Opinions on the first episode of Sora yori mo Tooi Basho?
I think the first episode is a pretty strong start.
Seems to have good direction, cast, and music too.
Opinions on the first episode of Sora yori mo Tooi Basho?
I think the first episode is a pretty strong start.
Seems to have good direction, cast, and music too.
>same director and studio as that garbage No Game No Life and Hanayamata
Dropped already.
That's actually what I found surprising was that it seemed much better than her other works. Didn't even realize it was her until after the episode.
Best anime this year.
For now.
was fairly enjoyable but will probably become boring by ep4. i mean, how the fuck are they gonna fill an entire season with a narrative this simple?
By making all of Sup Forums's crazy theories come true.
Nah, it's Moeshit.
I liked it a lot. Well directed, has a pretty original premise for a cgdct show, girls are very likable
Lots of potential to be good, we'll see how it goes
Picked the fuck up
I called it as AOTS months ago, hope it continues to deliver.
Literally nothing else has aired
So AOTY then?
Hanayamata was legit though.
Holy shit, picked up!
Not true, Overlord has aired.
So they won't get to Antarctica until the very last episode?
Everything wrong with that was the source though, even the designs and color
Considering the premise drama is inevitable either way, at least in a harsh climate it might not be full retard
Legit shit.
>Didn't even realize it was her until after the episode.
it was literally the first episode of hanayamata
Figuratively nothing else has aired
>it was literally the first episode of hanayamata
That's writing, not directing.
Good show. Terrible threads.
>yeah but what if the nazis had aliens with penguins that mindcontrol ice shoggoths?
You may be onto something there
Fucking great, none of the characters were annoying, the premise has potential, good direction too.
First show of the season always has terrible threads, It'll tail off.
It was pretty good, I'm more hyped for Yuru Camp but the style of this show and the MC are pretty nice to watch so I'm a little excited to see how it ends.
Really solid first episode that left me wanting more.
Ok faggots you've convinced me to pick it up. This better not end up like Hanayamata though
Reminder that she's pretty and her hair smells very nice. I want to have intimate contact with her
>Every thread user will reuse the same joke about the girls in this show and his "south pole"
>Yuru Camp
That's about a bunch of girls camping or there's something else?
I love it when this happens.
Really good so far.
Lovecraftian horrors as well.
How is a journey to the end of the earth in search of a missing woman a "narrative this simple"?
How many seasons and OVAs did K-On get with a narrative that boils down to "there's a bunch of girls and they drink tea together"?
enjo kosai
What? Is Nao Touyama part of the cast?
First dropped show of 2018
I like everything about it but the first episode just wasn't very interesting, nothing in it really grabbed me and made me think I definitely have to see more of this. I'll keep watching up until episode 3 at least to see if that changes though.
Will you drop it when they haven't even reached the south pole yet in episode 3?
Nah just want something interesting to be happening. Even just development of closer friendship can be interesting if done in the right way. You can have a show with little to no plot progression that is interesting quite easily so it isn't about a lack of things happening.
I loved it.
Legit shit character models. I had to drop it because of the spooky eyes.
They could make 2 cours just about stuff that happens on the ship.
God I hope she does the thing.
>first episode of Sora yori mo Tooi Basho?
I liked "cute girls doing eskimo things". I'm going to keep watching it
The most likely scenario where she'd do it would be sucking on icicles.
Assuming it's only the usual 12episodes, they'll probably end up stopping off at a few countries before getting to Antarctica.
That or we'll get flashback episodes like that shitty racing anime that just finished
>That or we'll get flashback episodes like that shitty racing anime that just finished
Don't even fucking jinx it like that. Two Car was a mistake.
The designs and color were the best thing about NGNL.
Best girl
My dick and I enjoyed it
It does have that Hanayamata feel.
What did the nips think of it?
Who cares? It's not like it'll get a second season anyway.
They're going to spend the whole season recruiting the girls and organizing the trip, not actually getting to Antarctica til the last episode, then there won't be a second season.
Antarctic Mugi.
Chances on suffering?
This. They're probably gonna make an antarctic club or some shit like that. Forget about actually going there. It's not possible.
VERY high.
Minor to moderate
I'm going to enjoy this ride.
Hopefully none existant.
user, let's go on a trip together.
who is the one on the far right and why is she so cute
>dropping shows just because their studio animated something you dislike
Imagine being this fucking petty.
I hope you'll learn to enjoy anime one day.
I knew it. Shirase wants to make an Antarctica club.
I bet they're gonna waste the whole season doing club shit instead of actually traveling to Antarctica.
Welcome to high school anime.
Pure smiles make any girl super cute.
I imagine you're just joking. If a scene like this actually got someone fapping It'd basically be impossible for them to watch anime.
She doesn't smile at all in the OP. I guess she preferred when she was alone with Mari.
They actually animated two things I dislike. Take that!
Where do you think we are?
Those designs are awful.
You're awful, they're adorable
The year barely started and we already have a frog anime?
>le giant sheet of ice meme
Do I really have to put up with you for two more episodes?
dropped if no ice by ep 3
Ice will be ep 5
Ep 2 will be recruiting the shortstack
Ep 3 will be recruiting best girl and setting off
Ep 4 will be the boat trip
She looks like some kind of medieval serf with that haircut I dunno but everytime I see her it just flashes me back to Junketsu no Maria, I think Bernards attendant maybe.
Is this a joke?
Why did they never actually show them...
It was alright.
Yuri anime of the season.
AOTY so far.
Is this what love is like?
>shiritai? :3
I thought the description was hotter than revealing them. Although you can always rely on fanart to fill in the fantasy too.
So what's her plan? I do want to know.