Dragon Ball Super

Black is best boy

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SSJR is so cool...

>generic evil doppelgangers are praised unironically
The absolute state of Dragon Ball spics. You deserve your crime ridden shitholes.

oh sweetie...

Give up Goten, your SSGSSR is no match for my SSGSSGrisSSAngel


D-Dyspo sama... what are y-

Goku Black would be so hax in this tournament.

>سوبر ساياجن الوردي

get fucked

>webm of him getting shot by a farmer


Keep posting epic memes from other shitboards and we'll soon have 0 threads

>muh e-celeb
Who cares about this faggot?

Inshallah, brother.

RIP Freezas relevance, died the moment Dyspo trashed him.

Didnt Toyotaro say that he was going to surpass the anime? With the anime probably going to hiatus then it could happen.

toyo surpassed them in production, remember the manga page they showed for the new ToP arc? That was months ago

>b-b-but u6 salada arc!

>Source: my ass
E-celebs are fucking cancer.

Also "muh GoD of GoDs Freeza"

holy shit i saw that he does this exact pose in his intro in the new game.

kinda cool desu

Waifufag mass suicide when?

So are we still going to get new spoilers soon?

Freeza fans took the biggest L, followed by waifufans and Jirenfans

Black pill me on Black Krypton suit Goku

Caulifla is love
Caulifla is life
Caulifla a cute
I want to hold hands and have consensual sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
If she told me she was pregnant with my child tomorrow I would immediately take responsibility



Could only get the lineart done for tody. Oh well.

If DBS is ending, does anyone really thinks that it will have a dark ending? Either Jiren wins and wishes to revive the erased Universes or Goku wins it and has the same wish.

Freeza will go back to hell or gets hakaid for good.

Also here's the meme version someone asked for

Kitaro isn't going to replace DBS.

That's not very nice friendo.

Tomorrow or friday.

You dropped this.

I wonder if its wishful thinking because they don't want to see what a disaster concurrent anime-movie production can be.

>people whining about DBS ending

No. This is perfect. This show is shit and has dragged on long enough, the arcs really were not very memorable. This last arc is dragging until the end of March, so there's at least 12-13 episodes to go.

A break & a new show can help them massively. It helps Toyo move ahead of them so they don't continue diverging from each other, and it helps them reshuffle staff so the guy who's doing ep. 122 can animate more frequently.

Plus, actual good arcs can be thought out that don't just involve Goku and a little Vegeta. Proper usage of Gohan, Piccolo, 17, 18, and maybe even Future Trunks/Frieza would make a much better show. Maybe even change the art style to resemble old DB a little.

Anything can happen. I'm looking forward to Super ending.

The best thing would be finally getting rid of Worst Animator of all time Kitano.


>Super might be cancelled
>Even though it's in the top 5 of currently airing anime in nipland
>Even though it has the highest gross of merch sales of other franchises
It may be a possibility Super will go on hiatus which will only be good for the staff to recharge, the dub could catch up, and they can prep quality content. That doesn't mean the franchise is cancelled. It also could mean that they are moving the timeline to go past End of Z, but again the staff have already been confirmed to be creating additional episodes so there is probably another arc after the ToP.

>people thought we would have more arcs after the characters have already become GoD level

yeah we were totes gonna go after the angels, grand priest, and evil zeno guys!!!

lol, so glad Super is being replaced with a new DB show

I unironically agree. It's not that Dragon Ball is done; it's that they can revamp the show to be better. I want to see stuff like the ToP where secondary characters have their moment to shine. I just want it written competently. The worst thing would be them thinking the ratings are going down due to secondary characters being the focus and not because the ToP is just fucking dragging on.
>adventures with 18 chaperoning a rebellious Trunks, Marron and Goten when?

>so glad Super is being replaced with a new DB show
demon arc?

If DBS is ending then I only see the Poachers shit happening in the last 2 weeks of March, or they will be cucked out of the show again.

literally less than 10 people are considered God level

>Super is being replaced with a new DB show

>I'm looking forward to Super ending.
Same here


122-126 = Dealing with Dyspo, Toppo (Frieza, 17 knocked out
127-128 = First stand against Jiren (Vegeta knocked out)
128-130 = Goku vs. Jiren (Gohan/Goku knocked out to secure victory)
131 = The Wish & Grand Priest/Zeno exposition
132 = All universes merged. 17's Island defended successfully. Cast say their goodbyes. Goku goes off training with Beerus & Whis. Super ends.

Takahashi is expected to return in episode 130, so that will be climax of the ToP. The anime returns in 2019 and we will finally see Goku vs Beerus, both fighting at full power.

Fuck off retards

>tfw manga will finally catch up to the anime

Manga adaptation confirmed after super ends

>Manga adaptation confirmed after super ends

Fuck off Perucuck.

Yeah he's totally shit.

Why the fuck did Goku use the spirit bomb on Jiren? Did he just forget that it doesn't work on foes who aren't evil?


>super possibly ending soon
Super dragon ball heroes anime when?

DBS is my second favorite anime.

Oh God. Are you a time traveler?

I generally hate watching anime. DBS is the only anime I've actually tolerated watching long-term. I love OPM and I barely made it through the 12-part series.

Manga is so much more fun to explore as a medium.

What's your favorite?

Watch more anime kid

imagine a production break for the movie, then they immediately adapt the movie into the anime.

Literally the only anime I watch now that's one

I lost count at the number of times I've re-watch yu gi oh and DBZ. Watching anything else bore me anime wise

Poor Krillin, can't even compete with the saiyan kids, let alone the adults.

Otome Dori.


Kill yourself.


Would it be under a new brand or would it just be Super Season 2? The endless stream of episodes structure is totally antiquated anyway. Take a fucking year off and come back with another 26-52 episode run.

>Anime has to follow manga now


t. Vegetafag


>Tfw Best GoD's universe is finally gonna start putting a dent in Gary Stuniverse 7

Forgot the pic

>DBSfags are faggots who haven't grown out of their nostalgic gateway tier anime and don't bother to broaden their horizons
That explains the shit taste

Honesty I hope so, having seperate continuities is so annoying

Anime Clown is almost Jiren tier in not having much of a personality

Dragon Ball Z Kai or regular? Which one should I pick, guys?

Kale is for tampax commercials.

you're a degenerate monster.

>broaden their horizons
Why would I do that when everything else is shit?

Kai up until Android arc, then switch to Z so you don't miss out on Meredith McCoy.

>That explains the shit taste
Case in point
This guy

The only shit worth watching these days has only fan-service.


>watching seasonal anime
I bet you think you actual have good taste

I'm just not interestedo in anything else.

>DBSfag thinks he can talk about having taste
wew lad

Delete this.

>this shit taste

What female character would you say enjoys anal and getting their ass eaten the most?

I Honestly think Videl.

Don't mind me. Just posting Best Girl.

If it's your first time watching Dragon Ball, period, watch Z Kai (but make sure to find the Yamamoto score version of the Android and Cell arcs.)
Then go back and watch OG Dragon Ball, preferably in Japanese because the English version lacks a lot of the insert music.
GT and the movies are optional, but they're fun. (Keep in mind they both have Americanized soundtracks)
If you like it, then you could watch Japanese Z and English Z (both are VERY different experiences) just for fun, but Japanese Z will always hold a special place in my heart.