Rank characters based on their best/strongest feats, techniques, and forms. Add more guys to the list.
Saitama(don't argue with me)
>Almost Strongest
>Fucking Strong
>Real good
All Might
Boruto and his gay friends
>Real bad
Jesus Christ (he's not real)
All girls and moeshits. Girls cannot be strong.
ITT: Anime Power Tier List
Meliodas is not stronger than Luffy. Also, one punch fags need to stop using the no limits fallacy. You're full of shit, OP.
>Girls cannot be strong.
>What is Fate?
>What is Claymore
Is OP a literal child?
Meliodas in demon form is a country buster so he fucks Luffy up big time.
Shonen MC power levels
Aladdin>Goku>Naruto>Ichigo>Saitama(for now)>Meliodas>Luffy>Deku>Boruto>Asta
>all this shonenshit
>not a single jojo
OP is clearly a faggot.
>Saitama is #1
Yes, he's underaged.
>Boruto > Asta
Borutards actually believe this
What was the biggest mistake to ever hit Sup Forums?
Allowing Sup Forums to continue to exist after it became non-anime?
Allowing shounentards to stay?
Creating endless new "containment" boards allowing cancer to fester and eventually come here?
Allowing there to be moderators who don't watch anime or even lurk Sup Forums?
The cock
Princess tutu
>Almost Strongest
>Fucking Strong
Magical girl levi-chan
Jojo, all of them
Jesus (he does exist)
>Real bad
Get a load of this newfag
Fuck you I am not a child
Asta in base is weaker than Boruto in his demon form he could probably beat the shit out of Deku without Eri hax.
Yes Aladdin in Magi can remake universes and multiverses.
>GIrls cannot be strong
I don't know who any of these people are aside from the saint saiya faggotry. Also, that chart is wrong. Those people cannot be stronger than goku and I don't see Saitama at the top. it's not even orderly how you able to tell the levels of strength?
>I dont know this character or their ability
>therefore its shit
>Goku and One Punch Man are the unquestionable strongest
Are you still in primary school?
>Yes Aladdin in Magi can remake universes and multiverses.
I know Ugo,David and Sinbad became God tier but when did Aladdin?
No I'm not shut the fuck up you retard. Have you even READ one punch Man? Besides ONE said in an interview that Saitama could destroy the universe effortlessly. Sorry you can't accept facts.
Goku is probably one of the strongest 3D characters since he shook an infinite amount of space by simply existing.
Yes goku could beat all of the characters weaker than jiren
How strong is Gil exactly? I've only seen UBW so I'd put him at around city level at best.
This really must be some preteen judging by his unwavering furor and his sub par grammar or at least have the mental capacities of one.
Yes, Saitama may destroy the universe but there are many anime characters out there than can effortlessly destroy the universe and/or change it entirely or rebuild the universe usually those with reality warping abilities.
>Strongest 3D character
What the fuck is that?
>not listing DBS characters as strongest
Garbage list
Charles V
>Strongest 3D character
>What the fuck is that?
He is talking about the live action movie.
I thought children under 13 couldnt be on Sup Forums?
Nope, that rumor about Saitama bring able to destroy a universe or having the power of the Big Bang with his punch is false. Rumors spread from leddit and OPM fans. ONE has never stated such information in interviews nor as Murata.
3D refers to the power that affects the physical plain only. Hitting infinite is basically peak 3D. The next step is higher infinities or dimensions extreme time manipulation reality warping powers or omnipotence
What self respecting anime fan would even think about DB Evo?
not as strong as medaka.
*powers up x1000 spirit bombs at the speed of light*
*teleports to your dimension *
*does a big light show killing everyone*
The strongest is actually me
Also forgetting about ErzaWinsLOL
That was a lot to say and you expect people would associate "3D" with all of that? Just say it like you just did to me from now on.
Oh come on my comment was perfectly comprehensible. Of course I know Goku isn't the strongest character in fiction. You have to be absolutely retarded to believe that.
The one who starts
>Saitama(don't argue with me)
and ends it
>Girls cannot be strong.
You need to shut the hell up for what your are saying is not funny. They only make that sound sometimes on dragon ball super. I'm sure they do it in other shows also.
Any reality warper could turn Goku into a puddle of water.
Bernkastel is the fictional manifestation of a cat that literally doesn't exist in her own universe.
Yes you are right because Saitama is the strongest. Goku is still very strong though. Probably better than the green lagann now because of his new form.
So you've watched 15 shows? Good for you.
You couldn't make a more newshit post if you tried OP
Shut up retard don't call me a damn ironic weeb just because I don't watch gay girly anime like you faggot
Even if you only watch "mature manime for mature men like me" there's still easily 100 male characters out there that blow Ultra-Instinct Goku out of the water.
show proofs
No. I'd rather actually watch anime. You too. Go watch more anime.
you are not funny retard
Stop calling me new I am not new
see this
>Rank characters based on their best/strongest feats, techniques, and forms
>Saitama in first place despite having shit feats
What did he mean by this? And I can't wait for someone to bring out the old "Saitama wins because that's the point" argument.
That applies to literally every character in every story ever created. They all win or lose because the author has decided it be so.
You are a newfag. A newfag is anyone whos been around for at most 3 years. By that time a new poster would stop trying to shove down baseless opinions down our throats with no reference or empirical evidence.
I find this chart mostly agreeable, but it's probably outdated anyway, since it makes no mention of Zeno who's a veritable multiversal level entity and therefore belongs at the top. Gemini Saga is way too high, I don't know why he's there instead of any of the Greek Gods. Beerus is way too low considering his feats and some of the characters placed above him. I could probably spot some more grievances but whatever.
>can't even follow some dude going FTL
Being able to destroy a few universes doesn't make you hot shit on the level we're talking about here.
Okay fine in 2019 I will be okay like everybody else but that doesn't mean you should call new people newfags that is mean and not welcoming
That whole list si silly, Gohan ultimate should be way lower..
It is Gohan mystic not ultimate Gohan you retard