have the AOTS already.
decide for yourself, you lazy faggot.
Picked up. Better not be the two car of this season.
Why not do both at the same time?
The girl on the left is assaulted by alien Brain eater and mutates into ferocious beast controlled by alien parasite.
The girl in red will get in coma and remain in vegatative state for rest of her life.
The girl in yellow will freeze to death and be eaten by penguins.
The girl with Camera will refuse to activate nuke to destroy antarctica at the end of the show, because she believes the penguin race deserves to live - thus dooming whole mankind to perish.
This guy gets it.
Not hard given, its the only show that aired in the season so far.