Sakura Quest

10/10 ending.

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Shiori still best Quest





mfw I see Ushimatsu.

Sakura's Chest!

This was way better than Shirobako, why you people lied to me, second season when?

I love this type of endings where they leave off in a train.

But it wasn't

Ah, I see Sup Forums still has magnificent taste. I love you anons, even if the rest of the board can't appreciate the magnificence of Sakura Quest

Comfy commentary on the state of rural towns in Japan. I didn't even know that Tomoyo played the loli in the restaurant.

Not that user but:
I didn't feel a connection with a lot of the characters in Shirobako because everything was constantly moving, given the setting. This show had different characters that had time to shine. I'm not saying Shirobako is worse.

That ending actually made me feel like I wanted to do something with my life.
Just for that alone this series is one of my favorites.

really underrated

The 1st ED was amazing and EDOTS but the 2nd OP was laughably bad. And honestly the show was rather underwhelming, aside from the flashback episode and the ending.

>Disc 2, 02. 龍の唄
I almost forgot to look for the OST.


question is have you? seeing that you are still here makes its unlikely.

Closely tied with Ririko, but Shiori definitely has the best voice.

Sakura Quest was a surprisingly charming, heartwarming and detailed show about young adults trying to find their path in life and the struggle of small towns. I expected it to be nothing, but it wound up being really good.

It baffles me a bit how people dropped the show midway through, I thought most of the arcs were actually interesting enough with a series of several conflicts and goals that's far from mundane and overall manages itself in the end with a fulfilling resolution. Seeing the town consistently develop along with the characters with each arc really brings out the emotional weight as everyone says their goodbyes to Yoshino in the last ep. I actually teared up in the end.

>not moving to the countryside to breed delicious country-baked cakes

Only people stockholmed enough to finish this shitfest would think that, you were just relived it was over.

sakuraquest was a great show! I preferred shirobako though

>10/10 ending.
>didn't achieve anything else than personal growth
I understand it was the focus but the fact the village is still a fucking horrible place with no promise for better kind of ruined it for me. Tanned mc though

my fav anime hobo

Best girl.