ITT: Mary Sues
ITT: Mary Sues
Kira Yamato
Her and Doka are both garbage-tier mary sues.
>b-b-but muh character flaws
>b-b-but muh suffering
And it all led to them becoming literal godesses. In hindsight it was a real piece of shit.
If you meant anyone other than Pitou, the term is Gary Stu.
But they all died at the end
>an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character
>Meruem/Pitou/Pouf/Youpi perfect or idolised
the absolute state of HxH haters
They're not perfect though. Pitou let's her feelings get the best of her. Pouf is obsessed about his idea of what the king should be and does not consider Meruem's feelings. Youpi is kinda dumb and struggles to control his anger.
I hate CA arc for introducing this ridiculous power level bullshit. Worst arc.
I'm glad the current one toned it down.
No, Gary Stu still fits Pitou. He's a guy.
what about pitou's character design makes her so attractive?
passable traps are just so rare and unique
You should have seen that coming though, anyone who didn't is retarded. Togashi did the exact same thing in YYH with younger toguro. He was introduced to be the TOPPEST SHIT, and then one arc after "Oh, that toguro guy? Yeah, B level demon, MAYBE an A level, check these FUCKIN S LEVEL DEMONS over here though! Wait, you had trouble with that chump?"
Her name is Mary Sioux.
I guess she fits.
It's this sort of argument that exemplifies the problem with Mary Sue being such a nebulous trope. I mean, I get what you're saying but a Mary Sue isn't JUST suffering and character flaws. Suffering and character flaws aren't even the biggest strikes against a character being a sue in my eyes, if at all.
I like her peacoat a lot honestly. Madhouse fucked her design a bit though, she was fluffier in the manga. Most of the manga at least.
That would be a Gary Stu
Another person who doesnt know what that phrase means