No luck with guys and my friends are starting to think I'm bi

I had a huge change in my outward image in 2016 and 17; lost 25kg and went from fat and depressed to fit and stylish.
I like the sort of guy oriented street style and slowly built up a wardrobe of it puffer jackets, hoodies, shirts, and boosts almost all in men's but bottoms and pants in women's.
Got a job as a concept artist at a studio and do porn commissions on my personal blog as a hobby, it's fun and I get to make some cash

Yet even after all this I still have zero luck with guys, every guy I've dated tries to control me in some way; one ass said he didn't want to look gay in front of his friends and wanted me to change my wardrobe, another tried to stop me from going to the gym because it made him feel insecure, and most were uncomfortable with what I drew.
Because I'm dumping guys left and right and the tomboyish way I dress my girl friends are starting to think I'm a lesbo or at least bi. Fact is: I'm not, I'm 100% straight but it seems I can't convince them

So what I'm asking is how do I filter out assholes/pick better men to date? It looks like I have no idea how and at this point I can't blame my friends for what they think

>tfw this isn't even a pasta

Just date me user. Easy as that.

fuck an user, they cant complain since their other choice is a literal onahole



fuck wrong board sorry guys

I miss when 100% of replies to a thread like this would be "fuck off".

Get an anime husbando.


I also miss when 100% of replies to a thread like this would sage and report.


like I said sorry, meant to post on /adv/ I'm just here waiting for janny

just communicate better, that's all
also, don't go into dating with a rejection/acceptance attitude. Friendship is difficult as hell and physical attraction makes interaction about 1000% easier.

Doesn't sound like you have much social anxiety other than being dumb yammering yer problems on Sup Forums of all places, but maybe this is some anime plot yer having fun with.

sounds like it.

Anyway, because humans have physical attraction to certain people they take it for granted and are both more open with these people and more forgiving. You gotta force yourself to compartmentalize.

Treat attractive people like people - like the strangers or potential friends they are (not like a creep who treats them differently - both guys and girls do this sometimes) and realize that intimate relationships are easy when two people wanna fuck or have their future fantasies fulfilled (a boyfriend/girlfriend wife/husband a kid someone to introduce to your parents). A friendship is much harder to maintain because it's entirely voluntary and lacks nearly all deeper obligations (other than being nice, favors for favors, reciprocity).

So the answer is always honesty and open communication but treating your potential mate as a person, a stranger really, and developing the friendship element as slowly and cautiously as if you were not attracted to them. Even if you fuck as soon as you confess to each other the sexual attraction - the rest of the romantic element is easy as compared to the boring getting along part and mutual respect.

You are just too good for your social circles, that's normal when you really turn your life around. Try to pick up a new hobby that high value males might be interested in, like a type of dancing or something. It needs to be social

Don't settle for losers

we have a fucking board for this. Fuck off

Are you lost? Not your blog.

Gas yourselves.

The current state of this normalfag infested board.

I would advice you to burn yourself to the stakes you filthy sodomite

I hope you get beat like a beagle getting beat by a nigger

>the current state of Sup Forums