>Madoka aired seven years ago
Madoka aired seven years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
What is Kyubey trying to do?
He's on Sup Forums trying to sucker anons into making a contract, because he knows that everyone who browses Sup Forums regularly is 14 or younger
Making contracts is faster online.
>you will never experience again the glory of Madoka Thursdays, the SPECULAH threads and the month of extreme hype and suffering following the earthquake
I will never forget Sup Forums's highest our
If only, people there are actually so mentally handicapped that they actually seems like childs
>Sup Forums's highest hour
That was Code Geass user.
I like Madoka but come the fuck on.
No really though, S2 or Rebellion Sequel when?
Both Code Geass and TTGL surpass Madoka on the shitstorm scale, but Madoka was the one time where this board actually got shit done and 2ch got BTFO by Sup Forums
To this day I can't tell if Sup Forums liked CG or if they thought it was a huge trainwreck
Sup Forums mostly loved the first season. R2 started okay but it became the greatest and most spectacular trainwreck in the history of this board, so accordingly the shitposting reached critical mass levels.
>7 years of madoka magica
>mami still best girl
what's her secret?
gate of babylon plus cooking skills
She's simply a head in comparison to other girls.
Two big mamies.
>7 years of Madoka Magica
>Still no decent sequel
Why were these two shows so popular?
I just finished Different Story. How do I refund my wasted 2 months?
A rebellion sequel never.
game name?
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record
Is Grief Syndrome still the game with the most actual gameplay?
I'd say that the PSP game has that honor.
It was a better time.
>time passes
No shit.
Feels like yesterday.
I want to FUCK getrud
I want to make her feel like she's a young girl discovering her sexuality again
Sakura should have gotten with Mami instead of Sayaka
Which one was Gertrude, again?
Holy shit I'm old.
>[*10 years later*]
>s-sequel is coming this year I swear!
Being a Meguka fan is suffering.
Kyoko deserves better.
>implying that anything is wrong with Mami as a waifu
Why is my waifu, Miki Sayaka-chan, the most perfect and amazing magical girl waifu there ever was and will ever be?
Pic related.
What's wrong with TDS? It's probably the best spin-off.
Better than Rebellion I'd argue.
Nah, they're all good friends.
we're at the same temporal distance from madoka's airing as the airing was from the foundation of Sup Forums. well, almost
So what was Walpurgisnacht's wish?
To have always low prices.
>lewding her surrogate younger sister while trying to maintain a student-master bond
dies Mami have no shame?
FSN was based on a porn game.
Madoka was many people's first dark anime.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to kiss and touch your little sister, user
yes there is. It's improper
but what if we made a yuri harem porn game out of madoka
Not is not, Kyouko is a proper catholic girl and she wouldn't do something improper now, wouldn't she? This is totally fine.
Best pairing
Kyouko is one of the goodest girls out there. She would never do anything improper, so MamixKyouko is obviously the will of God.
this is not how you educate students
I'm sure she binds her up and teaches her plenty of lessons, user.
Don't worry, Mami-chan make sure to discipline her little sister when she need to
>Bondage powers
>Not dominant
>Bondage powers
Are you retarded?
She's built for it, and her student is unruly on the best of days.
She uses magical ribbons to tie people up. That's her power.
Are you gonna tell me that bondage-fags aren't gonna get off to that?
Yes? What seem to be the problem?
>he thinks that mami's true power is just summoning muskets
I don't care what faggots get off to, her power is ribbons
Time Magic
Healing Magic
Illusion Magic
>Ribbons aren't bondage magic
remind me again how she dealt with homura in ep. 3
>clones and muskets made of ribbons is bondage magic
I see through your lies. You're trying to push pseudo-incestual yuri that breaks the sacred bond of master and apprentice. That is too haram. It's haram^3. This will not stand.
I don't know what you're talking about
>S2 or Rebellion Sequel when
As soon as the money from the mobage dries up
>Girls on Sup Forums with which to get magical girl power from
Yeah, good luck with that. More like /r/ or /mlp/
>I've been using this website and shitposting for almost a decade
Why live
Well, she could never get ahead...
There are enough guys who want to be the little girl on Sup Forums for QB to make a living
>girls on /mlp/
o i am laffin
Why does there even need to be a sequel? It is fucks like you that cause directors to run shows into the ground.
>Like every shonen ever
Because she's just the best
Fuck you, I need to see the resolution of this
I thought the TV series was a fine ending, but Rebellion works as an ending too. I don't think they could pull it off a third time.
>Madoka is now stuck in mobage hell where all defunct series go to die a slow death while fans dump money into the mobage hoping it will help fund new animation endeavors
Fate Stay Night had a really broad audience (Medieval fans, brawler fans, porn fans...) and executed what it did well. Lots of anime only manage one of those two (either making a good niche anime or a shitty broad one.) It is only logical that it would succeed. Madoka succeeded for just how different it was to anything out there. It was a deconstruction of an genre that was just considered standard. Additionally, it mocked magical girl shit without actually going too deep into what magical stuff was, so it, like FSN, attracted a broad audience that did not even watch magical girl stuff. From there, word spread and the rest was history.
You already saw it in Rebellion. If you haven't, then go watch the movie already. It is a damn fine movie, it is the best closure I ever saw for an anime series.
You will die here.
They need to. Rebellion is too much of a cliffhanger. What happens when Madoka dies of old age? Homura is letting her live a normal life free of any bullshit. What happens when that life runs out and Madoka's newly-freed spirit tries to rejoin the LoC? Will Homura let it happen, having accomplished her goal of handing Madoka a mahoushoujo-free life? Or will she try to reset everything?
>a deconstruction of an genre
So how many mahou shoujo series have you actually watched? Maybe two?
>ignoring the ending
>wants an ending
>What happens when Madoka dies of old age?
Nothing because Godoka is a totally separate thing.
>It is just Midichlorians!
Not everything needs an explanation. The fact that you are wondering these things at all means that the ending was griping enough to leave you wanting more. That is the best thing an ending can do.
Because they literally scrap a closed ending for a open ending to they could continue the series and make more money?
I was here two years before it aired. Weep for me, for I have lost all delusions of control.
>Rebellion is too much of a cliffhanger.
In what way? Nothing was left to be addressed. Sayaka and Madoka revived, Kyoko and Mami are fine, Kyubey got what he deserved and Homura achieved what she truly wanted.
>What happens when Madoka dies of old age?
My god. Look, this and the rest of what you said just sounds desperate for trying to get some milk out of an old cow. I know it is hard to leave a good show behind you, but the future won't change even if you still refuse to listen to me. A new Madoka movie is not coming, you are waiting in vain. Stop clinging to it.
Godoka is perpetually trying to reclaim Madoka: the human half. They really arent seperable. Homura's debiru world didn't even make it 24 hours without a major containment breach. Does the LoC even still function? Are magical girls still getting saved?
I don't weep for the dead. But here is a cute girl to make you feel better.
delete this immediately
>and Homura achieved what she truly wanted
Oh look, a delusional Homufag trying to ruin another thread
How exactly am I delusional? Homura got her happy ending. She managed to save Madoka from her pitiful existence and gave her a better life while simutaneosly helping everybody else and fucking over the Incubators. She did the exact thing she wanted to do since the beginning: protect Madoka.
point at this dummy and laugh