So??? Do they ever FUCK or what?? I really wanted them to for some reason.
Just finished this
they may or may not already be fucking.
READ THE MANGA. It is also doesnt seem going nowhere and on irregular release unfortunately.
They will if you stop acting like a spoiled brat and just rule34 it.
Asuka Wind ain’t canon user...
Every night.
Dutch's already taking care of that.
Why do you think it's called BLACK Lagoon in the first place?
stupid question I know but, dub or sub? or should I watch both? if so then in which order?
Because the black guy is the boss.
>you HAVE heard of Space Jam right?
this is one of the rare anime where the dub is undeniably better. personally, i watched it in sub first, dub second, but i recommend doing dub first if you're gonna watch both.
Revy’s dub was born to play her if that helps
Dub is better.
Trust me on this.
Considering how she avoids the question from Eda and how comfortable they are with nudity, it should be obvious
I honeslty though the convo implied “nah we didn’t i just keep striking out and need to get laid...” and she was all like “thats so you”
Thats how it seemed to me.
Black lagoon dub is actually good and the sub is actually terrible
My favourite scene was the rock vs levy fight
indirect kissu
90% chance they banged.
Just nuke this thread
toyoguchi megumi's best role
>trusting a redditor who can't even type like a normal human
whats wrong with dubs
The state of this board man
At the rate the manga is going, they will never fuck. But they are basically an unofficial couple at this point. The entire town sees them as one, not to mention Revy doesn't even deny when Feng called Rock "her man" and goes with it.
>Why do you think it's called BLACK Lagoon in the first place?
Because you're a projecting cuck?
This plus the cigarette kiss scene.
They just got home and fucked like rabbits.
Because Blue Lagoon was occupied by incestfags.
No, and they have a lot of shit to sort out first, since Rock is going way off the fucking deep end and everyone is nervous around him.
hate dubs all you want, but this is the dub that shits all over the sub. the dub is "10/10 angels singing into your ears" awesome.
She's skinnydipping in the deep end. He needs to hurry up already.
Yes, and she hates it and hates herself for it. Rock literally enjoys it and playing with peoples lives because its a game to him. After Roberta's arc its obvious hes the most fucked up person in the city.
>Do they ever FUCK or what
Its heavily, heavily implied that they are.
>He should maybe foreshadow Revy's pregnancy subtly?