Who would win in a fight light yagami or lelouch vi britania lelouch cant use nightmares or help and light cant get help

who would win in a fight light yagami or lelouch vi britania lelouch cant use nightmares or help and light cant get help

who is the crosby stills and nash of anime i didnt include young because honestly fuck that guy what do you think

Light isn't actually intelligent. He just knows how to study.

probably lelouch because he's usually more than happy to sacrifice himself for his ambitions.

Kira not even willing to sacrifice half of his life is one of the main points in Death Note.

Does Light have the Death Note?


What's the scenario? Why are they fighting? I think Lelouch is more cunning.


Lelouch wants to stop kira because hes a threat to his plan

Depends on the starting conditions. Are they aware of each other? Do they start in the same room? Basically Lelouch wins the moment he sees Light and Light wins the moment he knows Lelouche's name and appearance. Victory is determined by which of those events happen first. I'd say Lelouche has bigger edge, because too few people know his actual name, so Light is more likely to only fish out Lamperouge, which wouldn't work.

well lets say they dont know of each other but they both want to find out

>Light isn't actually intelligent. He just knows how to study.
Why the fuck are you lying? He shown throughout the whole show he's intellgient and in the end the ego got the better of him. The way he calculated the situation on how he would get in contact with the death note no matter what when he erased his memories and end up making it impossible for the police to claim he was Kira is not something someone retarded would be able to think of.

The only time we are shown Lelouch's intellect is through a game of chess, fuck off

are you ignoring all of the action lelouch has done in code geass

>The only time we are shown Lelouch's intellect is through a game of chess
Or, you know, countless battles he won.

let's think of a scenario shall we
-They only know of Kira and Zero respectively (so they don't know of the names or faces just alter-egos)
-Kira is operating with Britannia so Lelouch has to bring him down before he knows the rebel leaders
-They're in the same high school but wouldn't identify each other at a glace
-L and Suzaku don't exist in this scenario but Misa and CC does

are you ignoring how he was able to manipulate a bunch of Asians to join him are you ignoring how he beat mao a guy whos geass is to read peoples minds

i agree with every thing except light and lelouch getting help

The "help" are more liabilities they can use to fight each other with.

fair point

>why the fuck are you lying
I'm not lying. He's not intelligent. He's easily manipulable. And he's constantly fucked up every single of his plans. It's why he got caught.

Only underages do "vs" battles. Go watch your anime or get a job instead of having underage discussions people in middleschool would talk about at lunch

he lost because his ego got the better of him and tell me one example of light was easily manipulated

Is Light an eleven in this scenario, does he have a good reason to claim to want to help and/or join the black knights?

I'm too intelligent to waste my time on you. Have a last (You)

I don't see why not I mean they even made him American

lets say he is an eleven but hates the black knights because zero said that kiras actions were evil

It doesn't matter what he actually feels about them, joining the organisation trying to catch him and brining it down from the inside is his MO. Since Lelouche nearly lost to Jewgi's treachery anyway I'd imagine that's Light's likely path to victory.

>He's not intelligent
Wrong. He displayed several times his intelligence over the show that you willingly want to dismiss out of being petty. The only real mistake he made besides the start was losing his edge after killing L and letting his ego affect him to the point he actually didn't consider mikami being a retard at the end when he use to do the same for Misa when he relied on Misa to tell him L's name but considered she would be dumb and forget and had another plan.

If Light was stupid he would not have gotten out of the situation in the beginning when he exposed to L where he was located.

>Light isn't actually intelligent

light dosent care about japan he only cares about becoming god of the new world and he dosent join because he still has his family in this scenario and they would be agianst joining the black knights

Ok, it would depend if Light sees Lelouch as threat to his plan. Light would most def get behind helping 11s/Black Knights. As for Lelouch he woudlnt pay attention to someone like Light unless Light himself decided to move up in the ranks to gain power. I just see them working off of each other well. But Lelouch works better with his victims under his control, not dead. Not saying if Lelouch just killed everyone on top wouldnt have been a faster method to his own personal victory but he doesnt play the game that way.


lelouch would see light as a threat because the elevens would start worshiping him and the britanian empire might summit to kira