>she sees your South Pole
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
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My South Pole is pretty hairy though.
I can't wait to see what kind of bullshit excuse gets played to actually justify taking four high school kids along on an expedition to the south pole.
>bunch of bear mode japanese sailors whaling near the artic
>needing a excuse to bring a bunch of jks
I want the dwarf.
They will have go to aussieland. I know it. It even shows it in the OP.
Nautical animal research a.k.a whaling of course.
I hope they die when the black ops suddenly arrive to kill them since they overstayed and went too far on land.
lets keep it in a single thread lads
I hope they just board as the icebreaker as stowaways, get found when they cannot go back and just drop them at some base until they can be taken back. They escape and die one by one. The end.
This is going to turn into a horror anime where she gets transformed into a giant and has to eat her friends to survive
But this one has the name of the show in the OP. What should we do?
Since the Earth is shaped like a Klein Bottle they will go to Greenland and reach the North Pole from there which is right under the South Pole.
She looked gay bulge'd from the catalog.
Take your general bullshit up your butt.
What's a Klein Bottle?
Reenact Scott's and Amundsen's race to the South Pole with threads.
t-this thread has more posts so we must be in the right thread r-right
A 3D Möbius strip
So what is the paranormal twist gonna be? Cursed ship? Aliens under the ice?
>We get this AND Yuru Camp.
The slice of life gods have spoilt us for the winter season.
Good job fitting the style of your pic to the style of this animu.
the twist is its just cute girls going to the Antarctic and nothing weird or bad happens
not paranormal
Mari is a ghost.
i'll post my pictures as I see fit
>nothing weird or bad happens
That's what we all thought until Guillotine Gorilla showed up.
The twist is that everything is a hallucination by the MC who's dying from the dreaded Japanese Cold.
I don't understand why the fuck is people trying to force a twist on a SoL anime. Like, that's rare enough.
Hitler was never confirmed to have died in berlin. Rumors spread about him escaping and living in argentina for a few years and then going to antartica. The US knew this and commenced Operation Highjump to try to destroy them. There might be nazis in this and it might end up becoming quite a ride.
Tamaki Mari (Class 2-2) should visit the netherlands.
>Tamaki Mari (Class 2-2)
That's the main girl.
Top secret evil mission to melt the continent. They are doing the ship showing to pretend it's a normal expedition. The girls find out and are executed, the rest of the series is the evil plan working. The girls are a red herring.
a bunch of kids at my highschool got to go to the north or south pole (cant remember which) for like ten days
it's not that far-fetched, and given what we see in the OP it looks like they're going on an expedition with a bunch of other kids too
>I want to protect your smile
At The Mountains of Madness : The Animation.
"School trip that they pay for"
Wow that wasn't hard. It's not like they're moving there.
Only the first episode and the threads are already filled with an insane amount of shitposters and retards. Maybe because the other shows of this season haven't really started and they've got nowhere else to go. Hopefully we'll have much better threads and some real discussions by the time a next episode airs
I like the VA cast for this. It has best grandma
This looks pretty nice
they'll leave when they realize the show isn't gonna have a twist where they all have to eat each other
This episode has a lot of pure smiles.
>Pudding is a drink
What the fuck did she mean by this?
Hollow earth is found , the mother is down there.
Lots of gov soldiers will be after them because no one can go exploring Antarctica without being send back.
It's a joke
go back to wherever you came from shitposter-kun
Will Kurt Russel save them?
just because the girls are cute doesn't make it SoL, user-kun. Unless your daily routine involves making a journey to the south pole in order to find your long-disappeared mother
She's describing the taste of semen.
The threads will be fun.
You first, shitposter.
Skip to 9:30.
>some ice
I love how conspiracy theory nutjobs are so fucking ignorant that they don't realise they're fucking ignorant
Surprising amount of legshots in this episode, and 3D transport look very nice.
They have to get all the leg shots out of the way before they start wearing Antarctica-appropriate clothes.
That reads like the timecube.
I think you somehow have misunderstood that SoL series don't have to be entirely reflective of everyday life. I mean, Konohana Kitan from last season was SoL, but last time I checked real life doesn't have cute fox girls working at an inn with bakus, sentient dolls, and various spirits. I don't think it's far-fetched to say this is an SoL series, or at least it'll have various SoL elements to it.
What did she mean by this?
Vore is better than sex.
Which one will lose her virginity first?
I dont get why asians like whaling so much.
Is whale meat any good? Why do they use such big animals for? It cant be for whale pussy, asian girls arent that ugly.
She is an aspiring cannibal.
She is appealing to all the giantess fetishists.
It tastes really good.
I've been dreaming about whale steak since reading about it in Moby Dick.
Mari. She'll be raped by a pack of penguins.
It is foreshadowing when the show turns into a gritty arctic wasteland survival story and they have to eat each other to stay alive.
It's called a waddle of penguins, actually.
MC is gay for her, isn't she?
Genuinely enjoyed it
So... is this based on any source material or will we really speculate who eats which girl first?
Why do they have to be dykes? Can't they just be friends going on an adventure together?
>I am just going outside and may be some time.
They can. They can also be gays going on an adventure together. Nobody knows which it is yet.
Would you do that to a stranger ? She's clearly lusting after her.
Who is your country's most famous (ant)arctic explorer?
>tfw /ourguy/ Tom never made it to the South Pole
It was halfway through the episode before i realized this is just K-On! with traveling to Antarctica.
>single braid
>owns physical gamecube and N64
>cool yet careless attitude
I want to kiss her cervix with my cock and fill her with my seed.
It's an anime original. Enjoy the threads.
She's not even going.
Be honest with me. Would you gives those 10'000$ back to her?
Am I the only prematurely balding guy who got triggered by this?
Mari will be waddled by a waddle of penguins.
Of course I would.
>playing goldeneye with a nice cup of hot chocolate milk or freezing to death to see a bunch of penguins
She's wise.
This is going to turn into a Dyatlov Pass Incident type thing, isn't it?
I hope there is plenty of penguin action in this show.
Yeah I definitely would.
Yes because I'm not a nigger