How many oldfags are still on Sup Forums?

How many oldfags are still on Sup Forums?


Came in 2006, so just barely oldfag status.

They already moved on with their lives, killed themselves or are at smaller chans and forums.

How are we difining oldfags? I've been here since around 2008 and while I'm no newfag, I don,t consider myself an oldfag for some reason. Still been year a decade though.

A whole 10 years.

Only me.

I've been here for about 10 years now. I feel like people here actually speak their mind which makes it easier to watch with people.

I think my favourite times on here were Panty and Stocking

It also isn't easy to quit when you get a job.

>He doesn't shitpost from his job
Step up, fellow oji-san

Code Geass brought me here, it has been 10 years so I guess I just got into oldfag territory; back then Sup Forums had its share of problems too, but I felt some anime truly had the whole board united (for better or for worse).

Oldfag here. Old anime sucks

pic related

>How are we difining oldfags?
It basically lost its meaning, back in 2007 only people who were around during Sup Forums's genesis in 2003 was accepted as an oldfag, the time where only one board existed "Anime & Random".

After the captcha system and the golden account were introduced, I guess that marks the second wave of oldfags, you are only one if you are from the time were thread floodings and inumerous reposts were a thing.

- Rosen Maiden
- Lucky Star
- Suzumiya Haruhi
- Gurren Lagann
- Code Geass

All anime that turned Sup Forums into an endless shithole of 30 simultaneous threads the day an new episode aired. Those are the official oldfag anime status, if you were not around during the time at least 2 of those anime were being broadcasted, you are not an oldfag

I am a fossilfag myself but I hated that series

Good morning! We have some early morning shade here in Long Canyon. This looks like a good place to take a break and talk some anime.

Been here since two thousand and fucking two.

Teen thread.

What, you were in the Something Awlful Forum? Because moot didn't actually made Sup Forums into its own thing till 2003.

I was there for Geass R2 and Haruhi S2, and I’m pretty sure I was part of the huge newfag summer wave back then.


Still impressed by how good this show looks.
Watched it last year.

I came here in 2013, hello fellow veterans

Anime hasn’t improved visually since 2007

Not true BTW

What did you mean by this?

I think it was 2003/2004 or maybe early 2005, but never thought about this place still being around now and so didn't care enough to remember. I spent a few years away, but can tell it got worse.

2014 reporting in!

>coming here _after_ GG
i pity you

2015 here.

Summer 2004 and i still love this place no matter what

That’s so sad.

>KYASHAAN is now considered to be an oldfag anime
Damn, time flew by.

It was an anniversary project for one of Tatsunoko's most influential series, of course it would look better than the standard anime.

At least you can watch older shows and appreciate the hand drawn stuff and shading.

Seems that's lost in modern stuff. Even the high budget movie stuff... go with weird perspectives and camera movements because of 3D.

How did you guys found Sup Forums?
And why did you stay?

>didn't have a job back in 2007
>still don't

For the newfriends who were around Accelspam and Gorespam and think they were the ultimate shitposters, this here in 2007 was the superior form you guys can never experience again, the current Sup Forums system simply doesn't allow it to happen.


eh i'd say the extremes looked better in the 90's/2000's but the average is much better today than then.

My friend showed it to me in high school at around 2004-5. Stuck around for the random funny shit, discussion, and lurking around threads.

You are meant to get out of that childish habit by 25 years old, either you started Sup Forums underage or you have an infantile brain

What happened to him?

I was NEET for 3 years from 2008 to 2010. First 2 years were great because i had so much to do and i could play video games that i never finished and i had a lot of them. Last year thought started to become boring because i pretty much finished all the games and didnt really do anything but lurk here and watch anime.

Code Geass memes were being posted in anime forums, eventually that lead me, a newfag back then, here.

I just can't find a reason to leave yet, Sup Forums hasn't actually become unberable to be in yet, if anyone says 10 years ago was so much better than today they are delusional.


Genuine question for the oldfags here but why are you still here? I've only been around for 5 years and even I can tell that Sup Forums gets worse every year. In fact, I rarely pop in anymore and I even see myself never visiting anymore sometime this year.

How can some of you, who have been around during the golden days of Sup Forums, bear to continue treading this shithole?

Dead hopefuly, the time tripfags became literal celebrities on Sup Forums was the true cancer, thankfuly tripfags are mere unimportant snowflakes now.

- Lanced Jack
- Akagi
- Manly Tears
- Taiga

All cancer, so much so that moot trolled Sup Forums by replacing "anonymous" during an April Fools with a random generated "Taiga", "Lanced Jack" name in each post as if these divas were talking to each other in all threads.

>How can some of you, who have been around during the golden days of Sup Forums, bear to continue treading this shithole?
I ask myself this same question everyday, can't think of a good reason.

That was Robin Williams.

>who have been around during the golden days of Sup Forums
Golden Days had its cancer times too user, don't believe anyone who says Sup Forums around 2003 to 2007 was pure bliss.

- Thread flooding
- Thread bombing
- Insane Tripfags that puts the ones nowadays to shame
- Sup Forums's database could be easily hacked

Those cancers above are a thing of the past, this shit can't even happen with Sup Forums's current system. The only thing I recognize as truly better back then is how the whole board united when some anime catched everyone's attention, Gurren Lagann threads were magical.

Late 2005fag here. What have I done with my life?

i wonder if we will ever see the return of cozy web 1.0 culture

2008 so I'm a newfag.
can't believe it's been 10 years

Never, Sup Forums's standard behavior pretty much became a form of antagonism towards each other as the norm, with only an ocasional time where people are civil and helps each other.

- Back then:
>"Guys gimme sauce plz?"
>''user delivers!"

-Not much time later / Currently
>"Source please"
>"Lurk moar! / Google works for me"


I avoid the terrible threads, that's about it really. It's easy to tell which threads just bait shitty discussion. I mostly just lurk and discuss when I see a decent thread.

Does anyone miss nightime Sup Forums?
This board used to be so different when all the kids went to sleep.

>did i kill the female MC?
>oh no i am so sad, now we must fight

That was pretty much the only Casshern Sins thread headers, for the early episodes too, that and DEVOUR CASSHERN, after that interest in the series greatly dimished, when the last episode aired no one cared except a few.

We’re stuck in perpetual newfag status. It could be much, much worse though.

I mostly prefered nightime manga dumps, back then there was no waiting between posts so manga threads weren't devoid of life.

Yeah, could be stuck in perpetual tripfag status.

I'm almost certain he uploaded nondescript videos to his YT not too long ago but I can't even remember his channel anymore.

>It could be much, much worse though.
Yeah, like the time tripfags were much, much, MUCH more cancerous.

What does count as an oldfag?

Where to watch anime in good quality?
Haven't watched anime since 2011
Why is there no Sup Forums wiki or faq/sticky.

Because even back in "golden age" Sup Forums and Sup Forums had problems and cancer threads too

I came to Sup Forums at the start of 2011, but I've been on Sup Forums since around 2009, still I consider myself a newfag cause I haven't seen some of the more influential shows and read few manga.

I remember taking over and continuing a tripfag's dump of GYO once here and we all had a blast that night.

>What does count as an oldfag?
Complainers of the current state of affairs in any board, and mostly lurk without posting much, if at all.

Seeing what happened to some of the other boards makes any change here look minor in comparison.

Well I rarely if ever post, but I complain about nothing either.

"Your mother was a mutant cheeto!" was ten years ago, kill me.


For fuck's sake Sup Forums has barely changed if one looks at it objectively, other boards such as Sup Forums and Sup Forums have changed a lot over the years, and undeniably for the worse.

I've been NEET since 2012. You really need one or more hobbies if you're going to be NEET long term. I'm so busy with all the stuff I have to do that I hardly have time to watch more than a couple episodes of anime a day anymore.

Couldn't find Sandnigger subs so I decided to look for English subtitles since I was mildy proficient back in 2005/2006, I got my subs and found out about Sup Forums on the very same day. I liked the funposting and feeling of excitement that surrounded the place so I decided to stay, fuck me has Sup Forums become unbearable over the years.

at least this place didnt meet the fate of Sup Forums

The biggest change in Sup Forums has been a loss of elitism.
Lurk moar and flaming people for sauce requests used to be normal. Now people just accept new cancer.

You know what they say about teaching a man to fish

>unnecessary tripfagging
fuck off retards

it has become such a faint memory now of having people telling you to lurk more


I prefer cozy friends to antagonized shitflinging, unless the question is braindead retard then I'll consider helping.

I joined in 2013 at the age of 14. I had known about the site and been on it a few times before, but I didn't really understand what it was before.

I guess what initially got me into the site was hearing about Sup Forums from somewhere and edgy 14 year old me loved the reputation it had. Pretty soon after that I got really into anime and now I almost exclusively browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

But people still do that.

>casshern sins is old
Haha no way I watched that as it aired like 2, maybe 4 years ago tops

started browsing in 2013 at 14
that makes u like, 17 now? newfag

i actually started browsing last year ago and im 20

People still report and tell them to fuck off, as long as there are mods who care even a little about Sup Forums we'll be safe.

I was born at the end of 98. I am 19 now, brainlet.


I'm also from the 2008 newfag generation

what's your problem?

I was jacking it to anime girls while you were still in diapers

I was looking for places to talk about Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V with other people and one day i saw a very old ARC-V thread and discovered Sup Forums. I stayed because talking with people all over the world about things i dislike or like is too much fun. I love this place

this is what i mean, newfag

You guys are mai waifu. I'll stick with you till one of us dies.

2006 - 2009 had amazing midnight manga discussion.

I sure do man, specially the most weird and perverted cornfapper style blogs. I also miss all the ronery threads, hugh your imouto threads, plotwist story time and the list goes on

I've been on Sup Forums since the Death Note finale and DtB/TTGL aired and can honestly say the only thing that changed was the internet
also 2009 was the absolute worst year for anime in that time, no thanks to monogatari gorespam and 2011-2014 was easily the worst time to be on Sup Forums

Not true, the interest was pretty much the same throughout, just clouded out by Toradora threads multiplying like crazy. Same thing happened to One Outs and Michiko to Hatchin

>Sup Forums has barely changed
Are you blind?

>2011-2014 was easily the worst time to be on Sup Forums
I would say late 2014 until now is the worst time. Never before has the entire site been plagued by this sudden influx of retarded redditors that only want to spout Sup Forums bullshit on every board.
Everything past GG has just been making the site worse.

what if this site finally get shut down for good and the domain gets handled by top men, would any splinterchans be able to create a healthy culture?

This one is quite recent, well since 2011 everything went downhill