How did they fuck up the deployment of this series? Just watched brave witches. God damn.
How did they fuck up the deployment of this series? Just watched brave witches. God damn
So? Just ignore BW if it bothers you that much.
I can only hope they make more OVA style episodes featuring various witches!
I hope they make anything, ever. Brave Witches may have killed the anime for good.
why don't they wear pants or skirts?
I want to Have consensual sex for the sole purpose of procreation this 12 year old
because their leg things go all the way up
Partially make cutting out a bunch of the lewd when the lewd stuff was one of the reasons why the series is popular and partially by making it an anime about some OC no one cared about that happened to feature the Brave Witches instead of actually making a Brave Witches anime. They should have made Sadoko the main character and used the twitter story as the basis for the first episode and then continue on from there instead of forcing Hikari into the show.
I won't lie, I would put my penis inside any one of any of those girl's orifices. I'm not picky, I'd even put it in Perrine .
I wanna fuck chuck.
perrines ova was fucking 9/10
Would have been 10/10 if it didn't have Perrine in it.
I only did 9/10 because pizza meatballs was the best
All you have to do is ignore Brave Witches, there's a whole universe behind them. Anime, manga, OVA, Movie, etc.
Sadly, nothing comes close to 501st in hahving lolicious girls (and an actual loli), so everything else can't compare.
It sold better than Vivid Strike and that sure didn't manage to put Nanoha out of its misery. It would have sold significantly better than that if Silver Link hadn't totally fucked the animation (it's a pretty bad sign when you have to upload a half redone OP to try to get people to buy the BDs). The franchise isn't even reliant on anime to make money, they just need to put something out periodically to keep up interest.
In any event the Brave Witches push seems to have ended for now, now that BureChan is over and the niconico stuff is being combined with the radio show, so either some token 501st anniversary project or Noble Witches next I guess. Which is too bad, I want more Brave Witches (including Hikari, fuck you) in a better made show.
I was so hyped for BW after SW initially ended. Then the anime never came.
Years later and we get something that most people seem to hate ;_;
Read the manga about the Storm Witches or the One Winged Witches. Even the first LN about the early 507th JFW is really good.
It's not a bad show. Actually I'd say it's a lot better overall than Gonzo Witches and its horseshit Neuroi witch and renegade robot plot, but Strike Witches 2 and the movie are really good and press some particular buttons with certain obsessive fandoms that Brave Witches doesn't.
I never saw any hate, it's more of indifference there was. Mediocrity and meh are the keywords by those 'most people', not hate.
Thank fuck there's still lots of manga coming and going every year and they're nice.
You're replying to LRD, he only gives a fuck if there's literal actual lolis in the series. Otherwise it might as well not even exist.
No, nothing like that. We still have a few JFW which we just know a little bit about them and the series sets at the WWII theatre so there's plenty of battles to recreate with witches and Neuroi.
He was talking about the financial part of the franchise and future you goof. See I swear some people don't read what other people have written at all anymore.
>including Hikari, fuck you
Behead those who insult the stamina squirrel.
Wrong way round, friendo.
SW I was (arguably) the best part of the series because it contained the most significant character development (compared with S2, which contains elaboration but not necessarily development and very little of it does anything other than re-establish in more concrete terms what was already the implied state of affairs by the final episode of S1).
The movie however goes one step further by relegating most of the cast to "side show" status, as if they weren't already, to further highlight how wonderful Yoshika is and how she can literally do no wrong because she's the "little witch who believed".
Arguably, presenting Hikari as "average" even at the end of the season, is the only thing Brave Witches got right, as it lends more credibility to the things she does inspite of being kinda shit.
Otherwise, the show as a whole was relatively unappealing, not even because of bad animation but also because the culture of the community has changed so vastly since SW 1 aired and without the TnA, all you're left with is a slightly vapid ensemble cast that's too large to be appropriately developed beyond a few recurring "traits" (i.e. the pervy one, the coward, ect) and consequentially, the show ends up being out competed by other shows that manage to actually weave more compelling/ambitious dramas than "I have an inferiority complex because I'm surrounded by "highly skilled" individuals and am blind to my own merits" and so on...
Funny way to say Yoshika 2.0