
PV soon.

Imouto a best

dat index? she grew up? i stopped following this years ago

>posting cursed images

Anybody got good quality scans of the "official" Railgun Lewdbook?

Your opinion a shit.

Fuck off.


Is that the one where they are at the beach in bikinis? Non-fuyukawa art?

There are more than 9 from past years, but there have been a couple of better quality ones from the most recent. No one actually scanned any of them completely from any year that I know of.

>This mad
Why lads it's the new year, PV soon.

Yes, she will be a mamma soon.

>PV soon
Stop shitposting, and stop disrespecting Haimura.

that's the twitter crybaby? jesus

>shit MC
>shitty jokes
>fanservice is not even good
>ends when it gets good after 48 episodes
>the 2 main females are literal bitches
>they went the generic "he's not actually a bad guy at heart and we gave him a loli so you think he's good" with a villain
>school based setting

Index is trash. You general fags have overstayed your welcome

wtf. quick rundown?

Any info on Adol?

>making up yet ANOTHER boogeyman
>the thread isn't even 20 posts old

That would imply a decent passage of time has occurred, which is completely impossible in Raildex outside of Touma's several billion year hell.

Mikotocucks aren't sending their best folks. Sad!

Get ready for Fallen Angel Ero Maid Monster

>which is completely impossible in Raildex
It's possible because none of Raildex's writers know what the hell they're doing.

Index is not a bitch. She's just underdeveloped socially and is enabled by Touma. Her stupid gag can fuck off. And there was more to Accelerator than you're suggesting.

>Replying to poor bait

What about that post implies anything about Mikoto?

Shhh shitposter kun, Raildex just has issues with time progression. Then again time skips aren't exactly necessary.

p0n0s in v0g00a

Dead thread on arrival, nice going.

Because posting Index or Clones auto triggers them.

That post wasn't being "triggered" over a clone or Index. It was calling out someone making up a boogeyman. Nothing more, nothing less.

so everything happens in roughly half a year? seriously what the hell?

You guys are starting to use the word "triggered" more than I'd imagine Tumblr uses it.

Touma lives a hard life.

It doesn't show the timeskips.

>Index is not a bitch.
Not him but come on, she forces the man to sleep in a shitty bath tub in his own house.

Yeah which makes it hard for me to buy that the fucker is mentally sane and can have normal conversations with people like nothing.

But she doesn't do that. Read the novel again. He chooses to sleep in the bathtub. She'd be fine with sharing the bed with him. Someone post the actual text to prove it

I like railgun but Astral Buddy is the one I look forward to every month

I'm pretty sure the point is that there's something inherently fucked up in his head. The guy carries around his ex-torturer like a parakeet and has basically turned her into a morality pet.

He chose to himself though. Stop blinding yourself with hatred.

Try a bit harder.

Pretty sure she wants to sleep with Touma. Being the gigantic homo he is, he hides to the bathroom instead.

Is Kuroko a diva?

He chooses to sleep in the bath tub.

Don't respond to the bait

Misaki a pile of shit

It was a mixture of avoiding assaulting her and mainly to avoid the inevitable situation of her sleepwalking into the bathroom, laying next to him, waking up and biting the shit out of him.

Is Index a neglected character? She's essentially a house pet, all she really does is eat since Touma doesn't allow her to help him since she'd be dead weight most of the time. It might not seem like it either but he technically emotionally abuses her, she has to watch him constantly get his ass beat without being able to do anything about it, the poor crab's heart must be broken sometimes.

He used to call her when he needed info but now he has a better, portable index to reference. She better hope the latest volume actually did unlock John's Pen for her or we won't be seeing her again.

Of course it hurts her to see him running off and getting hurt and not being allowed to do anything about it. I'm not certain what Mina did in NT19 will do, but hopefully it will make her far more useful than just spell intercept and the rare Pendex.

You sound pretty confident of that. I assume you have some insider info? Or maybe you're just buying your own bullshit?

But Touma does allow her to help. This was the big change from NT8 and one of my favourite moments also showing how Kamachi's made her scenes in NT despite being small quite good. She was also a lot more natural and active during the recent volumes like NT14 and NT18.

Kamachi is just ashamed he made Index, he wants to forget her

I do wonder if we'll see the effects right away.

How much seething, autistic rage will happen in these threads if Index does become relevant, do something pretty cool, and has a sweet, heartwarming conclusion with Touma? Judging from how some people always have to shit on her, I'd say a lot. And no, I'm not an Indexfag and I don't particularly like what he's done with her so far. I just believe he's not going to leave her where she is and is going to do something with her.

So defensive user. He's not wrong though, Othinus knows more about magic than Index does really. As for the second portion, not true. There's still her connection and backstory between Aleister or Lola since she does resemble him a lot and well Lolazon was in possession of her body for awhile so who knows what happened to it. I do wish for more John's Pen though.

I'm guessing it's likely, especially if there is a surprise attack from Coronzon or rogue Aleisters that want to stop the Aleister with Touma and company

I'm an Indexfag, anywho it's clear that he has something more in mind for her character. We have no major focus on her past so you know it'll come up sooner or later. For all we know she's Aleister's dead daughter. Plus she might be the end game for Touma, first girl and all.

>Index didn't even got a single line and people are expecting her to play a big role

You gotta be silly if you actually think he genuinely wants to sleep in a fucking tub. The only reason he does it is to avoid bs with her. You think if he had a bigger house he'd STILL be sleeping in the tub?

>I just believe he's not going to leave her where she is and is going to do something with her
He technically has been it's just been scenes in short bursts because he said in NT1 that they'd be ignoring the regular theory for a while. Ever since the start of MGO, she's been in a bit more scenes and useful with one or two of them being quite important.

I was referring to the "we won't be seeing her again" part. I don't care about the Othinus comment. And yes, I think revealing Index's backstory is something we'll be seeing.

I'd be happy if it happens. The butthurt from mikotocucks will only increase my pleasure.

Most people hate Index because she's irritating ninety percent of the time. As far as I've seen, the response to her using her memory to build gliders was well received. There will be one or two people that will shit on her no matter what, but if she does stuff that isn't headcrabbing most people would enjoy her more.

>Mikoto never mentioned

So you're saying that mikotocuck resistance only makes your penis harder?

>Wanting a ship to happen for the sole purpose of making others seeth
t. seething othinuscuck

>I'm an Indexfag

Well, I mentioned Mikoto because she's the only other real candidate for toumabowl.

Yes. It's like level upper for my cock.

Because Touma is retarded and doesn't understand Index's worth.

>There are people who actually think anyone will win the Toumabowl
NormalLifexTouma is the endgame.

Of course I don't think he genuinely wants to sleep there, I mean it's natural a girl is going to be pissed if you see her half naked to. It's just the right move but she never said she wanted him in the tub is all.

Top panel looks like a butt.

>NormalLifexTouma is the endgame
Even Death-chan has a better chance of winning the T.

Normal life would include both Index and Othinus, or the surviving one if one dies. If they both die, Touma can kiss a normal, happy life goodbye.

Boobs are fake asses.

You act as though a lot of Kamikotofags don't want the ship to happen to shit on Index or Girl of the Moment (Kanzaki, Itsuwa, Othinus...)

>Touma will be alive at the end
Imagine thinking this

Dumb aquaposter, I love you.

Shut up and have sex with me Aqua.

Who /headcrab/ here? Truly the only girl with silver hair worth loving.

Dumb headcrab poster, thats Aleis-tan

I /headcrab/

Index doesn't even have any worth to be honest. Kamachi literally butchered her character. It's likely he has plans for her down the road since we obviously have no clear picture of her past and the fact that she resembles Aleister like shit but outside of her backstory she's tsundere number one million. He literally has her doing nothing but eating food and bothering Touma, even the moments when she dedicates herself to trying to fight by Touma's side and actually helping getting soured because she goes right back to the
>WAAA Touma feed me
Shit and it's not funny anymore, it never was.


Was nice to know he was one before being brought on for Blood Sign.

That's a high quality Index.

Hidari as a guest artist.

Why are people so invested in Touma's love life?

Didn't Haimura confirm that Index would grow into a titty monster?

Nice to have some decent Index discussion while ignoring some of the obvious responses.

He said in about a year I think. It's been about 5 months and nothing's happened. She might just explode like Misaki, but shit's looking grim.

To be fair, Katoki drew her with larger breasts now. Might be on Haimura's instruction.

Index and her perfect memory were made for NTR

ntr is cancer

Index is already being NTR'd by Othinus and its great

>muh NTR
There are no romantic relationships in Index outside Hamazura and Rkou, so only those can NTR'd. Styil and Izzard are also the closest you're going to get to actual NTR in this series. Loser girls are just losers, not NTR'd, because they were never entitled to/had the cock they wanted to begin with.


Izzard got ntr'd to such a degree that it's not even funny.

I'm glad there's no place for romance in the story anyway. Events take place back to back, and for Touma in specific he seemingly doesn't want to settle down or get in a relationship when he's involved in occult shit on the daily.