Why this thing is so fucking bad?
Why this thing is so fucking bad?
Other urls found in this thread:
naruto with capeshit
Fucking superpower shounen again
>BNH is garbage
In other news water is wet
It's really generic, stills a lot of it's scenes and plot points for better shounen and just does them again but worse.
Weak execution, main character is weak with no personality, and his completely uninteresting.
Worst of all it probably has some of the worst action i've ever seen written in a shounen, the writer has no sense of interesting drama or stakes, nor can he write a compelling action scene.
It's just really bottom barrel shit, but they play it safe most of the time and so that's something.
Jump is desesperate, the only thing that people buy it for is One Piece and they're looking to make another Big 3. The author knows this and so don't give a shit about the quality of his work, he's set now.
And underage who don't know better lap it up. Ask any bnhafag and you'll see that they can't actually explain why they like the manga, so instead they whine about subjectivity.
because it's not made for you
or other over 15
Name one title in the genre that doesn't do this, let's say, in the past decade. I feel like bnha has a lot of cliches that are done well, sometimes with twists.
The main personality trait of the mc is that he is very plain, there is barely anything special about him other than a heroic spirit. Like it or not, this allows him to appeal to the lowest common denominator. I disagree and thing the action is done relatively well for the authors first successful manga. There certainly are compelling drama and stakes, just not a lot.
The whole playing it safe thing might be from the editor's interference, they seem to get in the way a lot, partly because they know what sells.
It's a fun take on a traditionally western topic, made by an eastern artist. Mc is basically a hero otaku version of Spiderman, his plainness making home easy to relate to. There's more but I'll leave it at that for now.
Is it bad if I see this manga/anime being spammed at /vg/? First time I saw this series was on /lolg/ thread.
No, bnha is shit. The plot is lazy, the setting is completely wasted, the main powers are the most fucking unimaginative possible, and the characters can barely be called that, considering they have zero actual personality and will take turn to act as retards to advance the plot.
It's crap, and the author knows it but assume rightly that you are too far up your ass to notice how retarded he clearly considers you.
No, it is just popular. Regardless of what people tell you, popular =/= bad. Form your own opinions. Though, they probably shouldn't be posting off-topic images I suppose.
t. Butthurt HxHfag.
is this copy pasts shitposts: the thread?
You alright man?
>it's shit!
>it's crap!
Plot is not necessarily lazy, just laden with cliches, which, as I said, I feel are done pretty well. Maybe the MAIN characters quirks are kinda plain, but there are a few that are pretty interesting. There are a lot of situations where acting like a retard is exactly what a highschool freshman/sophomore age kid would do. The personalities bit is kinda true though, there isn't a lot of depth to most of them.
As a side note, I'm not saying BnHA is GOAT, just that it's good. Lots of people get that confused. Plus I have a soft spot for the MC.
>and will take turn to act as retards to advance the plot.
Like when?
>Regardless of what people tell you, popular =/= bad
I disagree.
Let me rephrase, it does not ALWAYS mean it is bad. I kind of like Harry Potter, and the first few seasons of Sponge.
it's a normie containment anime
>what if Naruto was a capeshit?
I've seen this same thread, with this same picture 250 times already, 4 times today. Don't you get bored of asking the same question over and over again?
It seems like you posted in the wrong thread, and may be a little confused. Then again, I don't think there is a Black Clover thread up at the moment so I can't blame you.
Black Clover is Naruto with more Naruto on top of it. Hero Academia is Naruto with heroes. Naruto is Dragon Ball with Ninjas. And Dragon Ball is Journey to the West with aliens.
>b-but nigger clover
Am I going crazy or have you made this thread like, 3 times already today?
There's literally nothing wrong with Radiohead and the first few seasons of Spongebob.
Vidya is spot on.
This. are a silly man
because you have shit taste Sup Forumsnon
What's One Piece then?
>The author knows this and so don't give a shit about the quality of his work, he's set now.
Horikoshi comes across as a guy who simply wanted to make one of the comics he enjoyed as a kid. I don't think he ever expected it to become this popular and he does put passion into his work. Have you read it?
Obviously it doesn't work if you don't like it.
The only reason (((reddit))) has ever read 1984 is so they could use it as an instruction manual
Dragon Ball with pirates.
BNHA with Pirates
FT with pirates.
>Dragon Ball is Journey to the West with Superman.
Wouldn't it be nicer to post about anime you do like instead of getting angry about an anime you don't like?
No way fag
What a very accurate list. You're missing Shitverse on there but damn I like this list.
Blame editor-san.
The cliches are so huge that they circle back around to a deconstruction of generic shonen.
Action shounen.
What do you expect?
>they circle back around to a deconstruction of generic shonen.
That would imply self awareness and creativity. This celebration of generic capeshit has neither.
Well, in an action shounen, I expect good fights, but this doesn't have those either.
absolute shit
The show isn't bad or good, its' just really boring. There are some high moments here and there, just like there are some low moments. Once I caught up with the series I wasn't in a state of awe or disgust, I was sort of just staring at the last page of the current chapter with nothing going through my head but "this is it?"
It was dangerously overhyped by a lot of fanboys who must have forgotten that these same premises have happened in other shows with a lot more grit and tension. MHA feels like a 4kids version of almost every Naruto-esque shōnen in history, and when it does get gritty like in the Yakuza arc, it feels so out of place that the story actually suffers from it.
Author dug himself into a hole with such a boring narrative. Could've easily made this into a bestseller if he had the story revolve around the Advent of the Extraordinary where people with Quirks were being treated as monsters with separate factions working to gain superiority over the other. A bit of betrayal, drama, and at the center of it is Deku who wants to become a shining light in the midst of that storm. I could actually get interested in that, but instead he just decided to go with this uber-generic route of "highschoolers learning to be heroes xD".
Its' too late to be fixed. This show is destined to be forgotten, not because it was bad or anything, but just because it failed its' execution and remained as nothing more than a boring shōnen.
It is a bestseller
Sales != quality
It suffers from being pronounced the modern successor to the big 3 after just a couple of chapters. The hype was unreal as soon as it started.
Its flop only fanboy buy it
Yeah its garbage i wish jump axed it
Only idiot thinks if its sell million then its good but actually it just people have shit taste
Its the worst shonen in shonen jump history
People have shit taste
Its flop they say its big shonen but can't crack 1mill per vol sales
And popular = bad
Fuck off bnhafags
Its true if you see popular show always shit and garbage
>The thread itself is bait
>everything i don't like is bait
That's because young boys run the manga market, shounen is popular.
>no one even mentioned HxH
>butthurt BnHAtard has no other defence against his bottom of the barrel shonenshit not being trash
>Lord of the Rings
Those books and especially movies are far too Eurocentric and lacking in nonWhites to be reddit. Leftists hate Lotr, which is why it's gonna get remade by Fox with a bunch of negro people as the cast.
Anglocentric media is reddit as fuck.
if that's true then they should also hate a song of ice and fire/game of thrones and I know that's not true.
So is this one autist who is making these threads every other day or do people really believe this? Shit has gone really downhill if it's the latter
Game of Thrones is s series with a massive focus on what are basically brown desert people taking over a land of White people. Not only that, but it is massively reddit in that the characters are all backstabbing assholes with no morality but people love them anyway.
Lord of the Rings is not only Eurocentric, but is strict on morality and self sacrifice. Since it isn't a depressing nihilistic nightmare reddit don't like it.
Most of it is, yes.
>R-reddit likes it! Y-you don't wanna be like Reddit, do you?
Suck my dick. Try too hard to fit in somewhere else.
>Shit has gone really downhill if it's the latter
No. We really believe this. And it is a good thing. I would be more worried if the general consensus on Sup Forums was to like shitty generic shonen.
The only problem I have with the show is that the writer didn't think forward enough.
I mean, Mineta, Uravity, Froggy, Tape-throwing guy, Animal whisperer guy... All these powers are getting power-creeped so hard right now. Like, how did those useless powers even get into UA and how are they Hero-worthy when vilains have insane power creep?
Shonen is entire garbage that's only geared towards 10 year old so of course Hero's bad.
>Mangaka came up with fun powers for fun, non-serious manga.
>Manga almost One-Punch-Man tier.
>It becomes popular and has to adapt to editorial standards for becoming a cash-cow.
>Loses all it's initial charm.
eh, all good shows get ruined by their own popularity.
It isn't.
I started reading it because I love the artstyle. It's very pleasing to the eye. The design for most characters is very different from what we're used to see in anime these days. The story is pretty fine, and while I could've made some changes here and there, I'm perfectly OK with what's going on. It's not a deconstruction, but rather, I'd say it's more like a reconstruction of some sorts, because it handles clichés and old tropes very well. I just don't want to sound pedantic about that shit.
People who think Deku is weak haven't read past Chapter 10.
I'm now convinced that Sup Forums forgot about "MADMAN" and started hating BNHA only after it became popular. I still remember that the consensus was that it was fine during the first half of its existence. It only became hated when it began airing.
HxHfag is a known shitposter who tends to make bait threads like this one to shit on BNHA and claims that HxH is Rick and Morty-tier "social criticism" or something like that.
>if reddit likes something that means i can't like it because of muh 4chinz v leddit rivalry bullshit
>inb4 redditor
why are the shitposters making multiple threads about a series they don't like
what kind of mental illness is this
>Reddit hates LoTR
Wow. How much can society change within THE SAME generation? It's fucking insane man, I'm technically the same generation as those cunts.
is the internet to blame?
>fine during the first half
to me, each season's first half is pretty good and the later half is pretty mediocre.
I’m surprised everybody says Deku has no personality, he’s determined yet easily flustered, nervous and lacks self confidence from years of bullying and everybody giving up on his hopes and dreams.
If I were 11 years old again and superheros were not that common in the mainstream media I would probably love this anime. As it stands, my adult mind cannot be entertained by this basic tripe, and the superhero aspect just completely turns me off of it.
The last few arcs have been shitty
nothing important happened
>You're missing Shitverse on there
Are you retarded? How the fuck do you expect anyone to know what you're referring to with no context? There's a ton of fandoms that call their fictional setting Somethingverse, and you went and replaced the part that would make it recognizable.
He reminds them of themselves. That's why they don't like him.
So any other series where the "Hero" is too fucking OP? Like how All Might fucks any villain without too much trouble without plot armor but hopefully they hide their powerlevel.
I know One Punch Man is one and 7 Deadly Sins is another one with Meliodas, anyone knows the name of the trope? or recommendations.
Why people say deku is weak they are probably referring to his poor character writing, or rather the lack there of.
His shallow generic and a one note self insert for little japanese boys. How strong he is in the context of power level bullshit is irrelevant of a quality work.
That's not a personality, those are just his reaction to things happening to him.
He's 100% reactive in his story arc, things just happen to him, he doesn't initiate anything, it's just weak character writing, and a really weak introduction.
lmfao, no. I honestly doubt anyone can identify with the cartoonishly cruel bullying shit that completely defines his character.
Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero
Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?
There's more. I don't know the trope name just google "anime where the MC is OP.
Some people actually liked it you know.
BnHA needs to be banned from Sup Forums, just like Naruto.
was naruto really that bad in retrospective?
It's fags/haters were.
You can start by having the people who make these daily bnha hate threads to not make daily bnha hate threads. Funny, for people who hate the series so much, they make threads more than everyone else.
the plots are generic and have been done better several times before
my biggest thing about this series is just what a clusterfuck the cast is
theres so many characters who are completely irrelevant. how the fuck will you ever make ochaco useful in a battle without making it extremely convenient for her?
a majority of quircks are either useless shit the author thought up for filler or overpowered to the point they need to kill off or contain the characters
because you have bad taste?
Holy shit, it is true, once it gets popular with normalfags Sup Forums hates it, imagine the anal devastation that next season is going to cause, I can't simply kek
Autism is strong in this shitter
school setting
MHA > your favorite animu
Can't prove me wrong.
Literally everything except for shonen garbage like naruto and black clover is better than BNH
Moeblob slice of life drivel #2709, Isekai garbage # 1232, Harem fapbait #5948 are all worse.
I don't hate it or even hate Deku, but I can't help but feel I'd rather be reading about young Toshinori instead, or Mirio's arc of going from a screw-up to one of the most skilled heroes in his world. It's generally a bad idea to tease stories that would be better than the one you're telling.
Shut up Boku no Fag my favorite anime assfucked your generic shounen pile of shit
Posting in a pathetic bait thread.