Fractale aired 7 years ago

Fractale aired 7 years ago.

Anime has not been saved, it is still dying.
The saviour has lost hope and has nothing left to protect.

All is lost. Anime is doomed.

Fractale was trash

That's what happens when you reveal the "god" of your anime's world was a special needs girl who was sexually abused by her father.

Game of Laplace, Mayoiga and Kumamiko aired 2 years ago OP.

What was Fractale supposed to save anyways? It was as clichéd as they come.

>Kumamiko aired 2 years ago

The director (who later turned out to be a serial sexual harasser, which is why he was fired from KyoAni in 2007) made a giant fuss near the end of the first decade about how anime was dying because of "otaku pandering" and how he was going to save it with his original project, Fractale.

It was shit.

Fractale had lots of otaku pandering though?

Indeed. Funny how that works.

It could have been good, but then they had that insane tone shift in like episode three where the terrorists showed up and started killing priestesses. And then they had the one guy who had his daughter sit in an OBGYN chair with her legs up in stirrups to check if she were still a virgin after she was found hiding with the MC.

From a technical standpoint. Fractale is an amazing anime. From a story perspective its also pretty good. Leagues above other stuff. Not saying its particularly good, but honestly think about how shit every thing is now.
What fractale lacked is presentation. Its like those ghibli films but those were movies. This is an entire series and it cant hold your attention. It needed more dramatic scenes.
Yamakan tried, he really did. But uneventful adventure anime doesnt sell.

Vaguely remember disliking first episode enough to not bother with the rest of it, and then all the whining and shitposting.

It could been better if they've just kept the original character designs.

You forgot the final slap in the face where after no episodes and years of violently opposing the Fractale system the terrorist boss says he is not sure who is right.

Damn if only Osama were so philosophical.

you got some comparison shots?


Phryne is way better, but i dont know if it Nessa would have been better. Same color for both doesnt look that good

>Anime has not been saved, it is still dying.
Senyuu started saving anime, but we still have another 25 years before the third season can finish the job.

No they fired Yamacoon because he's SHIT.

Fractale was OK.
Anime slowly saves itself.
The savior-to-be is doomed.
All's right with the world.
Except for Sup Forums, which is rotten to the core. But it is slowly getting better.

>But it is slowly getting better.
Found the newfag.

Let me guess, you joined around 2009-2010? One of the no-fun-allowed kids?

I'm not the reason this place is no fun anymore.

>What was Fractale supposed to save anyways? It was as clichéd as they come.
>he doesn't know of the man who was to save anime

Since when, in your estimation?

I remember this. Those were fun threads. The setting was interesting, but as usual nips can't really write for shit. Also as a side note, the manga designs completely shit on he anime designs for the characters.

>Fractale aired 7 years ago.

Those were better times, more innocent, more fun.

>It could have been good, but then they had that insane tone shift in like episode three
I dropped it after one. It wasn't good even then.

2010 was probably Sup Forums's lowest point.

Perhaps I'm just being nostalgic. I don't even remember what year was pic related.

Near the begging of the show it seemed like it could actually be really good.

The ending was offensively bad though, so those who watched it probably remember it as trash.

I miss SHiN

Didn't it have a happy ending where the MC and the girl get together and live happily ever after or some shit? Though I'm probably remembering it wrong.

Would yamacant have had a better career if he wasn't a sexual predator?

>The story takes place on an island, where a "Fractale System" is beginning to collapse. One day, Clain finds an injured girl called Phryne under a cliff. She disappears leaving a pendant. Clain sets out for a journey with the girl-shaped avatar Nessa to look for Phryne and discovers the secret of the Fractale System.
Sounds really boring, do they even have powers?

Come to /u/Aikatsu. He's still lurking there and has arguably burned out any goodwill he had remaining.

Nah it ends with them ascending into a a space bubble then learning via a bubble that the main girl is a clone of this girl from 2000's japan, who for some reason became a god for the religion of the planet. Who for also some reason that is just thrown in there was raped. It makes no sense. The show then fades to black and credits roll.

>From a story perspective its also pretty good. Leagues above other stuff.
The story and worldbuilding were confusing, the characters were unlikable, the tone shifts were jarring.

At least it had a great op.


What do you mean by powers? Like naruto?

>Fractale Thread

Obligatory reminder that it flopped so hard that it was turned into an unit of measurement of anime sales

Not Naruto, I mean more mature shit like Black Clove.


In the end, he couldn't save anime.

>Didn't it have a happy ending
I guess. The loli's personality ends up in the body of the other main girl and she gets to live happily with the MC.

>flip floppers sold exactly one fractale

>how he was going to save it with his original project, Fractale.
He never said that. You pay too much heed to memes.

>The story and worldbuilding were confusing, the characters were unlikable, the tone shifts were jarring.
Ill give you the tone shifting. The other two are more like your shit opinions. But even then, as I said, way better than every thing airing.

I never got why they didn't go with fused personalities, completely overwritting her with Nessa was unsettling.

I liked some of the visuals, and the setting was interesting, but the story, characters and resolution were just terrible. It's a shame, there was some seed of potential in the show, but it was strangled in its crib.

All he wanted to do was save anime.

I thought he wanted to fuck Yamada

This show kinda sucked but I want to fuck Phryne AND Clain

The show was trash and the memes and posting around it were even worse, but it is fun when Sup Forums is shitstorming about something fairly collectively. Sup Forums is more splintered and distant now.

No, I'd say 2013 to the present is the lowest.

I remember I only watched this show because I saw that gif of Phryne jumping naked into a lake, so I watched thinking it would be full of fanservice.

Needless to say I was very upset by the end of it.

Fractale isn't the worst anime I've ever seen, but it's the worst anime I watched until the end.


He later saved anime with WUG

The final redpill is realizing that otaku pandering doesn't actually exist.

>fuck the Temple is too powerful, this girl is our only chance to beat them
>cue 12 episodes of shenanigans
>shit, they got the girl, we must save her, let's gather forces and attack head on

They harvested her imagination force and escapism resulting from that trauma to power that magic fractale system, mahou shoujo style or some shit. They break it and get back to Earth to live normally without fractale like other rebels.

Anybody play the game Popolocrois? Exactly the same problem as fractale. Good setting, nice art, interesting characters, and absolutely no good development or momentum is built by any major event so every episode feels like it could be episode one.

Oh, I understand you, this game is so forgettable, I remember only the fact of playing it, but absolutely nothing else.

Fuck Yamamoto.

It actually saved the industry by setting up an example of how to flop and waste everyone's time.

Learn thy mistakes niponjin.

>save anime by not using 'otaku pandering' he said
>later after the flop, he used the blatant otaku pandering: the idol and mediocore drama the anime

Fuck that fag

He used "otaku pandering" since the very begining.

Remember how he tried to bait people by showing panty shots in their first concert and showing them in bikinis in one of the early episodes just for that kind of fanservice to never return again?

You're confusing story with premise. The series spent way too much time dicking around, realized they needed to address the plot eventually, and through a cluttered mess of plot developments at the viewer in the final couple episodes plus a sudden direct frontal attack on the antagonists out of nowhere. It was a decent idea for a series but the execution of it was awful.

And then every once in a while they would clone and rape her again to replace her like a used duracell. What was the fucking point in keeping the system going anyways? Did the world need a bunch of nomadic VR-chat addicts that badly?

>what's the point in having the system that produces pretty much unlimited energy and anything you want at will
I dunno, seems pretty damn nice. It's not like people fighting for resources normally wouldn't produce much more suffering little girls.

Fractale was good until the trainwreck ending. The whole village at the edge of the signal and city of lights arcs were great. If it had just kept up as a sort of morally ambiguous episodic iyashikei like Jinrui or Kyousogiga, it would've been fine. And of course, if Yamakan had kept his mouth shut so people didn't love to hate him so much.


>if Yamakan had kept his mouth shut

That's impossible any you know it. The guy feeds off attention.

I'm laughing but also died a bit inside.