Why are dubs so bad? ive only heard maybe 5 in my entire life that are good

why are dubs so bad? ive only heard maybe 5 in my entire life that are good.

there are lots of good VAs out there doing western animation, so that isn't an excuse

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good VAs cost money
good directing costs money
Japanese sounds inherently different to english or other western languages (which is why "cute" archetype characters sound like shit in most dubs)

OP, you do realize that the original voicing is a dub as well, right?
Well, foreign VAs and studios (for anime) are simply crap.

>Amazon Prime Video has a show you want to watch (again), but only dubbed in non-Japanese.
Fuck, I mean even the disc industry realized that was a bad idea as early as in the 90s.

Because foreign cultures are not able to capture the intentions/emotions etc. of japan.
If japanese people were to dub american shows, they'd be terrible aswell.
All dubs I see are completely taken out of context

It's because you have expectations after hearing the subs of what the characters should sound like.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with dubs at all. You form opinion based on first viewings. The same exact thing happens in Japan when characters are first voiced in sound novels or visual novels are changed for anime. People complain because the character isn't as good as they were before.

And don't give me bullshit over 'they don't try as hard' or 'we have worse people to choose from' or whatever banal tripe Sup Forums has been repeating for over a decade. Simpsons was a low budget subpar animation on the Tracy Ulman show and their random voice actors taken from the streets became cultural icons.

The oh so glorious Niponese counterparts chosen for the movie were crap. These come from the glorious Niponese acting talent that's oh so very perfect and unbeatable

tl;dr Sup Forums is still retarded


fuck off kill yourselves shit thread

Highschool of the dead dub is good

Most dubs I've heard are unironically good.
I just can't stand gook voices, especially the women.

>ive only heard maybe 5 in my entire life that are good.
Which ones?

Sup Forums is dead

Not OP, but Black Lagoon has an incredibly good dub.

They just are. Even some of the ones I hear people say are great, like the Persona dubs, are complete shit.

I agree.




Because they have to match the mouthflaps, you stupid retard. Dub scripts don't have the luxury of writing natural-sounding lines, much less intoning them properly, because they have to talk at the same time the character's mouth moves. This is different from regular animation, where the characters are animated AFTER the voice tracks are recorded.

US voice over work usually doesnt happen at the same time.
They'll get one voice actor in to do his lines and then the next day his conversation parner will do his lines, next week the antagonist comes in for lines.
This way the actors cant act off each other or react to lines and instead it sounds forced and cringy.

this also plays a big part, its impossible for westerners to convey nip level of autism.

Dubs for any media from any language to any language is almost always shit because there is never enough money or effort put into it in comparison to the original voice acting.

Problem nowadays is that dubs are being shat out as fast as possible so they can be released as close to the original episodes as they can be, this rushing leaves almost no time to double check the translation of the script, any weird/stilted lines that don't really sound natural in english, as well as being unable to re-dub the lines if someone does a bad reading.

There's also the issue of basically every english dub VA sounding like they couldn't give less of a shit about putting any emotion into their delivery, as it is, in japan I imagine VA work is slightly more respected than the garbage ass way it's considered in the west, so of course the quality of the VA's is different as well.

That doesn't justify terrible voice acting.

> Because they have to match the mouthflaps

Unfortunately this is actually a problem in writing natural sounding lines since even in the original japanese, they don't really have to match mouth flaps. In a lot of anime as long as they stop talking when the mouth flaps stop, it's fine, but the actual movements don't need to match up at all unless emphasis is put on their mouths.

But for people in the west, that kind of thing carries a stigma from the old shitty english dubs of japanese movies where they did that and it looked cheesy as heck, so they can't do it, even subtly, now.

The only ones I like are:
>Cowboy Bebop (Surprise, Surprise)
>Black Lagoon
>Ghost Stories
>The Fate/Zero one is pretty good too, but Sub's still better.

Some older german dubs (NGE, GitS (redub) and SAC) are fairly good too, but new dubs are...terrifyingly bad.
Just...just watch this video:
Even if you can't speak german, it should be obvious how bad this dub is.
Or this one:
This is so bad, every german speaker would cringe hearing this.

In the end, subs are generally better, but you should still be lucky. Your dubs are not as bad as our dubs. Which is strange, since we dub pretty much everything from western countries and do that pretty well.

>there are lots of good VAs out there doing western animation

Are you a Burger?
I have never seen a good VA in an American Cartoons. All the time, ALL THE TIME the dubbed version is better in my country.

I don't know OP, these dubs look pretty good

I've been arguing for dubs for 10 years on Sup Forums. If saying so means Sup Forums is dead Sup Forums has been dead for 10 years

>I have never seen a good VA in an American Cartoons

>Simpsons Movie
>Wada Akiko as Marge
>London Boots' Atsushi as Bart
>Becky as Lisa
This cast is based.

It's impossible for westerners to act weeb and sound right doing it.
It's impossible for japs to act disney/hollywood and sound right doing it.
They are two different things character, setting, and culture-wise, voices being part of them.

Friendly reminder that Jap dubs are done before drawing
Then drawers literally count the number of syllables and then draw a certain number of frames to account for how long they talk.

And Japanese is usually very short sentences, so it's hard to fit English in the same timeslot

Ok, my bad. I have seen some good.
Seth MacFarlane, for exemple. But everyone else in his shows are bad (or worse than in my country).

And something I don't like in american cartoon is they put one person to make many characters. Why? They don't have money to pay more people? Or... there aren't many good people to hire?

Because untouched source material should always be desired with minimal changes. In this case slapping subtitles. Also, not everyone is burger or bong so changing one foreign voiceover with another translated voiceover is retarded. It's the same shit if its english, spanish, russian or czech

This is why dubs that localize/westernize the script generally sound better than shows that try to do a strict translation.

You get the quality you pay for.

Wow, 5? You HAVE REALLY hight tolerance.

Completely not accurate for Eclipse and Doki. Not mentioning about the fact that Eclipse is one of the best groups all time and Doki is basically the only good active group nowadays.

There are a few gems in a pile of shit, like , Black Lagoon, Golden Boy, and High School DxD.

Nice meme.

Watching anything but the English dub for Welcome to the NHK is a crime.

>Which is strange, since we dub pretty much everything from western countries and do that pretty well

German Lex Luthor almost fixes BvS.


Watching any dub of anything is one of 7 deadly sins and it should be punished as hard as possible.

I'd rather have a shit dub than read subs like a retard while the characters sound like 50 year old grandmas trying to sound like 14 year old boys raping 12 year old (actually 1000 year old) dragon girls voiced by teenage boys.

Then you lose meaning. You also lose a central aspect of the characters who are as defined by their -isms and speech patterns as any other aspect of their character. An ojou who doesn't say -desuwa or tsundere that doesn't say b-betsuni aren't those respective characters. As long as you're dealing with anything heavily influenced from those anime tropes (i.e., pretty much all anime), you are losing a central aspect of what defines the character as it's been developed to be a part of them.

It's okay because anything that contains shitty character tropes like that is bound to be garbage to begin with.

>Then you lose meaning

It's meaning vs intent. For comedy the intent is to say something funny and a literal translation often fails at that.

Commiefag spotted. Go away.

Brainlets won't understand this. All dubfags are brainlets, so you are wasting your time.

Pretty much all anime takes aspects of anime voice tech, which you're probably not aware of. And the ones that don't are kinda shitty, like VAs that are used for more mainstream anime films that try to emulate Japanese dramas. But English voices are still several tiers below that.

Not even talking about comedy, a lot of translations change the character based on their dialogue.

Good post

Dub is superior to sub in every way. i mean Japanese