Let's be honest, no one over 14 should still like this piece of shit.
Let's be honest, no one over 14 should still like this piece of shit
I had a phase where I only watched 2DEEP4U anime but over the years I just got tired of being a pretentious hipster. Anime like Gurren Lagann are what I prefer now.
Someone doesn’t want to fight the power
Get a life you fucking cynic
Why don't you like it OP?
do teens even care about gurren lagann in a post-trigger world
>tfw Lagann Hen left a void in me that Kill la Kill and the current shonenshit still can't fill
I fucking loved it
Sorry that I like anime with endings.
THIS. Still looking for goofy over the top shit to match STTGL vs Anti spiral
well i am sorry but i am 28 and i love the art direction
What should they like OP?
Yes, it's hipster to like Gurren Lagaan but normies watch shit like Black Clover
haha, too bad i'm 12.
Why must we have this thread almost every week?
Guess I'm 14 then.
How do the movies compare to the series? Are they worth watching?
OP is edgy 15 year old
the fights are better and the ending is a little different but thats about it
I was actually planning to watch it again since it's been over a decade.
I've never seen someone actually mention Black Clover in real life. Even the Naruto turbo-autists have just moved on to Bort.
14 year olds know what's up
What if you start to like it when you're older than 14?
By my calculations, there was an 11% chance of this many dubs appearing in 22 posts.
But I suppose theoretical calculations don't apply with you people.
That's spiral power for you.
>The same 4 anons post this thread every day, stagnating
I guess the message of the Anti-Spirals didn't get through to you
watch diebuster and space patrol luluco.
It's an easy way to bait people.
8 years and still wear the necklace. You will never understand this animu.
People still think Kamina s a good character OP, It's one of them things that can't be changed.
Just who in the hell do you think you are posting such garbage of a thread?
Dammit. These fourteen-year olds tick me off.