AOTY 2017
AOTY 2017
I'm glad the maid won.
Aki a best.
Yoshino a shit.
It was good until roughly episode 3 when it became another garbage harem series
Not even close to top 10 shows of the year. But I'll admit I watched it for Aki's legs and fanservice.
Fuck she's got long legs
Aki a shit.
Yoshino a best.
Thank you OP for not being a retard.
[citation needed]
Time to remind Yoshinofags of the inevitable outcome.
>[citation needed]
His wishful-thinking.
Girls were cute but that was all that it had going for it
Yoshino is going to lose miserably. Just like Yui. Just like Kei.
Aki is going to be winning gloriously like a true best girl. Just like Yukino. Just like Horikita.
>Kei losing
You had me until this.
It wasn't AOTY by any stretch, but the anime was cute, entertaining, and slightly above average as far as romcom. The MC and the main girl were an adorable tsundere couple and I enjoyed their interactions the most.
You said everything right except Kei. Even I can tell you're half trolling and half mixing in truths.
It was actually pretty great but I didn't liked any of the characters, still a great surprise.
>began dieting and working out everyday
>Worst AOTY 2017
>not liking fun
>the maid won.
? I dropped the manga when the maid revealed the truth. How the fuck did this happen?
MC doesn't like Aki. He likes maid.
Eromanga was the worst anime of 2017, but this is a really close second
He gets allergic reaction when touching every non-family females except the maid. He also had a dream that he and her are going out together. He is developing his feeling towards her.
The maid is also starting to make a move on him behind Aki's back.
Yoshino hasn't won yet and won't. The story right now is set up in a way to force Masamune and Aki to realize problems that are there between them that they need to deal and reconcile with. Yoshinofags are delusional and taking advantage of drama that pushed Yoshino as a love interest all of a sudden, which is mainly caused by Masamune stressing out at misunderstandings and confusion after he suddenly lost his reason for being.
>trusting Maidfags
Deceitful, like, their girl. Aki winning is still obvious.
Aki a cute
>MC doesn't like Aki. He likes maid.
MC is confused for additional drama. Don't get your hopes up.
M8 this anime is most generic anime of the year
Gave him hives
I enjoyed it until it ended and he never got his fucking revenge.
Based maid
so the maid is a trap? it makes sense honestly. only gonna make me harder too.
It genuinely was a contender.
That's several layers of denial you're buried under, mate. Yui's already on track to lose as of the latest volume. Kei might as well be carrying around a loser flag too. Best girls Yukino and Horikita are cruising their way to victory.
Yoshino is an ugly cow
Kill yourself
Wow Aki and Horikita are worst girl material. How can two heroines be so shitty?
So are you. Love yourself user.
you know user I used to think like you, until fucking Botan won the trapbowl, now I know for a fact that Maid will win.
Is it weird that I want to see Aki to have a heartbreak and suffer immensely emotionally? I often get very involved in the Anime I watch and Aki has come off as a massive fucking bitch, far beyond the point of passing off as tsundere. I want her to lose and repent being the absolutely awful person she has been
I actually want her to die in the story, I want her to die a horrible, painful death. I know how retarded this sounds, being so affected by an Anime of all things, but that's my nature
>cute as a botan
>best girl
>appear a lot more than the other girl
Maid is none of these thing.
I dropped this. It was shit.
So edgy. Also Yoshino is the cause of all this, Aki is just a victim.
>t. Horikitakifag with victim complex
I don't mean to be edgy, it's just very infuriating to me. I don't expect anyone to share my view.
>doesn't end with hate fucking
>best of anything
>discount nishitkoi
Kill yourself first, Akitard