Is there any merit to the "X women will never understand" meme?
Is there any merit to the "X women will never understand" meme?
Having to ask this means you're female thus never able to understand
No, it's just the retarded logic of hypocritical weebs.
This is the kind of people who spout that shit.
Stop using words you don't understand. Are you a woman?
Clearly you will never understand.
dumb woman detected
t. someone who doesn't understand
Merit? Meme?
Are you a woman or just a retard numale?
What's the context of this scene?
>Is there any merit to the "X women will never understand" meme?
He should try and possibly fail BEFORE he gets a family or woman that he has to ask before risking any amount of money?
(1/3 of Japan works for the Government, 1/3 are salary man, and the rest has "unstable" professions in the view of the populace. Parents would be extremely cautious to marry their daughters to failed ex-mangaka.)