What's the point of cute crossdressing boys in anime? I heard it's because of humor...

What's the point of cute crossdressing boys in anime? I heard it's because of humor, but they don't seem to be used in a humorous way most of the time. What happens?

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ever heard of the shotgun approach for marketing user?
they want ALL of the otaku money so they insert every fetish in the goddamn book so the degenerates will buy their merch

Wait, do the japs like crossdressing and gay stuff too? I thought they were conservative.

Girls like it.

You really asking this? yes user, the more consevative the country is, the more gay people become, its math.

you a newfag OP?

I'm supposing this is just an excuse to make a trap thread?

>like crossdressing and gay stuff too?
>I thought they were conservative.
Bruh those go hand in hand.

But I mean, the otaku there seem to get angry even if the seiyuu of their favorite character has sex. On the other hand I heard that lonely hikikomori tend to engage in such activities with each other sometimes, don't know if it's true.

I don't access Sup Forums too much

Better than this flat

That's generalization people tend to do, but only idolfags get angry if their seyuu/idol got a husband or a kid.
Your usual otaku will care more for the character than the voice actor most of the time.

>What's the point of cute crossdressing boys in anime?
To marry the best girls.

>>draw a girl
>>Make her abrasive and cold, then suddenly not cold
>>call it tsundere

Why do they do this? What does it add? Are tsundere that big in Japan?

>Take a girl
>Put spats and fang on her
>Call it tomboy

What do they do this? What does it add? Are tomboy that big in Japan?

>Take a girl
>Add glasses

For Japan a trap is basically just an archetype at this point. Just like the other girl archetypes. They include a trap in stories occasionally, in the same way they include any other archetype. Its become a trope for them, and it does have a fanbase just like any other archetype. But other countries don't have this archetype yet, so they find it strange.

usually the gay character is just that, gay

We haven't been talking about gays. Most trap characters are straight. At least the ones I know.

Luka from steins;gate is gay

In the case of that particular one its to show he's got brain damage.

No. He is dressing like that to support the cross-dressing of the girl he loves. They made some kind of promise to each other when they were kids. Oh and she says that the clothes look good on him.

Like I said, brain damage. Being locked in a basement for years is bad for the psyche.

Doing something out of love for someone is not brain damage.

But user, Luka is a girl trapped in a boys body. She is 100% straight.

Except he isn't. Literally the only reason he wants to become a girl is to fuck men, because society has instilled the value of "having gay sex = bad" in him. Read Phenogram you fucking secondary.

I thought Ferris was crossdressing because it was part of his culture. Like, at one point Subaru sees his family, and they all wear similar clothes, even the buff dudes.
Or am I mixing this up with another series?

blend S does this correctly

You are mixing with another series.

Re:Zero does it correctly. Not Blend Shit.

This. Hideri is the alpha trap all traps should aspire to be.

>be me 2016
>see cute catgirl on the Internets
>see Emilia
The show has problems but i swear to god I dropped the show the second I figured out its a he
Seriously, fuck traps

>boy gets his personality also rewritten as he's turning into a girl
This is my fetish

It's 2018 user. You can admit to being a colossal cumguzzling homo.

Why don't you adopt the Roman Empire mindset to make your life easier: it's not gay if he's the bottom.

Hideri is a faggot. Pic has the true alpha.
He is not turning into a girl. A Girl is turning him on.

every fucking time someone calls one of these homos out on they immediately go for this response, every time

>when it's not clear whether it's het, yuri, or yaoi
Confusion, but also a raging boner.

But Crusch is a boy

It's a leftist canned response that they have been trained to deliver for years

No it's not leftist it's just a retarded defense mechanism

> On the other hand I heard that lonely hikikomori tend to engage in such activities with each other sometimes
This is very hot. Lonely nerds who had their sexuality fucked up by loneliness and hentai who finally dress up as touhous and have gay sex because they can't take it anymore

So basically like this

You are insecure.

And why am I insecure, pray tell?

Dropping a series for a reason you mentioned makes me think that you are definitely insecure.

Ill let you in on a secret to modern anime, *casually looks over his shoulders* Fanservice my dude, can't think of a good plot for an anime? Bam! fanservice, can't make interesting characters, could it be? yep fanservice, struggling balacning filler and shitty main plot? you guessed it, it's fanservice baby
You see it all begun with the big ole boobs and from there it went to the flat side of loli street, when the media was in peril "oh no what will we do, they are not eating our fanservice enough" "fret not they're fools, we will make flat anime girls and call the dudes" and so the last part of the waifu wars trinity was brought into being
The Oppai, The Loli and The Trap, with these 3 powers united nippon would never have to make good story again, and so it came to be that nippon pumped out hordes of garbage anime that sexually frustrated fanbase would defend just to see more fanservice on the monthly update

No, i dropped it because I wanted cute catgirls in it, not cute catboys
What am I even insecure about here?

You fear cute boys. You fear that they come and make you gay. Dropping a series because there is one character that does not fit your comfort zone definitely makes me see you as insecure.

Not that guy, but if you're this insistent, maybe you should just fuck him in the ass, and if that doesn't turn him gay you can leave him alone.

>two people at the end of their road, sick and tired of living make one last attempt to make life worth it, they both dress up in womens clothing to try to mend their lonely souls
>neither can get a boner due to erectile dysfunction caused by immense stress their daily lives give them, look themselves in the mirror and see what their lives have begun
>form a suicide pact instead and slit each others wrists after downing nitro
>some fujoshi sees them walking in the street together, makes a fanfic about them being traps that have sex with each other and flicks her bean
Rope the fujoshis off the roof

Im not ''afraid of being turned gay'', Im not sexually attracted to boys, cute or not
I also don't like to get tricked by being shown a cute cat''''girl'''' and then being suddenly told that ''it's a boy XDDD''
EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS NO(0) INDICATION THAT FELIX HAD A COCK but he still wears dresses for some fucking reason, meaning it's fetish shit
im still mad

>he still wears dresses for some fucking reason, meaning it's fetish shit
Here are the reasons for his cross-dressing Those reasons are very cute. You don't have to like them, of course. But you are definitely insecure.


Get out.

Every cute or beautiful character can be considered to be fetish bait. Some people have a thing for blue hair and maid outfits you know?

>he doesn't put on a bunch of make up and girls clothes and then walk around outside with in a short skirt with a massive throbbing erection hidden underneath

Until you do this, you will not know the appeal of traps or cding boys

what is the context of this image?

Yes but it's fetish bait for the most meme fetish out there

They support flat chests. The villains in that show all have fetishes basically.

If that's your honest opinion then you are allowed to have it of course. But I will forever defend this kitten from the evils of this world.


I already do that alone and it makes me horny, not sad

K, have a piggu

Have a kitten.

I forgot to say thanks.

Its a big part of their culture
Basically it went like this
>woman are not allowed in theater
>girliest men get picked to do female roles in theater
>people like it
>Sub culture of girly sex workers develops to cater to the new demand
Its the exact same pattern we see nowadays of watching a new anime show and later getting porn about it on comiket, but in feudal japan and with real people because drawing porn was prohibited by law because when it was allowed every one could not stop jerking off all the time to fucking work on their jobs
Fun fact, the very first geisha prostitute was male
Pic related is called Old Buddhist, by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. Its from the 1800.
Spoilering because I dont know if the mods are going to be dicks and ban me for posting classical art piece that is hanged on a museum in tokyo

This was solved by only allowing gross old men to be actors. Which didn't fully solve the problem, but certainly keep it at minimum.

Check futaba's crossdressing board, they from time to time organize meet ups where they crossdress as their waifus and dick each other Yes you can find recordings of said meetings on the popular normalfag porn sites with the proper keywords

By the way he described it, I'm sure he's seen some of them.

dammit, I said i wasnt going to fap today and then you gone and reminded me of feliz

Crossdressing aside, I heard Japan was super gay in their middle ages, is that true?

Also, did Japan become more conservative because of western influence?

Hot, I will, thanks user

I heard similar things happened here on Sup Forums back in the day, but i'm just a newfag

They were gay in their teen years and young adult years too, I heard.


Things were really gay there back then, if you were Buddhist it was expected that you would become the girlfriend of some older monk till you become of age, after that the relationship was dissolved and once you became an old enough monk, you would get your own boy toy girlfriend too

Just like the greeks.

Holy shit, that Sumizome doujin was real

He clearly means their feudal era you silly billy, have a (you) for your inadequate joke

No, the greeks fucked other males because the fucked party had a lesser status in what ever hierarchy they had
As in, it was well accepted that your boss would and could fuck you in the ass if he so desired
They could also get same sex lovers if they so desired

The relationship in Buddhist monastery was where you, a monk would get a pre pubescent boy to become lovers with, not in just fucking, as in a full functional relationship, to the point you had to formally write fidelity vows, for all intends and purposes, that boy is now your wife and you two must love each other deeply until he grows of age
It was much more fucked up than the greeks

It's a Nip cultural thing. Dicking cute boys is not considered gay. Even in anime, you'll see a token cute boy in an all-girl harem

History accurate doujins are the best, you fap and learn!

You also see token cute boys in all male reverse harems (fujo stuff)
Its a trope and nothing more, its why japan did not give a shit about how badly the west handled the inclusion of a trap in the Catherine remake
Because to them adding a trap is just the same as adding a new flavor of girl, the same as adding a tsundere and nothing more

The villains were having a civil war between bit tits and flat chests. I don't have the big tits side saved.

w-was pic related true?

Was the same thing in ancient rome. Basically as long as you were the dominant one in sex, you were seen as an alpha. They saw nothing wrong with fucking young, cute boys. If it got your dick hard, it was ok, as long as you were not the bottom.

They will care more now unfortunately, 50% of their sales are from here.

And what about the samurais?? they were gay too, no?

I dont have much data on early early Sup Forums, but 08-10 had some increase in lewd posting, Sup Forums never had a true hooking up culture till mid 2012 to 2014 when zeemaps became a thing, and even though this whole thing was an offshoot of a similar thing happening on /jp/ as shows
Lewd shrunken and hooking up threads died when hotweels opened his own imageboard and most of those posters migrated to /cuteboys/
Sup Forums's lewd culture still survived in form of the annual new year's lewd thread

and yes user, this used to happen
Dont know if FC2 still hosts those videos as all up loaders switched to Xtube (FC2 was incredibly scummy, forcing people to pay fees to watch videos, with a free account you could only watch 8 videos/day and without one you were locked on 2/day) but you can still find that video in your post somewhere online

>your boss would and could fuck you in the ass if he so desired
If this gets implemented today it would lead to a much more humane workplace.

>user-kun, you seems distressed lately
>bend over and drop your pants, I'll make you feel better
>why? because I'm your senior in the workplace, that's why

>Which didn't fully solve the problem

complete homos

He's exaggerating the secrecy of it but yes, /jp/sies used to get pretty gay some nights. There was also the regular gloryhole/'why haven't you sucked a cock yet' shitposting too. I'm ashamed to have posted pictures of myself dressed as a 2hu a few times.

Not sure if it's still the same these days though.

His psychological explaining is fascinating, I wonder if it's true.

There is one famous video, with that momiji crossdresser giving a blowjob, pretty hot

post pics

>recent trend in meth
thats nice, i had never prove it but i have been with a guy full of meth, how it feels taking it?

post imgur, onee-chan!

All blue boards got sanitized pretty hard since hiro bought the site

Spartans were even worse, part of their military culture was that higher ranking soldiers could fuck lower ones and it was considered an honor if your superior decided to dick you
and a reminder, spartans were not cute, they breed out the cute out of their gene pool by killing any non perfect baby on birth and kids were sent to live on their own on the forests once they were old enough to hold a lance and a shield to build some character in them
Spartans were some mean and manly fuckers and yet it was totally OK to dick each other in their culture

stop pls

I heard the rumors, i heard the slogan words "OP is a faggot" but i never wanted to believe the slander, turns out it was true, you guys are pretty gay, you guys do you

Same here user, though I posted more on Sup Forums's variants of those threads, boy those first pics when I had no idea what I was doing with a camera were embarrassing

i'm retarded

damn, mankind is pretty gay man

/lgbt/ is a real board, too bad it's infested by the worst sort of trannies, and recently there's also the frighteningly unironic gay-nazis.

just search xtube for crossdress and you get a shitton of this

Trips means he has to post.

How does that work.

Boy, you missed the 2012-2013 new year's lewd thread
it started at december 31st noon and it last till early mach of non stopping lewdposting and people talking about dicks
If the OP had this pic, or the original haruhi version, you knew it was a lewd thread about people wanting to suck dick

woah, that's rare even for the chan