Why is a show so boring ranked so high everywhere?
Why is a show so boring ranked so high everywhere?
Other urls found in this thread:
>board that liked:
>shooting stars
>that other boring SOL show
>Turns out they also like another boring SOL show
I for one am shocked! Shocked!
I'm not talking Sup Forums, no one here really talks about it anymore, but in the japanese rankings it's always in the top spots
Easily manipulated 15 year old girls that whose exposure mainly comes from Miyazaki/Ghibli movies, Yaoi on Ice and gay swimming have latched on to the latest female show. They just need easily manipulative tricks in their anime and are contend. It's okay to dislike something that's popular user. Welcome to the club.
hype culture is a thing
>shooting stars
? You can't just list a bunch of shows like that and pretend they're anything alike. Shit bait
It's weird for me too since I find the top shows every season pretty good. Maybe I'm just not the target audience for this one
>Hi, there, I'm a mansplaining misogynist who thinks his taste in Japanese cartoons is somehow superior to teenage girls.
I haven't read the manga but I do know that the anime just has a terrible director. For me that's a dealbreaker. And there's nothing wrong with liking girly stuff it's just probably the reason why you don't like it.
Who are you quoting?
>good shows are good, more news at 11
who says you have to like EVERY show that everyone else does? it dabbled in the telling of magic and used some decent lore behind it. Also had a cute redhead
>who says you have to like EVERY show that everyone else does
Tell me.
Because you have shit taste