Akira saved anime
Dragon ball Z saved anime
Evangelion saved anime
Naruto saved anime
Death Note saved anime
Toradora saved anime
Kill La Kill saved anime
*cough*Kemono friends *cough* nevermind
There have been quite a few great shows.
Just nothing great that god really popular, although things with deep meanings tend to get popular over time. Evangellion was not as revered as it is today when it first aired.
Although in the age of the meme, i'm not sure if people will remember shows long enough to keep discussions going about them.
>Kill La Kill
I’m surprised this is in this list and not Gurren Lagann.
If anything, Attack on Titan, OPM and MAYBE BhA.
I'm really glad Madoka didn't make it on this shitposting list
yeah it couldn't even save itself
i liked death note and toradora like any other normie but i dont think anyone with a pulse was calling those revolutionary
kill la kill was an unfortunate exception, overrated shit
but 2017 had your name and koe no katachi, both pretty darn good movies if those count
Anime/manga never did and still doesn't need saving. Your list is also shit.
Death Note was not revolutionary?
No, it wasn't. Having a somewhat interesting concept doesn't make something revolutionary.
anime has never been in need of saving and we've had some great shows in the past 3-4 years, fuck off
literally all shows you listed there except maybe evangelion are irrelevant and shit.
Inuyashiki saved anime
Attack on Titan
One-Punch man
What the fuck? A garbage romance anime is completely different from the rest of this normie bait
>Toradora saved anime
Anime doesn't need saving. What the hell does that even mean anyway? Was anime in 2007 on the verge of death, and Toradora brought it back? Fuck no. There were plenty of good shows that year. So you are either gauging a shows impact on the industry (saving) by either its popularity or its quality. Every show you've listed is either extremely popular and/or critically acclaimed. Then what about SAO? Did that "save" anime? No. Dogshit doesn't save an industry. Well what about the works of Satoshi Kon? All of his films are objective masterpieces, but are relatively unknown to the casual anime fan. So critical acclaim can't save an industry either. Shows like OPM and AOT are both popular and well-made, yet apparently they can't save the industry. So what the fuck are you even talking about user? Spewing out completely garbage ideas that you didn't put five seconds of thought behind before posting. This thread makes me sick. user, please go fuck yourself you retarded imbecile.
Houseki no Kuni unironically saved CG anime from being mostly trash. Thus saving anime.
You have to go back.
>Naruto saved anime
neck yourself asap
Where is Fractale on your list?
this autistic rant is the truth
anime was always retarded with its few gems, and its the same today. not just that, all the hyper mainstream normie garbage Sup Forums likes to bitch about is a big part of keeping this industry alive. it seems like 'serious' weebs are completely ignorant of this totally obvious fact
Threadly reminder that Kill la Kill was shit
It's really sad that this post probably isn't bait.
>Kill La Kill saved anime
>Toradora saved anime
What...! It was garbage.
The only anime that ever saved anime is Code Geass. It's power is so great that it is still saving anime to this day.
this is wrong
actually Evangelion saved anime, showing that anime has not to be 120 episodic OAVs or fuckhuge manga adaptations
It saved anime by getting fycked by Kadokawa, otherwise there'd been imitators thinking that cheap 3D cgi=insta money, and we'd had seasons filled with nothing but bad 3D cgi shows.
>Naruto saved anime
This some of the shittest bait I've seen on this site
>Kill La Kill saved anime
>toradora saving anything
Have you really forgotten already? OP get checked for alzheimers
>Naruto saved anime
>Some of those gaps are 7 years.
See you in 2020.
So "saved anime" means "made it in pop culture"? Got it, I'll fill in the blanks for you buddy!
Space Dandy
>2014 meme
One Punch Man
Boku no Hero
Mob Psycho
Black Clover
Attack on Titan S2
Boke no hero S2
>70k average sales
Yuri on Ice saved in 2016
You can tell it's retarded because these are all strictly popular amongst western normalfags, not taking into account anything popular in Japan. Evangelion's the only one you listed that legitimately revolutionized the industry.
I don't believe you, unless you walk me home gently.
>reddit asterisks
Will he save the 2019?
Where's Haruhi and Lucky Star?