>No Houseki no Kuni thread
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Houseki no Kuni
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post all the Phos
Quick reminder
Phos is cute! CUTE!
Continuing from the last thread, Rutile's going to find happiness when Pad proposes himself in marriage.
post my wife alexandrite
her smile and optimism, gone.
Phos is my child and did nothing wrong.
Phos and Aechmea recreating the human race!
>A star sapphire is a type of sapphire that exhibits a star-like phenomenon known as asterism
>Star sapphires contain intersecting needle-like inclusions
>The inclusion is often the mineral rutile
Baby gem end confirmed?
plz delete
I just got up to date with the manga and now I need the trashiest jewel memes you have to fill the void.
I made this last thread
Reminder that every Phos is best Phos
It'd be truly amazing if Rutile and Pad created a Star Saph as an offspring before Pad fell to sleep one last time or decided to give his torso up to Phos.
You're wife is going to die on the moon
LaPhos is truly the most interesting.
I love Alex, you just know her blindfold is going to slip off and she's going to go berserk on the moonies. I really hope she doesn't though, things are looking rocky as is.
>Going to die
>Literally immortal
So what shit might happen on the moon to fuck everything up completely?
>Yellow getting even more depressed after seeing the grinded gems and committing suicide
>Alexandrite losing her shit
>Prince lying in general about shit and holding the gems hostage
They're all going to be ground into gem burgers.
I refer to all Gems that I want to fuck as girls and the rest as boys. I've been seeing new Phos as a boy but all this art sure is making him look alot cuter than how he looks in the manga.
>Tfw Cinnabar is still lonely on Earth with no job while everyone else will party on the moon
She refused to go because shes a plot tool, once she gains happiness the manga might as well end.
The fact the dust is technically alive makes it all the more horrible.
Here's to hoping it's actually possible to put them back together once they've been pulverized I'm not gonna be surprised if it isn't though considering all of the pain and suffering
Have you already made your paper craft Phos?
>her blindfold is going to slip off and loser Alex will just fall to pieces
I was thinking at what point does a gembutt lose consciousness? A single head seems dead, a body without a head is dead but why? Is there a difference between different body parts?
How much body does the head need to lose before going off?
there's no reason other than rutile's one line in that one chapter to believe inclusions survive dusting.
given that rutile also says it's a pain to put people back together if the pieces are small and that we haven't seen dust being put back on before, i don't believe inclusions/gembutts do survive dusting.
Where are all the nendos? Hopefully they come with authentic gem hair and cost thousands of dollars.
Who knows really, for all we know if the head is knocked off the body, as lost as there's a large sum of light there to power the inclusions the head can function without the body.
Have you said your prayers to Cicada yet?
Wouldn't the inclusions we grinded to dust too, then again they are microscopic I guess? Being grinded is essentially a state of temporary death until they regain form. They'd truly be dead if something changed their chemical composition though, like maybe throwing them in a bat of acid, burning them, or etc.
>nendo that has liquid hair on a room temperature
What could go wrong?
Is there any lore to Cicada's nickname? I feel like there's a link between Cicada's and the moon, or probably Buddhism
Also if the head is more important than rest of the inclusions what does that say about "phos" still existing.
Its just lapis now.
I wonder if they just never really "die" or lose consciousness but just become simpleminded from losing too many memories. It would explain why the ice floes "reflect" feelings if they're inclusions that failed to become minerals or decomposed snails dropped from the moon.
Ill just keep him in the freezer or a refrigerated display case.
Yes. The lore is that cicadas are those bugs that go WEE WEE in the summer.
I've been wondering this for awhile. That's the beauty behind memories being linked to the gems physical body though. The rest of Phos's augmented body contains her memories, however she now has Lapis head and her inclusions linked to the body, how exactly does this work? Wouldn't this technically be Lapis body with Phos's memories? Who knows.
but some Phoses are more best than the other
namely LaPhos
Phos with Pads torso soon, Moon Lord Phos incoming
>I've been wondering this for awhile
I think everyone has been wondering that a while.
So what got you guys into this series?
My geological interest
t no one ever
I saw this and decided to give the series a shot.
Now I'm waiting for the next chapter to come out.
I was honestly bored and wanted more series to get into, out of all of them though this one got me hooked the most because of the intricate character relationships, gem detail, and overall lore and story. Pretty good shit all around. Manga art annoyed me at first but it grew on me, it has a rather abstract style, and it's looking even better lately. Then there's the anime which gave me a new outlook on CGI shit since it's been pretty well done.
Growing attraction to genderless gems.
Phos literally survived being completely melted and reformed. Maybe her inclusions are just that good though.
That's what I was thinking, maybe Phos in particular just has some of the best inclusions out of any Lustrous since they adapt to everything with no real trouble the head took the longest to adapt too though.
Aechmea plants hold rainwater in their petals, which attracts insects. Cicada is an insect. I wouldn't be surprised if other moons are also named after insects.
Remember when Gringeworm was a nigger for a while?
I saw a thread praising the CG. The screenshots were beautiful so I downloaded it. 10 minutes later, I was addicted to gembutts.
I check the recurring generals on Sup Forums couple months after a season started to see what sticks and which shows produce good memes then I dl couple episodes and watch em.
Unusually for this show in particular the Nearlyonred guy influenced it a bit by making an analysis of the show when I was following him for the mia analysis.
finally hearing about it enough times in different ways.
saw some threads about it and thought "funny looking anime about jello girls oh it's made with cg" and wrote it off. then eventually saw the chase sequence storyboard/cg comparison. then saw pic related in some Sup Forums thread. then got recommended it nonstop because i was talking about how much i liked muv-luv alternative and nier:automata.
now im here.
She even powdered her other arm, I wish she would leave one dark though for aesthetic purposes.
Sup Forums please leave.
but inclusions are microscopic beings, by logic they're most likely still all chillin inside the dust. from what we've been shown they just put the gems inside grinders, they don't alter their structure in any way besides that.
obviously you can't assemble dust by hand but moonie technology can solve that just like we can irl.
This image is strangely accurate.
Cute girls doing cute things. How wrong I was.
>Lunarians can have sex
>Admirabilis can have sex
>Lustrous can't
Who will teach Lustrous the pleasures of love even though they can't form deep physical contact and can't reproduce?
>Lunarians can have sex
Can they? They probably just fantasize of it or some shit. If you take the 3-division literally it would make sense only for the flesh to have sex.
rutile also couldnt repair pad after thousands of years and moonie did it in a couple minutes
> can't form deep physical contact
Technically they can, but Phos shows the consequences of that.
>Implying phos survived
phos is dead
"inclusions are microscopic beings"
- in other words, they have a size. alternatively again: presumably there exists a minimum size below which they don't work, or in any case are irreparably damaged. what is that size? what are those conditions? skin cells are by all laymen definitions "microscopic", but you can see them just fine with your bare eyeballs if you care to try.
actually talking about those limits too much though i feel would be in midi-chlorian territory. we've already seen some mixing between hardness and strength - they're used accurately enough in the story but someone not technically educated would and as we've seen do easily confuse them. so i'm basing my guess off the general flow of the story instead.
my suspicion is that the new morganite and goshe were dusted and put back together.
who is best gem?
Phos's head is still on the moon though, Genki with synthetic body soon
you'll think that phos would have brought it up or asked for it back by now
or Aechmea may have offered
I like everything else about Phos and LaPhos and what the fuck ever except the horrifying goo hands.
Dia a cutest.
I saw some good video sequences from the episode where they fought the snail, obviously Diamond.
I'm honestly disappointed if they don't do the double Phos thingy.
Why did LaPhos cut off her hair?
it was too heavy
To look more like someone who isnt completely 100% a female
Just like the author always wanted
He didn't, also hasn't told why he didn't put again.
Well Aechmea did say he would try to restore the pulverized gems, this likely includes phos's original head
INB4 LaPhos ends up becoming the main antagonist
What if the moon people really fucked with LaPhos head and he is really being controlled?
Someone knows what the text says ?
Text recognition doesn't even knows which language this is.
Checked the seasonal chart. Everything about it seemed unusual and worth a closer look and boy was it ever.
what do you think lapis would say if she found out phos cut her beautiful hair off
It's korean.
It'd be fine. Not like anyone is motivated to do anything interesting without the moonies anyways.
What are the gems gonna do if moonies stopped harassing them? Absolutely fucking nothing, except keep company for Kongo ofc.
Someone dumped the first chapter half a year ago here.
>Text recognition doesn't even knows which language this is.
it's gookspeak. Using Google translate
>in the end, is this what you have received?
It is Korean of Hangul.
Text say.
Is this the last time you got it to him?