Who could defeat a UI Vegetto? And do people really believe he won't make an appearance in this arc?
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
>all the erased universes stay gone
>scene where all the main cast think about the blood indirectly on their hands
would he do it?
kids show
I don’t see them reusing him
*raughs* did u rike it
Yes, I hate the other universes.
Absolutely. Tori is a fucking mad man.
Android 16 stayed gone.
>would he do it?
It depends, does he care about success?
Let's be real here, the universes (or at least U6) will return and all thanks to Caulifla and Kale.
>Toriyama cares about ratings
Dumb Caulishill
Best girl saving her universe yet again
Tori does shit to specifically fuck with fans. I have never known a creator so full of contempt for his fucking fan base.
>Launch? Who's that?
>Gohan as the main character?
>You want Vegeta to live?
She couldn't save her universe. She actually doomed it by challenging Goku.
you cant compare it to todays dragon ball, i really doubt they wont bring back the erased universes, even if they dont do anything else with them for the rest of the series.
He could.
>Toriyama caring about what the fans want
>Do you make any use of such fan opinions in the original work?
>I do, in the sense of “betraying the fans' expectations”. For instance, when I got a lot of, “Don't kill Vegeta,” I deliberately killed him. (laughs)
>For instance, when I got a lot of, “Don't kill Vegeta,” I deliberately killed him. (laughs)
...and then I brought him back some pages later (laughs)
When are they bringing him back?
>the winner of the tournament wants all the erased universes back
>the god/angel/zeno/whatever translates it wrong for the dragon and something else happens
who cares about this faggot?
Happy new year
>all universes stay erased
>raughs uncontrollably
Remember Future Trunks? This won't go how you think.
Not to mention that whether or not anyone comes back will be determined by the storyboard, not Toei as some morons seem to think. That storyboard is already written.
I hate this fucking nip so goddamn much.
When are they bringing him back?
>all universes stay erased
It should end with U11 winning and rezzing U7 and nobody else, but I doubt Toriyama has the balls to do that.
Desu he's not even in control of his own franchise anymore, he just writes the outline and toyo/toei interpret it their own way.
You mean 18?
>don't mind me
>just saving this shitty tournament
What a madman.
What would happen if the next arc is demon realm and it's Spanish themed like hueco mundo and gohan is involved because EGP like Aizen stole the super dragon balls and has fucked off to Mexico to complete his secret plans and DBS becomes bleach 2.0 and asspulls 80 chapters of consecutive hype and new forms and bogus and becomes the greatest shonen of all time
>they ask to bring back all the erased universes
>the dragon brings back every universe that were erased, even the ones erased before the tournament
>evil universe(s) gets revived
>they become the next enemy
I bet he would do this instead.
El Ultra UI Blanco Padre wins against that pendejo.
Toriyama will literally throw every one of these fucking new characters in the goddamn wood chipper just to trigger fans. This cheese nip lives off fan's salt.
Fuck this guy. Gohan blanco confirmed
can't save her marriage
Too cliché even for Super.
>he's not even in control of his own franchise anymore
Headcanon that got BTFO already. Toriyama REGULARLY meets with Toei's storyboarding and writing teams and he's even more involved in the manga.
Good. Keep him far away, like Lucas with the original trilogy.
Why the hell did Goku try to use the spirit bomb on him? I thought it was only effective against evil beings.
>shit tournament
>shit ratings
>shit animation
>shit writing
>shit characters
>STILL manages to save your series
Is there anything she can't do?
Thats not what storyboarding is, your thinking about the outline he makes
pic related is a storyboard, and they are made by people at toei
Ok so no memes please. How Strong would Ultra UI Mystico Gohan be?
Maybe her and Krillin have an open relationship?
What is this?
Not annoy the fuck out of people.
>Source: My asshole
Good to know.
>Is there anything she can't do?
Win a tournament.
She can't even save herself, let alone a series.
>in Dragon Ball
Remember, this is created by the cheese nip who forgot a major character.
Oh fuck that's hot
Why waste CHADgetto in the worst arc of the entire franchise?
No, here is how it will go:
>Frieza ends up as MVP, jobbing to Dyspo aside
>wishes to bring back all Universes erased by Zeno but gives himself the power to erase them again if he wishes.
>uses this power as blackmail to control them
>It ends up bringing back U13 to U18 too, surpassing his own expectations
>Frieza now controls the fate of 13 Universes, meanwhile Zeno holds power over only 5.
No wonder the manga is completely the Goku and Vegeta show and is a gigantic pile of shit.
Sayian armor is asthetic as fuck.
my ancestors
This raises the question: did Toriyama create her with the intent to trigger Trinityfags?
dear kami-sama, muh dik
Trinity is my favorite new meme
If he was like Araki Hirohiko then he will. The man will bring them back like how Sorachi will bring back the "dead" in Gintamas last arc.
You'd think that at some point in all the years between first trying the Kamehameha and now that Goku would learn a new ki blast that's more effective. I mean, Vegeta went from Garlic Gun to Final Flash and the Big Bang Attack. It wouldn't even be hard for him to learn something like Dodonpa, which is literally stronger than the Kamehameha by default. Not to mention way faster to activate
Saiyan armor when? Vegeta surely has more laying around.
>universe erased, missing from the last episodes
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums (FighterZ threads) can't stop talking about them
>Implying it's just a meme
If you unironically like anyone besides pic-related, your personal preference is incorrect.
Of course the one who could defeat him can only be the person they need Vegetto for.
Why is Gohan so strong?
>talks out his ass, saying Toriyama has no control over his own franchise with no proof whatsoever
>has the gall to demand a source when told off
What can i expect from a fucking spic general? You're all lazy fucking pea-brained retards with your heads up your asses and don't even bother looking for easily accessible, public information. But when you say something completely false and retarded, you don't need proof. More evidence coming soon.
Never forget.
Manga >>>>>> anime
Dodonpa is shit and Goku has the Super Kamehameha.
Some jobbers that don't exist.
He's not.
I wished Goku would get creative with the Kamehameha too. Last time he did was during the Cell Saga when he made the Instant Transmission Kamehameha.
Which takes a long ass time to activate in comparison to the super Dodonpa
look at this dude
Well you proved me wrong, congratulations here's a (You)
Because of the Father, the Son, and the Prince of Saiyans.
Toeispics will defend this
I am happy DB Heroes makes new armor design but keeps it cool
only 2 of those actually matter
>implying these meetings aren't just the editor and Toei reigning in Tori's batshit crazy ideas
Toeipablos will defend this
Gohan and vegeta.
saiyan armor looks autistic as fuck the only armor that looks good is Cabba's sadala armor
I repeat, Dodonpa is shit.
>this wasn't in the manga
The manga leaves out huge amounts of content because it is nothing more than a supplemental product to hype up the anime, which is the more complete and canon version of Super.
>There are people who like the nuGinyu force
>You want Vegeta to live
He's never stayed dead for longer than a portion of an arc.
Personally, I also really didn't like nor ever give a shit about Launch. I was pleased that she vanished.
Vegeta of course would be hit the hardest.
I repeat, it's canonically stronger than the Kamehameha
I'd like a source, manlet.
Calm down