What's up with waifubaits these days? Why do they make them so blatant?
What's up with waifubaits these days? Why do they make them so blatant?
t. Shitmilia faggot
because they sell
Emilia is honestly a much better character than Rem.
Can someone give me the definition of waifubait?
Stay mad my friend.
How so?
The extra Emilia spotlight in the LN is killing it, I can't wait for the Greed Archbishops long ass rants to be cut simply to fit more Emilia.
Seriously, I hate what Emilia is doing to the story. I'd like to piss on her
But what is the definition of a husbandobait?
Define waifubait, because the way I see it taste is subjective and different fish take different bait. Rem just happens to suit a specific class of people the same way Emilia and literally every anime character in existence do.
Damn right he is
Not really. He would be husbandobait if he showed unconditional love and did not try to fuck two people at the same time.
Go to bed Rem.
>these days
>provides example for stupid buzzword from a 2 year old anime
Can't blame a man who is either being posessed or under a love spell.
Words cannot speak how true this sentiment is.
Subaru sees Rem as his sex toy, and Emilia as his future wife.
Oh how the tables had turned. Fuck the LN for trying to introduce some love triangle shit, in terms of couple relationship between Emilia and Subaru Tappei writes very poorly.
Best husbando ever.
>Re:Zero was 2 years ago
I heard that Rem said she wants to be Subaru's 2nd wife. Is that true? I don't think I want to ever see her again if that's true.
That's true. But don't worry, the waifubait won't be in possible S2 hardly at all.
Do not fuck the maid.
Her only purpose is to be fucked.
Emilia is a character?
I kid, I kid. Sort of. I don't hate Emilia but she never stood a chance. The anime's director, well aware of how little screen time she had, did dumb shit like change her outfit to make her more interesting. At least he acted surprised to hear that it supposedly worked.
I think Tappei wrote organically and unintentionally fucked himself by doing so, with all of the Subaru/Rem interaction being a happy accident. Caught it early enough to realize that this would continue to be an issue and put Rem into a coma to get rid of her.
Fuck you.
I mean that would be convincing but for some reason Tappei made an arc solely for reviving her, and continued to romance. Wouldn't it be natural to mourn had have the audience try to forget about her rather than provide coma scenes along with arc 6?
Remfags are the worst thing about this series and fanbase.
no you
>2 years
Fucking what? I could've sworn that was just last year? Where did the time go?
stay forever buttblasted
Rem is interesting. She straight up murders Subaru twice but we see that she has strong motivation. She also has strong motivation to fall in love with him. From her perspective everything he did was in the span of about 7 days all the way up to making a fool of himself for love in front of every important person in the kingdom.
The only characters I can compare her with are Ryoko in Tenchi Muyo AFTER it's shown that she watched Tenchi growing up through her spiritual form (previously it makes no sense) and especially after she bonds with Zero.
To be quiet honest I can't even think of another one but it's perhaps because they're both powerful action heroines. I don't think the love between say, Kirino and Kyousuke is any less important for the trials they endured but the character archetype just isn't there.
Calling Rem 'waifubait' is pretty unfair. Just because many people like her doesn't mean the writer did anything particularly manipulative to achieve it.
The magical girlfriend who does action scenes but demurs to the wimpy dude is a big thing though. The dere usually takes longer (Revy, Shana, Ryougi Shiki) or the male character is more forceful on them (Arc, Saber, Rias, the half-retarded bitch from Hyakki Ryouran Samurai Girls).
There's even a name for it in the West: "Strong Female Characters" (note the quotes).
Rem is a submissive slut, not a strong female character.
>Rem is a submissive slut,
She isn't.
>not a strong female character.
I know you haven't read any of the novels but what is your definition of a strong female character?
>what is your definition of a strong female character?
Someone who doesn't lust MC's dick like a little puppy. The series has plenty of strong female characters. Ram, Crusch, Priscilla, Emilia, etc.
You didn’t give a definition and
So damsel-in-distress characters are strong female characters now?
If you think Rem is submissive then holy shit you haven’t seen Ram. The twins are reversals with Rem being the dominate one in her relationship with Subaru and Ram being submissive with Roswaal.
>So damsel-in-distress characters are strong female characters now?
That's not what Emilia is.
>Ram being submissive with Roswaal
It's okay for Ram to be submissive with Roswaal. She has known him for a long time and Roswaal is a badass.
>That's not what Emilia is.
What did she do in arcs 1-3 other than need to be saved by Subaru?
Fought people. And not for the sole purpose of protecting the dick she loves so much like Rem.
>Fought people
Who? And still in the end she would need to be saved by Subaru.
In arc 3 she died every time the village was attacked in the escape tunnel, while Rem would die protecting the children.
You Remfags are not worth even talking to. All you know is how to shit on characters you don't like while praising shit Rem. Emilia > Rem. Deal with it.
I’m going to save this post so I can laugh at you again later
The author loves Emilia not Rem. Deal with it.
>Q: I’m not sure what kind of end the story is heading towards, but if Emilia continues like this and becomes the queen, what will Subaru’s position and responsibilities be? Marry Emilia and become a royal family member? Find work as a member of the royal knights? Or something like being true to his nature as a butler, and staying as he is now?
>A: To start with, I’m not sure Emilia-tan will take Subaru as a husband.
What on earth are your quotes supposed to prove?
Nothing but it got me another (you) so it was worth it
I’m not the one who got btfo’d and resorted to “remfags”
how does rem taste
Gluttony only eats good tasting things and he only ate half of Crusch so I say Rem was pretty tasty. I wonder how much of a fight she actually put up because gluttony had a morning star scar in his side.
He was probably too full to eat full Crusch.
Or hurting.
He’s gluttony, he probably could have made room.
Or the gospel told him to eat Rem and eat only half of Crusch. Or just eat Rem and Crusch was just a victim of opportunity.
Emilia isn't batshit crazy.
Rem is only crazy for Subaru's cock.
Shitty waifubait.
You mean Emilia. She was specifically designed to be loved, Rem was just an accident.
Do NOT fuck the maid.
Better be careful before she fucks you.
She was created to be fucked. She is a waifubait.
Came here to post this.
>My blank piece of paper is better than your blank piece of paper!
Both of them are shit with the personality of a water bottle
In the anime. In the novels Rem has the most development and scenes from her perspective of any non-Subaru character.
In Arcs 1-3 yes. You are forgetting Emilia’s witch trial scenes in 4.
Remfags die.
re:zerofags are brainlet, apparently.
There are no "waifubaits". "Waifu" aren't created, characters are. Characters are sold to an audience, not "waifu". "Waifu" is a personal matter between fan and character. It is unimportant if the characters are "waifu'd" by fans, it is only important that characters are liked. This has been the case for a long time and even people who post buzzwords like "waifubait" (let alone "moeshit" and other things) judge a work based on their enjoyment of the characters in it. Also no one gives a shit if you don't "fall for it".
These days, what's blatant is anime fans being cynical and contrarian despite being incredibly ill-informed.
Fuck off reddit
>Rem is the first anime girl ever to be kind and cute
>Sup Forums 2018
user, pls. Seriously.
>Sup Forumsedditor bumps thread to advertise his favorite site
Kill yourself.
But that user is 100% right.
Fuck off.
>obnoxious turbo autist
Remfags are retarded.
Waifubait does not exist.
Virtually everything the anime community complains about is shit that doesn't exist. It's ridiculous.
You are incredibly stupid and should feel bad.
I hate you
Seriously, the man builds fucking wheelchairs for his comatose girlfriend and would organize a goddamn parade for his daughter's birth, it's fucking great
>literally gave his life just to be friends with her
>constant spoiling
>throws festivals for you in your name
>its ok if she killed me once I still love her
>a good dad and has taken 3 daughterus under his wing
>knows women's fashion better than any of the girls
>is in your beck and call if you want to eat together or cuddle
>makes workshops in order to alleviate your problems
>will push you to be the best you can be because he wants to not because he needs to
>would strangle people who shittalks about you
>loyal enough to go to a suicide tower to see you smile again
He can even work as a trap waifu, it's nuts
Lol, sure. He is desperate for pussy so he keeps acting big, but in the end his feelings of love are one of the weakest in the series.
What the fuck is even "waifubait"? Any female character actually worth a shit or what?
After knowing the MC for 2 months, she thinks that the moment where she jumps to die for him is the moment she was born for. She also agrees to be his 2nd wife and acts like a slut around him.
Any female character you don't like. Preferably popular to stroke your contrarian boner.
It's nothing. It doesn't exist.
What a way to ruin the character.
Rem is garbage.
Hello animeonly
>2 months is not enough time to fall in love with someone
>acts like a slut around him
Remember that time when emilia didn’t even love Subaru back and she was completely okay with him getting her pregnant?
Rem didn't just fall in love with him, she became his fucking slave puppy.
Then why didn’t she accept his offer?
She is a waifubait who is happy to be a 2nd wife.
She isn’t a Waifubait and she isn’t happy to be the 2nd wife.
Really since Subaru proposed to her first wouldn’t that make her the first wife, it’s arc 5 and he hasn’t advanced his relationship with Emilia at all.
>not Emilia
“People” call Rem a waifubait because if you read Re:Zero there’s a 50% chance she is your favorite character. She might actually be a Waifubait in a way because you can’t help but love her.
But it wasn't a conscious effort, a bait has to be a bait rather than fish spontaneously jumping out of water in your basket
Emilia is overdesigned to be likeable and to engineer endearment and is (sloppily) shilled to death by the story, an epitome waifubait that is so blatant in the attempt that fails to garner appreciation for the most part because even the average audience can tell so
There is always a conscious effort for characters to be liked, the difference here is that Rem’s character is organic and alive while Emilia is calculated and “cold”. Waifubait isn’t even a real term with a solid definition, it’s just a buzz word these retards spam. The author wanted Rem to be popular so he made her cute and gave her a personality people would like to read.
Remfags are honestly very pathetic.